A daily reminder that Trump supporters are not real Republicans and do not reflect the views & values of the Republican...

A daily reminder that Trump supporters are not real Republicans and do not reflect the views & values of the Republican party.

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Pic is a good point. Idiot patriots and civnats don't conceive of an ideal higher than their privately owned company... I mean country.

We need more true conservatives like pic related to take back this party

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are these the same people who sat out mccains election because he wasnt "conservative enough?"
lol i could care less for such weaklings.

also romneys election

Daily reminder don’t feed the bots.

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my nigga

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A daily reminder that Republicans are not real conservatives and do not reflect the views & values of real conservatives.

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Damn straight. I am not a cuckservative.

Republicans couldn't conserve a ladies room.

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It's keep America great now faggot your image doesn't apply. Also kys


In case you missed it, the slogan for the coming election is *keep* america great.
It's already great. If you don't like it, you're a crazy progressive libtard and should fuck off somewhere else.


Fuck neocohens. Based Buchanan. This video used to be the first result for "Buchanan Hannity," but now it's buried in fluff results. Fuck Alphabet Co. (((Google)))

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This is why I once supported him. Since 1963 the NY Jews/Rockefeller/Rothschild have done irreparable harm to American conservatives. The ReBush Administration is considered, "mainstream" R.

Well, fuck that. Too bad DJT had to show his kike colors tho. I'd so support him otherwise.

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Trump has the highest approval among republicans ever. It doesn't make sense to say he doesn't reflect the values of the republican party. His values definitely align with republicans.

The fallacy in OP's meme is the phrasing "the way it is." No one that makes that argument phrases it like that. Because the state of America is different from the idea of it. That's such an important idea I'll give it it's own line.

The state of America is different from the idea of America.

A greek philosopher (I forget which one) claimed that any physical object is an imitation of the perfect idea of it. No one says America is perfect. Believing America isn't perfect isn't a reason to leave. Hating the idea of America is different. If your ideal America is fundamentally different than current America, then you don't like the idea of America. If you don't like the idea of America then then leaving is an option. Despite memes I'm certain any American Exceptionalist appreciates those that choose to leave America.

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Whites have the right of conquest to the land. Shitskins, spics, Jews and niggers don't.

Daily reminder that conservatives were controlled opposition who couldn’t conserve the woman’s bathroom let alone the country.

How about we make America white again?

Almost forgot my obligatory nigger. NIGGER!

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

as if anyone cares about the republicans or conservatives, they are useful idiots we can use to elect nationalist. Conservatives were retarded until Trump came around tbf

And so, reach the core of the problem, then. The idea of current america is trash. Pay more for less in healthcare, defense, and education to essentially welfare those workers, at the expense of everyone else. Get with the program, start making fiscally sane choices. Start cutting the rent seeking insurance companies from healthcare, cuts for the pentagon who spends money only to get rid of it so they can ask for more, start regulating against bloated administrations and yearly mandatory textbooks for classes that have stayed the same for decades. The insurance companies show private isn't always better. Pentagon shows state without oversight is terrible, education shows that free market is a trash idea. Single-payer would save 5 trillion in a decade. Defense spending is wildly out of control, and the difference between DNC and GOP is like 3%. Regulations against predatory behavior and stopping the debt trapping of the younger generation is one of the most important things we could do.

Of course, trump is not gonna do this. He does whatever the GOP wants, and they don't want to do anything like that. Not even the DNC wants to do anything, after all, the DNC "fought tooth and nail" to get republican healthcare. There's only one choice that's gonna make a fundamental difference to the idea of what america is supposed to be.

>A daily reminder that Trump supporters are not real Republicans and do not reflect the views & values of the Republican party.
I never claimed I was, republicans are assholes. I just voted for Trump because the left went full retard. I'm an independent.

The Republican party will cease to exist as a political force in about ten years.

Trump supporters are Qboomers and alt-tranies.

Attached: maga trump.jpg (387x766, 81K)

Trump was controlled opposition to turn the idea of a strong White American into a purposefully botched version of itself, to be neutered and controlled in order to stop an authentic version of it to flourish and overtake the system. Returning to nationalism didn't require an illiterate baffoon to do it, now the idea of nationalism is tainted by trump and the goals and stances of it have been completely warped. All according to plan.

And that's a good thing.

The average GOP politician is even more cucked.

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

Yeah, what were we thinking trying to bring back things like "national sovereignty" and sheeeit?

Attached: Trotskyist communist Jews behind neoconservatism libertarianism etc. Kristol.png (1551x909, 179K)

>real Republicans

Attached: True conservatism isn't about conservative values It's about virtue signaling to people wh (680x375, 17K)


I would argue that the vision represented by MAGA excludes those that we tell to leave. Those who don't like America the way it is never liked the way it was and shouldn't be a part of the way it will be.

>cuts for the pentagon who spends money only to get rid of it so they can ask for more

Kinda hard to make cuts when (((Dems))) and (((GOP elites)))) keep demanding we bomb Syria, Iran, and Russia.

Heil. Trump supporters are not republicans; we are nazis. Just like Bernie supporters are not democrats; they are communists. At least we are not lying to the world (and ourselves) about our creed.

Being a slave to Zion isn't actually conservative contrary to popular belief.

all they do is secure the last position of the left. We're all for gay marriage now for example.

>education shows that free market is a trash idea

Public schools tend to have lower graduation rates and test scores than private schools though. The problem is the state makes a mass appeal to the average pleb, instead of encouraging elites with innate talent to improve themselves. Also niggers.

Private schools that are majority white excel because nigs aren't constantly chimping in the classroom. Go to inner-city Detroit, and the public schools are a joke.

>ZOG fuckpuppet supporters
>National Socialists

Nothing will change because Trump sucks kike dick sorry senpai.

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

>MAGA button is for native citizens
GTFO button is for foreign freeloaders

Trump isn't even a real Republican and never was in the traditional sense (except maybe to further enrich the elite class). Most people who claim to be Republicans aren't real Republicans either. Now it's a complete fucking circus of white supremacists, economic nationalists, warmongers, 1% mouthpieces, etc. The Republican party hasn't been the conservative party in a very, very long time.
>b-but muh two party system just werks!
It arguably never has, and it's time for other parties to really make an impact in future elections. The US should adopt a multi-party system like they have in the western world.

The GOP is farther to the right than Trump is.

was it her turn, user?



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Do faggots from plebbit not realize that this is a ns board? No one cares nigger. We did it for the lulz and we continue to do it for the lulz. You fucking fucking rhino neo cuck.

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>America isn't a system of laws
Whatever you say OP.

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fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

Yeah, i'm fine with private education, only it needs to become a regulated market, and the loan system needs fundamental change. The system today works to drain the money of parents, and debt trap everyone who can't pay. It's fucked.

of course nigger classes nigger it up.

Yeah, the opportunity to vote for someone who doesn't appear establishment worked for trump. And when we have a candidate who has been fighting this and against nafta and tpp for 40 years, that's less chance to get disappointed again.

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

If the GOP is the Club For Growth, yes.

Nice false equivalence you have there.

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

We can smell your fear Neocon scum.

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

If 98% of the republican party died right now, we would be better off.

If 100% of the democratic party died right now, we would be conducting interstellar travel.

good. republicans are homos

Dumb fucking tweet, but I expect nothing less from this kike puppet anymore. Telling natural born citizens to leave is equivalent to telling HIMSELF to leave when obama was in charge and he was whining on twitter.

This. Especially the second one.


heard that same thing 10 years ago

>believing in the political system

Like writing in "David Duke" will make a difference.

(((Bill Kristol))) is a Jew who supported this though.

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while Icut you apart slowly ensuring that you suffering is maximized in death

>not real Republicans
Fuck the party. They ousted Ron Paul from the primary, then changed to bylaws to prevent another candidate like him from running. Then bitched and moaned when that change ended up benefiting Trump. The party and the gatekeepers within it can suck a tranny dick.

Your post is a long string of contradictions
>Government spending is Bad
>Government is wasteful and incapable of con trolling itself.
>Government oversight in defense doesn't work
>Single-payer will work, that kind of spending is GOOD
Government oversight in healthcare will work.
>I'm going to pretend education is a free market when voucher and charter systems only exist in 3 states.
>Healthcare regulations haven't worked.
>Financial industry regulations will work.

Is government inept and wasteful, or benevolent and capable? Make up your god-damned mind. Almost every ":problem" you have listed is the result of the "solutions" you're proposing.

This is not a contradiction, we want to make america great again by making it white again.
Your jewish tricks wont work here.

>Trump supporters are not real Republicans

Meanwhile in reality

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Trump supporters are kike slaves.
You want to hurt trump? You're way to low iq to do that. Just copy what we say.