Attached: 71AGs-QUiVL._SY550_.jpg (411x550, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

pick my cotton

Attached: i am fookin white.jpg (600x469, 69K)

>peanut butter was made by Mayan spics not niggers

White inventions

Attached: Apollo11HP-128539876.jpg (2400x2366, 1.45M)

There are no nigger inventions. Not even mud huts.

Litteraly gorrilions of dollars down the toilet

All of these are bullshit besides the traffic light.

All thanks to us

Attached: MV5BMzg2Mzg4YmUtNDdkNy00NWY1LWE3NmEtZWMwNGNlMzE5YzU3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjA5MTIzMjQ@._V1_UY1200_CR90,0,6 (630x1200, 170K)

The whole movie was absolute bullshit. There were no "hidden figures". It was a bunch of white men who put other white men on the moon. Pic related was your magical nigger.

Attached: Johnson-1.png (400x262, 161K)

Looks like nogs didn't invent the .png

Attached: Heh.jpg (1004x684, 185K)

they also invented this

Attached: pizzahutforblackpeople.jpg (720x540, 112K)

Traffic light was invented by a white man you retarded nigger, it was gas operated and was already in use by Europeans, you niggers just made it run on electricity, you havent invented shit

The only thing black people ever invented was crime and blaming everyone else for going to jail for said crimes

> X ray invented by a nigger
Boy this must be a joke dude, X ray was invented by Mr. ROENTGEN that was a white german speaking european you imbecile

Why are niggers so dumb then, and the worst race? Niggle me that?

How many of those inventions were invented in Africa?

I rest my case. If not for living in a white society that gave them plenty, they wouldn't have invented anything.

>Straightening comb

Attached: hehehohohihi.jpg (994x664, 456K)

How many of those black American inventions were made by ghetto/hoodrat thugs with no education??

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Seriously. The mailbox is the list of achievements?
>I just swept my floor and put all the cat hair into a box
>I'm a great mind.

Peanut butter has been around for thousands of years!

>still believing we went to the moon
.... hahahahahahaha. Dickhead.

None of that is true. In each case, it was either a black who basically stole the idea, or it was a black who contributed next to nothing.

Serious question, why is it so easy to tell if a woman is an sjw? Why do they all look the exact same? With the weird haircut, drawn on eyebrows and dark colored lipstick

every single thing on this list was either:
>invented by a white man
>invented by a man with a white father
>iterated upon unsuccessfully by a black man

if these people were the geniuses you wanted them to be, they'd be geniuses in Africa.

(You) didn't go to the moon matilda. But we did.
hahahahahahahahaha. Dickhead.

fuck niggers

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White people had lawn mowers long before the 19th century.

Attached: lawn-mowers.jpg (1098x806, 375K)


Attached: 1533989153430.jpg (450x370, 29K)

Niggle me this then. Why do whites need to pay for welfare when only blacks use it per capita? Why do schools in black neighborhoods do so poorly? Why do blacks in a white school still flunk out?

You stupid bigger! You couldn't even blur out Ben Franklin's name under the Almanac.


Imagine claiming inventorship of the mop. And not even for you, personally, but for your whole race.

Attached: 1541260567188.jpg (983x983, 113K)

>Whitey on the moon

I need to get me some of that plantation owner style.

Yes, I guess it was just some freak random occurrence. They weren't educated in institutions created by whites, or anything... You're welcome, by the way, crime factory.

That's bullshit too. Garrett Morgan only developed a type of hand-cranked traffic light, which never caught on.

>Straightening comb

Attached: CD13050B-5685-4CAC-A7D3-85A23168D8A9.gif (310x222, 1.73M)

Not even peanut butter faggot

Kill yourself faggot

Attached: 1563768437305.jpg (331x132, 5K)

Peanut butter was invented by a white Canadian

I'm aware that all of this is fake but do niggers really believe that they invented the fucking guitar?


none of those things were actually invented by niggers. having a nigger or two on a development team that is 99% white doesn't count. also, find something more influential to society than sliced potatoes, mailboxes or fucking leather buckets on wheels...

Attached: nigger.jpg (249x243, 8K)

Peanut butter was invented by the Aztecs. And possibly even older civilizations.

Imagine actually believing this


Cant be bothered to look if those are already covered in pic related

Attached: 1523818535558.png (1474x3755, 1.33M)

>b...but...there was this one nigger on one development team of one brand of peanut butter like 64 years ago so it counts as a nigger invention

Well you're right. Emu land did not go to the moon as far as I can tell.

There is a whole mythos surrounding george w carver. His contributions to society have been seriously overblown it's not even funny.

OP is actually a nipper

This is pathetic nigger

Peanut butter is a recipe not an invention.

i don't believe any of that for one god damned second.

If there's one thing you can trust a jew to do, it's to find ways to save money.

The peanut butter making process then.

>There are no nigger inventions. Not even mud huts.
What about hubcap theft?

Also you didn't invent potato chips as well as probably half of that short list

Niggers couldn’t even invent the wheel, so all this is bullshit. Plus
>the almanac

>African-American Inventions
>The Almanac
"Invented" long before the United States of America (and therefore, African-Americans) ever existed.

Actual Negro Inventions
1. banjo
2. kalimba

There are no other original inventions which are unique to the negro.