>young white women overwhelmingly vote for open borders and socialism
>young white men don't
What caused this divide between white women and white men? Why do white women always side with the shitskins?
Young white women overwhelmingly vote for open borders and socialism
How many times a day to incels need to make threads asking rhetorical questions about women and how many times are they going to be answered by female psychology experts who have never even kissed one?
Women can not be psychoanalyzed, they can only be regulated. This is the reason they have control over you, because you assume they possess agency, which removes power from yourself. None of you are ever going to find a wife if you keep behaving like this Just say women are stupid and necessary like we've been doing for thousands of years and go drag one back to your cave.
Fucking pseuds
It's the same with brown men/women, black men/women, and Asian men/women. Women are biologically wired to get off on seeing men fight over them, so that is why they like to see uninvited foreigners into the country, so it will test the strength of their men.
Women weren't designed to have a voice in government, we foolishly gave them that right. They were designed as baby-makers, whilst the men made all of their decisions for them.
Social engineering.
Women always vote with their biological imperative in mind, which is inherently anti-civilization. Which is why they are often excluded from directly influencing how society is run.
They don’t, memeflag.
>Imagine even bothering to reply to this jewish memeflag slidethread
no thanks, schlomo. not for me
Jewish brainwashing. Women desperately cling to groups and want to belong, its their survival instinct.
Break down of the family unit. Women want a supporter, so they turned to the government. Then the realized the government was easier than dating and marriage. The rest is history.
women are like pets, have low IQ and rely on instincts, you whiteys should've kept your women in check and stopped their feminism/sufragism bullshit long ago
I asked in the other thread but I’ll ask again hre since why not. I’m bored. Is the stuff on Jow Forums real? Are white guys disliked by white girls for real in the US? I live in Britbongistan and I can’t imagine it here. We need to find out exactly what the hell is going on over there.
White women are the most sexually attractive women on Earth and so they have been taught by the Juden to be promiscuous and degenerate. This in turn creates beta mixed males who will not reproduce. Blame Reagan, LBJ, and Clinton for opening the borders.
Misplaced maternal instinct when they dont have kids early, placed onto dogs and refugees. Women are driven by feelings and easily led by propaganda.
Women are driven by biological caregiving. It's in their body and mind to nurture, feed, give, etc. They are not inclined to be protectors unless it's their own. That's why it's mostly childless women and feminists who push for open borders, socialism, etc. It's their biological tendencies being perverted and projected outward.
No it’s not, and no, they are not.
Essentially shitskins, the poor, anyone with inequalities, etc. are seen as the child they don't have.
>White women are the most sexually attractive women on Earth
>promiscuous and degenerate. This in turn creates beta mixed males..
You need to stop going by your bad small sampling you have come across in memes and meet some women IRL.
They want to be conquered by foreign men, white men have become cucked
>>young white women overwhelmingly vote for open borders and socialism
Not nearly at the rate of atheists
Women always look at themselves in the phone in those mirror selfies. LOOK AT THE FRIGGON CAMERA IN THE MIRROR
>expecting women to use their brains
There's a reason why they don't have rights in the middle east.
No they don’t. Stop being stupid.
Uh, how big are those respective groups? Get outta here with your gay graph
Women are retarded; white women are thus retarded. Also they want more guys in their countries because it boosts their own value; they also want them in because their own (white) men are fucking cucks. The women don't care that the men that they're bringing in are on average dumber and more violent, they just want their cummies and their monies and since most think they won't have kids they've got no reason to care about the mess they'll leave behind.
See. Mormons with the most white kids protect their own family. Childless women, atheists, hipster religions, all project their caregiving to others and the State becomes their daddy.
>, how big are those respective groups?
That is why I said rate
Women are not the problem
People that reject Christ are
Young white women are bluepilled thanks to feminism that gave them a feeling of entitlement and persecution. They are now in the hands of our enemy.
MGTOW is the only feasible and dignifying way to go for the modern young man.
The voting preferences of men and women are related to biology. Males are compelled to keep antagonists out and limit competition in order to protect what they have built, but females are compelled to let antagonists in so as to increase competition and breed with the victors. It is morbidly ironic that the only sex which can manufacture life has such destructive proclivities.
>so they have been taught by the Juden to be promiscuous and degenerate.
Wrong. Female sexuality is naturally like this, and once unrestrained it resurfaces. They don't need to be taught to be promiscuous, they just need men to grow weak and permit it.
>MGTOW is the only feasible and dignifying way to go for the modern young man.
>22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.
white women are the rudest and most self absorbed women on the planet and you losers feed into their ego
t.someone who has never met a black woman
You’ve never talked to a woman, let alone a white woman.
Keep on cucking for you, my dude. I'm sure they'll totally stop voting to replace you any day now.
They as a whole aren’t voting to replace anyone. There are male leftists too.
*22 y/o who findeth a wife who isn't a degenerate is a good thing, which isn't feasible these days.
>correcting God's word
enjoy hell
Women just like a surplus of males that is all. They wouldn't like immigration if they were flooded with more women.
Because women instinctively bow to the stronger more dominating man. If the white man is weak, their women will walk all over them, and side with barbarians. It’s just their nature. Probably years of getting raped and dominated by victorious invaders
>correcting God's word
Celibacy is looked highly upon in the Bible, user. Marrying a degenerate, on the other hand, will require you to cater to a cheating whore who contributes to the degeneration of society and your religion.
majority of white women voted trump which obviously ran on secured border, which also chaps hillarys 'im with her' ass, she did get the majority of poc females though
you shill faggot
you are literally wrong though. white women in america voted more for Trump. even more than white men
>Celibacy is looked highly upon in the Bible
for certain people
Changing God's word and going your own way are wicked
das rite
Sexual strategy.
stop watch cuck shit
white women are not sexually attractive. they are infertile. white whore worshippers are universally cuckolds
I dont get
is it anything wrong with the pic?
jews are geniuses at advertising aka propaganda, so they go straight for the heartstrings of women to win elections. "look at this dead mexican and his child in the rio grande! better vote dem" it is classic jew psychological manipulation. white women are essentially childlike and illogical and fall for it every time. it was a MASSIVE, CIVILIZATION-ENDING mistake to allow women to vote. it's over.
>no ring on her finger
She go a lot uglier after the kid desu
t. shitskin rejected by a white woman. Nice baboon btw.
>Jehova's Witness
Do they just not vote so the outliers that do are heavily represented?
They are suppose to stay out of politics
They think they're helping poor people that have been abused by this-or-that and usually do not realise that those are in truth just as bad as the native criminals (whom they have probably experienced getting excused with "troubled childhoods" and the like for some time anyway). Young men, in turn, usually either care much less due to being told that these things simply happen and wanting to be tough, or simply have more of a competition factor, be it for jobs, or for space, or for women (who in many countries are advantaged competition for the former two). It's not hard, just complicated.
>Go your own way and live like a monk
>Marry a whoring woman whoring woman and becoming a cuck while she continues to contribute to the degeneration of society.
Sorry man, I'd rather take the former option. I could not possibly live with and support an entitled, whoring cunt who you have a high of getting divorced from in the future.
Some people learn sooner than others. I learned from observation, you'll have to learn from experience.
Unless, of course, you aren't a young male and got married during an age where tradwomen or women simply not brainwashed by feminism weren't such a rarity.
I never changed "God's word". Nowhere in the Bible does it say that going your own way is bad. We are those certain people. We are the sane living amongst the wicked. I'm 22 RN and went MGTOW one year ago. Best decision of my life.
Not marrying does not mean you have to go your own way
>you'll have to learn from experience.
If you went to church you should have no problem finding a good woman
>I never changed "God's word"
>Picking up women from Church
>A fucking Church
>For picking up women
>In "the house of God"
Even when I went to church, it was almost entirely boomer and gen X women, and I've been to a few churches so it's not like it was just one church.
we should make it illegal for women to vote
or a latina from NY, Texas or California.
Women are the weaker sex, physically mentally and emotionally. 80%+ of brainwashing is directed towards women through "social" media Snapchat Facebook Twitter etc. By voting age they're already indoctrinated.
Totally equal representation of races
Took a while to find it.
Overall this seems to make sense but just was looking for an explanation of this part - why are women inherently anti-civilization?
Women got equal rights for literally nothing.
Women are more emotional and number considerably fewer in numbers of intellectuals.
Women vote on emotion more than anything else.
Society has been in a decline ever since.
Friendly reminder that browncel is an autistic, sexually frustrated Pajeet zoomer living in London who has been compulsively posting the same shitty racebait threads a dozen times a day for months
Every one of these comments is made by Asians and Indians who feel emasculated by white men
What to do when you're too self-aware to put on a street fight puppet show for some dumb thot?
There aren't even that many Asians on Jow Forums.
You’re right.
Unequivocally based and redpilled
all I saw there was jews forcing you to hire sub par employees, degrading the preformance of your organization, and you couldn't say shit about it because of vaginas.
In some of those stories, even the women with actual skills got booted in order to replace them with the worst humans imaginable.... safe in their "Muh Vagina Shield"
>white women
Majority of all single women vote like shit
>implying more than a tiny fraction of women will read all of that despite the truth it contains
Critical mass is almost here.
Men who do not join us get their bloodlines exterminated
Women who are not attached to a man among us will have their offspring killed
That is all, women demand to be put in their place on a societal level and that is the only answer.
Rivers of blood and a fire that consumes the west.
>Le daily woman defamation thread
Kill yourself tranny, you will never be seen as a woman. Kill yourself like your ugly peers.
>frequent posting of the same copy pasta topic
>meme flag
>pointless, divisive topic
Sage bait threads.
I give you a tip : Degeneracy .. they do everything and anything for Carbon
I once came across a great video summing up the biological imperatives of men and women and how those imperatives relate to modern society. It also focused on how our society has become unbalanced by giving too much power to women. Ironically or not, the presenter was a woman. Does this ring any bells to anyone here? I’m sure someone on Jow Forums linked it, but I haven’t been able to find it.
>1 post by this ID
But they FEEL SO BAD for brown migrants!
Most white women voted for Trump. They're not all like this. Even feminist psychopath ones are getting tired of hearing Spanish spoken in the supermarket.
They’ve been brainswashed into the same oppressed minority category as the shitskins. They didn’t even realize they got tricked into fighting against their own team. Opposed to what everything tells you nowadays, women are not very smart
>Women are biologically wired to get off on seeing men fight over them, so that is why they like to see uninvited foreigners into the country, so it will test the strength of their men.
COPE. The Jews are intentionally brainwashing women to date outside of their race, to hate their own men, celebrating interracial relationships, to not have kids,etc
Women are nurturers. Men are leaders.
Why? Because women see it as a backup plan in case Tyrone leaves. Daddy government is going to help them. Open borders because "white men are boring" and "Facebook and TV told me I would be a good person if I like these things. I will be morally superior than others for helping poor people" fake altruism. They see only short term and to their ego centric view.
The introduction of black cock is responsible. Why do you think white men of old were so obsessed with fear mongering about relationships between African brutes and white women??? You can see it in the Birth of Nation with its themes of the dangers that the hypersexualized brutish black men pose to white women if he's allowed voting power.
And you can also see it with how quick white men would react to even the most slight transgression by the african onto the white women, If a black buck dared to wink his eye at a white women, his life would end right there or be beaten close to it. They also had laws on the book to prevent it during an era where it never happened.
People have it confused, they look at this behavior and think white men were afraid of black men, NO. They were afraid of white women because they knew the nature of the white women is to be traitorous to the tribe, her autonomy must be controlled by the men of the tribe for her and the tribes safety.
Yes, they accomplished this mainly by scaring the shit out of the black buck to prevent him from even having the chance to corrupt the white women. But the inner motivation was that they didn't trust white women to not screw over the white race if given a chance. Ofcourse today white men will never do that so white women will continue to be traitorous nigger fucking whores.
And as a result, the white race will come to an end because the women of the tribe preserve the genetic source of the tribe, while the men spread, so race mixing does far more harm when its the women of the tribe that are doing it. So in point, white women's appetite for black and brown barbarian cock knows no bottom, so unless white men curtail this, the white race is over.
This, the incels on Jow Forums are shitting this board up. Go back to Jow Forums you fucking losers.
Women have a bigger case of the OOO LOOK AT ME IM A GOOD PERSON WORSHIP ME mental illness than men especially since they use it for attention.
>actually typing this out
Jfc lol
It's 50/50 tbqh, lefties are just louder.
Before bipedalism male and female primates basically acted the same only males were more violent. Then bipedalism happened which made women useless and men were just fine so men mentally progressed while women remained with a primitive chimp like emotional mind that you can easily notice in black females. The most evolved females like white women and asian women however lost their primal ferocity but still get the basic hyper emotional illogical thought process making them more like adult children rather than savage animals which are what black and abo women are.
Don't fall for the (((MGTOW))) divide and conquer propaganda.
White women were the only femaledemographic in 2016 that voted Trump. Hillary won all other female demographics. White females are the most based of all females. White women are some of the most loyal towards their own race wth some of the lowest rates of race mixing.
Kikes want to divide and conquer the white race. What better way than to drive a wedge between young white men and young white women?
>1 Post by this ID OP
>Shill slide thread
I was expecting a nigglet on the last pic, wew.