Does this video confirm she's alive? It looks a bit fishy to me. Possible deep fake?
Does this video confirm she's alive? It looks a bit fishy to me. Possible deep fake?
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Even your screenshot looks like a deepfake.
This is a deep fake.
wait a second you guys I'm pretty sure ginsburg is a jewish name. how did nobody notice this before??
>having to make a video and a propaganda article to prove she is alive
Keep on keeping on, leaf.
imagine the Low Energy Cuckoldery it took for op to link directly to fake news central
archive this you bloody tool of the squad
If she was undergoing cancer treatments she would have lost her hair. Calling bullshit.
timothy you forgot your schizophrenia medication again
100% a deep fake. Even an NPC could second guess this as CGI...just look at how odd this looks. (7-10 seconds). And to put it into context:
>5 seconds of video
lmao, ok.
Lmfao she looks like a gargoyle, how many dead fetuses did it take to bring her back.
does it really matter? hasn't the first guy trump put kn the supreme been voting left on shit?
wtf bump
I won't believe it until she holds up today's newspaper or shows up in person.
No she died last year, they’re running with an imposter.
oh whats that another slide thread by criminals
I analyzed it and am 99.99999999999999% sure it's a BALLS DEEP FAKE.
Looks ever so slightly off. So my question is this, why are they faking her of being alive? So they can poll people to see who believed it so when those pedo island tapes get shown they say those are also deepfakes??
Trump will pick a body to replace her. Dems are not okay with that.
I thought she was officially announced dead like a few weeks ago
Goddamn, you stupid faceblind autists always get this shit wrong.
She's alive and it's not a deepfake.
Screencap this.
I wonder how many of these pre-taped bits with different clothing she was forced to produce before she was too sick to do so.
what I want to know is, WHAT is slightly off ?
I couldn't notice anything myself...
She ded af. No one buying this shit
hold on a sec,
is an earing supposed to shake that violently from her movements?
>first 5 secs of the video
later in the video you can slightly see the other earing, and it is almost stationary, compared to the other one.
so yeah, she is dead, and this is deep fake
Just a ruse...she's alive alright but she will 'retire' just in time for the next election...much like Merrick Garland and Trump but reverse.This is the dark horse the Dems are gonna pull out of their hat to 'get out the vote' rally cry to defeat Trump, and its gonna work too.
How can you be a Supreme Court Justice from a hospital or hospice ward?
How lenient are laws require Justices to actually show-up in D.C.? What's stopping people in the future from just claiming a Justice is writing opinion essays from home, when really some NGO is behind it?
Holy shit, how could we not see this before?! Do you think there could also be jews in the United States Senate and Congress?? I think you might be on to something.
Likely this
That's some state of the art animatronics right there
I'm undergoing cancer treatment and still have my hair. The ABVD chemotherapy treatment only makes 60% of people go bald
Do you think they could be in contact with Israel? Guys this could be important!
she looks like absolute dogshit, and that's AFTER makeup and perfect camera angles. and she's gloating that a senator is dead before her. she's barely coherent and has a huge tumor on her neck.
Im a pro-Trump conservative guy and I wish that old hag dies ASAP, but I find it impossible to believe that IF she was really dead, Trump and his cabinet wouldn’t know it by now. Come on.
Since she seems fine to go out on the town...we the people demand she show up for work, she does not need to work from home, anymore.
>spread it
1. It's NPR (who have hosted Foolian Assange interviews)
2. Lots of pixelated blurring on upper right forehead (her right)
3. Purposefully shooting as little of the subject as possible (back of the head, sideshots of gremlin)
Could be fake deep
she unironically needs to tits or gtfo
Are you retarded? If she dies while republicans still control both the white house and the senate they will vote and confirm a new justice in a matter of hours. The only reason Obama didn't get Garland was because republicans held the senate.
fox news did a pic saying she died, not on my pc but an easy search should find it. when it was first suspected people here were doubting theyd be able to keep her alive till 2020 for some reason. theyre nearly there
If she's barely alive, she's running on pure bile.
And a committee is deciding how she votes.
Over half of a year of rumors, failures to show up to work, shows about her, movies about her, news coverage, and they can't get one interview. NOT ONE INTERVIEW.
THIS shit was the best they could come up with?
But hey, just remember that each republican not calling the shit out is just keeping the charade going for you.
Neither side will save you.
That’s a Jew
Damn. Those three 8s call it. Fuckin aye!
She‘s just 86? Looks more like 100 desu. No way she‘s gonna live much longer.
>shoe on head
>sharpie in pooper
There are no laws or regulations. SCOTUS appts are lifetime. But there is no rule against appointing a new Justice if an existing one is incapacitated. There are no rules on the number of Justices.
Get well soon user.
how pathetic is your control over the sheep, that you have to address every rumor and conspiracy started on Jow Forums?
fucking LOL
looks like The Rock from the Scorpion King
Cannot wait for this wretched cunt to lose her seat and her legacy. Reminder that she points to the South African Constitution as being better than the USA one, despite her job being literally to uphold and interpret the USA one. I will go further and suggest that if she is indeed alive she should be forced to denounce the recent changes to the South African Constitution or have her rulings overturned as subversive and treasonous.
"I am very much alive" is the actual CNN headline lmao.
Of course this is being written by a soiboi cuck. This is typical shortsighted feminine projection that shows their desperate urge to conceal their guilty conscience.
"Who is that guy? Why did he come over last night?"
"He's just a friend ugh I didn't sleep with him okay??"