Why do white girls find tanned men so attractive and "paleness" undesirable? Woman have been brainwashed to view skin tone as the indicator of "culture". White according to most PC stooges = no culture. According to them, white people are vapid, uninteresting and dull. On the contrary however, blacks are seen as exotic, spicy, and exciting. We have actually been programmed to think like this way. I remember learning about the word "culture" and what it meant in Grade 4. All we learned about was how "rich and wonderfull" the Native Americans' culture was and how POC are great dancers. We are taught whites murdered these cultures and thus whites are damned for eternity. Where else can you guus remember being taught this propaganda? Why do white woman think this way? I have experienced it myself. When ever there wers exchange students in High School the girls would all turn cherry red and talk about how "mysterious" the visiter is. What the fuck is going on?
Guys I think the white woman brainwashing is strong
>inb4 whyteboi cope
It really is startling how much Changs and Pajeets seethe at whites that they post this shit
me mind-controlled by jews me look at girls and imagine big black cock
D&C faggot thread. kys heeb
I am suggesting that this is unnatural and a result of propaganda.
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
who cares what women think
It's been like this for decades. "Tall, Dark, and Handsome" this goes back to the first big wave of slightly different immigration, Italians. Italians, while white, were the first people to come to the US in major numbers who weren't pale, people who wouldn't sunburn easily.
This got stronger until Italians weren't dark enough after they became white. It's why the pre-eminent white woman on TV in the 1950s dated a Puerto Rican. I'm talking of course about I Love Lucy. Lucy dated Ricky, a Puerto Rican
Thus even in the 1950s a white woman with a much darker man was something idealized on TV. It's only gotten worse since then.
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
Holy fuck this isnt s slide thread. Its s genuine question anyome who denies having observed this at least once is a liarm. Im trying to trace back to the roots of this problem. Im not saying this is a naturally occuring phenomenon
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
"Who cares if my race dies out"
Stfu mongoloid
wow you're a retard. Did you even read my post? How am I a shill
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
Hapa here. Tanned to a golden brown. Was much lighter skin when younger, but living on the coasts changes that. I have 100% noticed I have biggest success with white girls, which is fine since that's what I prefer. Can confirm they all say the same thing: they like the contrast against their light skin, they're all really insecure about being "pale" or "bland", and I have to assure them that I 100% like it. And they all have the same idea of white men being pale and dull, and especially blonde men as being weak. I don't even know why, as I get along best with my white friends, and we have a lot of similar interests, so I don't get it.
The reason is evolution itself. Men have grown to be naturally attracted to white women because white women were women who didn't work the fields, who were inside the house most of the time which means they were rich and therefore more desirable if you want to be able to afford a massive lineage. With men it's the other way around, a man is supposed to provide for his family therefore he's out working the fields overseeing his workers and getting hit by the sun day in and day out. A successful healthy man who makes the ladies moist needs to have at least a slight tan otherwise he looks undesirable for only a sickly weak man would stay at home 24/7 without getting any sun.
paleness is a sign of weakness, sedentarism and lack of physical prowess. Work out and get a tan and stop being such a lady, you pasty faggot.
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, slide and sage
This one’s not about race. Tans are a status symbol in 2019. Pale skin used to be a status symbol because it signaled that you were wealthy enough to not spend time working outdoors. Now most worker drones are stuck in cubicles, so only the wealthy/high-status have time to tan. /thread
A white man and an immigrant can work the same job and the white man wont tan. You're entire argument suggests white people dont provide for their families when it is indeed the niggers and shitskins that breed like rats and have many bastard children. Its a matter of evolution? Well white people and niggwrs exist on two entirely different evolutionary planes with whites being the creators of civilization and the inventors of technology. Its not a of evolution at all, because evolution progresses and increases the qualities of the species. Miscegination with nigs does the opposite.