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Tell me why you're such a sexist.

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have sneed

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Men are physically stronger than women

you can thank my feminist single mother

desu senpai i'd just turn the chair backwards so I can spread my legs and have a crotch barrier

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I want to kick the shit out of that chair.


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gender discrimination

what's to prevent men from just using the women's chair and forcing the women to use the other one?

That chair was built by a woman, I bet those side bit were glued on. Could probably get them off with my key ring.

Explain that chair

the same thing that prevents women from buying men's razors and other gender specific products.

I doubt she actually built them. There's no sponge paint or meaningful life affirmations on them.

"Live, Laugh, Love"

Since they were given civil rights, women have continuously worked to undermine western civilization.

The bones of every fucktard politician who voted to give them suffrage needs to be dug up and thrown into the sea and their descendants publicly shamed for as long as their lineage lasts


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i dont want to crush my balls.

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Chair to stop manspreading. She won a design contest even though the design takes up more space than a person manspreading.

>Die, weep and hate

Women have failed time and time again at showing me that they are trustworthy, competent or responsible. Every Girlfriend I have had has been a liar and had ulterior motives. They would drop you in a second if you don't follow their every command and bow down to them. Any girl I have spent significant time with has turned out to be completely fucking useless. They don't make good friends and they don't make good partners.

Any time I have had to work with women they have been lazy, bitchy, stupid and unreliable. I once had a boss who was a woman and even when I was doing my job right or going above, or going above and beyond, she would complain and scream at me as if I was doing fuck all. She was the worst manager I had ever encountered. Even the male managers who were arseholes knew when I was doing a good job and would leave me alone to work. They could be reasoned with. She on the other hand was absolutely beyond reason and it was the worst environment for working.

Women I have had relationships with are always vindictive and fake. Maybe I am going after the wrong women but it has happened too many times not to be a common phenomenon. They will act pure and perfect until you refuse to bend to their will then they will threaten and verbally attack you until you either leave them or give in. Anytime they fuck up and make you angry it is always your fault. You are supposed to be ultimately forgiving and submissive and if not you are labeled by their friends as crazy and manipulative. Even if the girl doesn't want to leave you her friends will make her. Threatening to abandon her if she doesn't. So she has to pick between being a loner or leaving you. Most of the time they will just leave though, because they don't give a shit about the truth or who is right or wrong. They will only do what is best for them, and to them you are replaceable. They only place value on the relationship if it benefits them.

now to get the amish to mass produce them and install them on all the subway cars. get this woman a Nobel.

>New chair, named the Trudeau

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sage kill yourself faggot

because the facts warrant it.

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>Tell me why you're such a sexist.
Because there isn't equality.

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Except most men don't care, they're smart enough to buy the cheapest one or the brand they want/like.

Women are dumb enough to pay a premium on the pink version of the "man" product, then blame it on men for them not having the sense to buy the cheaper one.

excuse me a second while I make a small campfire, ahh thsis pos chair you dont need it do you, its perfect for burning. it made all wrong like some dumb bitch designed it.

i know those feels, user

and about the manager thing, I don't think female managers are a ever a good idea.. there is just too much difference in personalities between men and women, and the difference in biopsychological

>asks for a sandwich
tell me why you're a sexist
>why can't you just make me a sandwich
I hate men, they're garbage, now tell me why you're a sexist

tell me why you hate men, OP

*spins seat around*

Pro-tip, fellas: from this point forward, don't ever engage women in an argument.

You are right. Women are terrible leaders. They are too concerned with who they like and who they don't like, and trying to figure out why they don't like you is like trying to find out why gravity keeps us on the ground. They are so devoid of reason and logic that I suspect they probably don't know themselves why they hate you. Yet we need them to continue the human race and my man brain still lights up anytime I see an attractive girl. What a shitty hand we have been dealt.

this is so retarded that it made global news, think about it