Asian women don't like white guys.
Don't believe anything you read about asian women here.
Asian women don't like white guys.
Don't believe anything you read about asian women here.
Denial is the first step to success friend, we must manipulate these fucking whytebois into hating themselves.
White guys are the least popular in asia.
Asian women prefer asian men.
That's a big cope, brother.
I want to believe this, but we gotta be truthful.
>In HK 70% is Interracial with WMAF
>In Japan White porn is top
>in SK they have a literal BWC church.
>In China females are restricted, but once they leave they worship BWC.
Like I said let the anger fill you.
White guys are to asian girls as Black guys are to white girls.
It's a fetish for asian girls in their 20's, along with white guys. Then they turn about 25-30, and after getting tired of all the cultural differences, Asian women and White women try to remarry back into their race.
>asian women
lol nice meme
>in asia
ok bro. Racemixing should be discouraged anyway..
It's not true at all.
Even asian women abroad feel this way.
I went to Japan and NO Nip girls liked me. Its probably because I have long hair tho
They hate white guys.
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
This is a graph, it's okay to deny it. That's a part of the process of acceptance.
nice larp bro.
So I guess you're a Pajeet if you're cuckposting both whites and Asians?
Those graphs don't mean anything
Women just hate men don't they? Looking at the highest response rate, from black women to black men, it's at a 9.3%.
That means for every 100 guys, only 9 guys get a response back? Those are terrible odds.
No asians to be seen
Lol wtf are niggers talking about, that respons rate is embarrassing.
>Those graphs don't mean anything
That's a cope, and cringe.
>Let's ignore DATA because we can't comprehend we are wrong, and we CANNOT be wrong!!!
Imagine being this much of a beta male you give our cause a bad name you fucking pussy. Kill yourself, you're not welcome in Asian Society anymore faggot.
>Let's ignore DATA that totally debunks my claim!!
No it's per thousand.
>9.3 = 930
>No Asian to be seen
>Ignores the faces
Nice cope!
True, they like med guys.
>Med = White
You still get executed.
What the fuck is wrong with Pajeets?
What is that tattoo even supposed to represent?
Could have fooled me. I live dt Toronto and can go out any weekend and pick up an Asian. It's always the last resort, but it never fails. It's almost like they are just happy you acknowledged that they exist when you're white. It's pathetic.
Yeah okay.
>it's an r/asianmasculinity thread
you know, you guys used to be far less obvious than this. what happened?
>being such a beta autist even Asian ladies reject you
What the fuck man..
No matter what any chart says in real life asian women will always reject white guys in favor for asian guys.
What a shit color scale.
t. dating Filipino
Stay mead Pacquiao
It's easy to claim anything
If you are white I invite you to try it yourself. You will be surprised.
9.3 percent of 1000 is not 930.
>plz dox yourself on Jow Forums
Nice try chang
Keep dreaming, we're not wh*te
I have and so has at least 50+ other white guys I know.
Asian women are the ultimate trash whores. They're radioactive with STDs, don't even go near them
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage