I don't really mind well behaved black, but niggers have got to go.
Nigger Hate Thread
>Imagine hating that Which you can;t be.
I honestly am glad all White Girls worship Black Cock.
While you white "men" rage post on Jow Forums with these shit tier threads.
I cum to White Abortion, and White females being raped.
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
Fuck whitey, crackers are always fucking racist. Fuck Jews too they're whitey too, fucking up our communities, with their Jewish alternative lifestyles.
What good do niggers do?
All niggers ever do is complain about whitey, complain about cops, complain, and also a lot of robbing, raping, murder, molestation and faggotry.
BUT, the second some shit goes down you niggers all call the cops. Fucking weak. Nigger fragility is real.
they all got to go. The "well-behaved" blacks enable the niggers
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
Poor bait, but I'll bite anyways, because niggers.
>I don't really mind well behaved black
stop making exceptions, the vast majority are retard level IQ they all need to go
>wat if dem niggas was actually trying to help those cops by cooling them off
These cops are dumb. Seriously dumb. Part of their job is community relations, like it or not. Blacks also suck ass, I get it. Should not be a cop if you mind dealing with blacks.
Anyways, back to the community relations.
Why not, instead of getting all redassed, and pouting about getting wet, grab a bucket, and start sloshing water back? Better yet, leave and come back with some super soakers.
Could have turned the entire story on it's head, and not look like a bunch of pussies while doing it.
Just turn the thing into a water fight, it was a hot day after all.
Cops are lower than niggers
OP is a fag as usual. We're in the position that we are today because of weak faggots like yourself. Niggers should have been mass deported back to Africa after their John Deer licenses were canceled. Both of our people would have been better off. Blacks have no business in a civilized white country.
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
I hope police in nigger areas go on strike.
You already wrote this. Go back on your meds.
You sound retarded.
Sure thing, Bob. The next headline would have been, "NYPD police being investigated for targeting urban african-americans with so-called, "water fights" "
Well, I'm trying to do the white thing and give some of the more well-behaved ones (not good ones, there are no good blacks) A chance.
Honestly, I don't want blacks to go back to Africa. I want society to break down so I can go on killing sprees. But my dream may never happen sadly.
>fucking up our communities,
You're joking right.
Forgot to add "nigger". Sorry. My bad.
Jesus, on first watch I thought that seat cover was stabbing that baby.
>I don't really mind well behaved black
its that kind of passive thinking that leads to niggers in your country
You are absolutely right. I will correct my thinking.
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
Why you no like KANGZ Nige?
Agree with this. We really do need a purge.
I am happy for you my bruddah
You're right.
Exactly. Harkening back to cops in the south water hosing civil rights protesters you dopey dumb fuck. You're fucking dumb, you dopey shit head. Is your liscense plate IMNAHOLE??
Blacks out-champion every other "human" species when it comes to deranged lunacy. Fite me, faggot.
what is going on?
Wrong. Your skin is the color of shit. Deal with it.