Why do countries with guns have more gun deaths than countries without them?

why do countries with guns have more gun deaths than countries without them?

Attached: Screenshot_20190723-151635.png (1080x1920, 615K)

Why do more people drown in the ocean than the desert?

Because in those countries they burn people they dont like with gasoline or acid instead.

>what is Brazil?

Kills quicker, less suffering, we have more compassionate criminals. Better than truck or bat


>Kamisha (((Gander)))

The article cites statistical outliers as proof of the distribution.

~35000 firearm homicides a year.

~23000 are suicides.

~8500 are black on black homicides and homicides between the criminally affiliated.
~1300 are justified homicide by police and citizens against a criminal (rape, robbery, murder, assault, etc).

~2000 are proper murders and accidents.

If you aren’t committing a crime, and aren’t criminally affiliated, the US is about as safe, from a firearms perspective, as Europe.


>~8500 are black on black homicides and homicides between the criminally affiliated.
>~2000 are proper murders and accidents.

fuck off back to Jow Forums

There is also an inverse corellation between gun rights and authoritarian governments, but no JEW or fronthole would ever talk about such a thing

INB4 Roasting Jow Forumsfags by autistic edgy 12 year old Jow Forumsacks

I don’t go to Jow Forums but those are the facts.

Dems are racist because they put their head in the sand when facing these stats.

The number one correlation to dysfunctional adult behavior is whether or not the person was raised by a single parent. It correlates stronger than socio economic status, race, religion, location, nationality. Black Americans as a demographic have the highest single parenthood statistics IN THE WORLD... approaching 80% nation wide and higher in specific communities. All because they are financially incentivized to do so because of their race. Who did that let me think. Lefty Dems in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

When black Americans had nuclear families before the handouts after civil rights their crime rate was almost in line with their % of the population.

Give that a think you utter muppet.

Oh great... we’re on pol now.

>fuck off back to Jow Forums
Yeah that's gonna be a big fucking yikes from be there bucko.

Rich nuclear family negroes still have higher rates of violence than average whites. I'm so tired of the cuckservative "its culture and mommy issues!" meme. They are inherently more violent, just because you can point to other sociological factors does not mean this isn't an issue of race.

This site is 18+

Sure. Granted. But you also understand that if all black families were nuclear, their 13% of the population would only be co tributing say 17-20% of the violent crime, not 55-65% depending on the measurement.

We would be paying less to financially incentivize their breeding habits and gobmedats and paying less for prisons.

It’s not a complete fix but damn it’s an improvement.

>than average whites
I'm pretty sure they have higher rates of violence than even poor whites.

>be white person
>nogs be nightingale in the city
>murders and wife beatings galore
Every white man buys a gun to protect himself and his family.


States with the most guns have the most Homicides in the home.

Homicides... Not murders.

Home Invaders get shot dead = homicide.

Why don't homicides go down when you ban guns?

Why do you categorize murders by the murder weapon? That seems pretty asinine.

Attached: Homicide Rate vs Gun Ownership international.png (1558x1006, 105K)

Based and lead pilled