Was David Icke Right?

"shape-shifting lizard-people" is a code word for "Jews"?

Attached: epstein reptilian (2).png (500x270, 222K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Jews might be an alien hybrid and a biological weapon unleashed on the human race

Attached: Ripley.jpg (1280x640, 132K)

Attached: Trump Epstein 1992 -Shapeshifting.webm (740x716, 1.51M)

He has children teeth implanted into his gums.

Here are his "normal" teeth

Attached: epstein teeth.jpg (1200x675, 96K)

No, they're Eldians, clearly.

Attached: Attack-on-Titan-image-attack-on-titan-36186269-300-168.jpg (300x168, 7K)

Attached: 839.png (1130x840, 188K)

I wonder if Kyle Odom was right

Attached: reptilian preacher.gif (444x250, 598K)


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fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

Somebody's script needs debugging.

t. reptilian

Attached: 1557126517364.jpg (300x301, 17K)

yes, it's definitely code word but don't put all Jews to one basket - there are real jews and fake jews so know the difference.

And watch this thread getting slided after what I gonna tell you now:

>be the king
>sodom and gomorrah
>tfw people are literally starting fucking themselves all around, including incest, child rapings, gangbangs and zoophillia
>genome is getting worse and worse every each year new retards are being born
>came with idea to incorporate judaism because its super-duper all in one law system and religious system so ppl gonna transcend and start behavingg well
>suddenly new generations of citizens are already too fucked in their head but now have new software
>they discovered that now they're blessed because can dedicate their behaviour to some deity and it's not only about hedonism
this is how fake jews emerged.

DYOR to check if true, but any Hasidic Jew will confirm if asked. They also hate Israel because they believe to be told by God TO NOT BEING ALLOWED TO HAVE A COUNTRY.

Attached: 67698055_101336981153489_1414522923824580935_n.jpg (666x666, 78K)

Reptillian and global elite are both just code for Jew

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

There is no such thing as humanity. You idiots haven't realized it yet.

>tfw the mario movie aged well


Attached: Sumerian martian.png (1596x985, 1.28M)

Reptilian bot?

Attached: epstein clinton trump fucked.png (862x630, 1005K)

I won't say it's aliens, but with the missing link and the mysterious way the homo sapiens appeared practically out of nowhere, it seems as if some external influence has placed us in here.

Attached: honest smile .gif (480x270, 2.81M)

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

>die die die die
user, remember this is all minecraft satire, right? those Canadian VPN's are easily traced, just saying...

Attached: Andy's Pizzeria WTF.png (746x1250, 1.07M)

do it yourself if it's so easy

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage bitch

Attached: Pirate Fag.png (900x900, 273K)

checked n kek'd

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage

>was he right

Attached: IMG_3054.gif (400x225, 2.76M)


Attached: panda.jpg (229x220, 10K)

fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly ensuring that you suffering is maximized in death

Attached: Jeffrey.jpg (1167x778, 95K)

U need to watch more of his shit.
Icke comes right out and bashes Zionist Rothschilds, shows the Jewish sects that arent part of the global cabal and names those that are.



fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly




fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers


guys what's the name of that one Jew politician who looks like the literal fucking devil and has those beady rat eyes? need to find his pic...scary man. think one of his names starts with an L? thanks

has anyone been able to determine how many rows of teeth they have?










fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers


(updated list of shills headed to death camp)

stay scared shills that i got your number, youre all dead and exposed like the deadass bitches you are, just make it more obvious that my posts expose you and you want to silence and dismiss the organized truth about shills

>inb4 leaf shill bumps in 3, 2, 1...

Attached: AIPAC Lee Rosenberg.gif (320x212, 784K)

theyre the hybrids of the reptilians

Attached: 1564019685956.jpg (200x300, 45K)

kyle odom was based

all deleted

these pics always remind me of pic related from "salo". which seems all too fitting

Attached: 266212.jpg (400x305, 19K)

Obvious photoshop, no real human being has a mouth like that.

"Shape shifting"

New York Times articles form the Ten years
Us white people have to stop having children -- "Us White People" have to let all these refugees in

Us White People need more diversity

-- On Twitter -- Proud Jew who would never marry a non Jew who has their kids in a separate Jewish day care / school and live in a charming Co-OP who would never let the wrong people move in, got their job and all they have through Jewish connection and plans to move to Israel with it''s walled border once retired---

but We need diversity.

This leaf is a shill, probably the same who made occupy democrats threads in the past. He's obviously trying to bump disinfo over the real threads, Icke is just a lunatic, there're more important threads like the island one that need visibility. Look at this shit: he keeps deleting his own replies:

i can't even photoshop this kike to look more evil. i photoshop him side by side with the original, then think "damn. the original looks more evil" looks like nature is the best photoshop artist around.

the real terrifying thing is how many of them look like this. they're the devil.

Attached: bob filner 4.jpg (940x617, 59K)

>when you spend 20 years studying the elite, bankers, globalists, masons, illuminati, reptilians, etc...just to find it was all the jews the entire time

The oldest civilization on the planet that still is in existence are lizard people. Nice try grey, I see through your lies.

It did age well user. It needs to receive more respect.

not lizards, not ayys. he's a demon. people don't explicitly believe in demons, but demons are real, and they understand them as lizards or aliens

Attached: tumblr_olqnlppZ6N1rrj10do1_r2_540.gif (540x750, 587K)

they're going crazy

Attached: oyvey.jpg (408x632, 32K)

Attached: reptilian eye.webm (360x360, 1.59M)

good god that is not a human


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other guy looks like Obama

david's a cool guy irl

he's an inbred pitcairn islander, anons also speculated that he had mouth cancer removed, like roger ebert

Jews are mostly Neanderthal. Does that mean whites are the aliens?

Caucasians are the decedents of Adam, unironically.

>External Influence

It's called God.

Is that Gislaine Maxwell behind Trump with the short black hair?

i'm right here bitch

Attached: ted_cruz.png (511x373, 416K)


Attached: Maxwell mossad.jpg (1276x714, 140K)