Listening to this dude on Joe Rogan rn and hes smart as fuck, and black. How is this possible?
Listening to this dude on Joe Rogan rn and hes smart as fuck, and black. How is this possible?
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he's a smart nigga fo sho.. shit brotha im finna go read some chekov later as per brotha west's recommendation
He's not smart, if a white man spoke like him everyone would think he was a total retard.
oh shit, he really went on JRE?
Must have been a disaster. I like Joe, but he's way too dumb for West. Did he embarrass himself?
> actually listens to Roe Jogan.
Any brainlet who watches Joe Rogan would find his guests intelligent.
That's ol' Big Geoffrey! He's a black brothuh who READS BOOKS
i wonder who could be behind this post...
>smart as fuck
No he isn't. Everything he says is a packaged talking point. He's never once expressed or had an original idea.
Hes a Fucking RETARD. nice try shill.
cornell west is the definition of a pseud
Top of the Bell Curve
Why are you surprised? Pol is the most Pro-Black board on in internet. We know black people are the smartest at many things.
>We know black people are the smartest at many things.
After Jews
exception to the rule. There's also dumb Asians.
Joe Rogan isn't black dude
First of all, he's one in a million.
Secondly, he would NOT stand out in any way, and would likely be seen as well below average, if he was just another white professor.
Now, if you really want to see a genius-level black guy, you could look up Thomas Sowell, or before that, you could read the autobiography of Frederick Douglas.
White people.
This. OP finds it impressive in the same way that people are impressed by a gorilla using sign language.
This. His IQ is no higher than Rogan’s, but that makes him genius tier and PhD caliber because of how rare a nigger with a 121 IQ is.
I saw this nigger in the airport bixnooding it up on his cell phone. I could not understand anything he said. He's dumber than shit.
Only smart nigga is Thomas Sowell.
Does no one on Jow Forums understand distributions?
> he's smart as fuck...
only negroes believe this. the guy is an idiot.
he (like all negroes) endlessly uses poor grammar, and uses words which he simply does not understand in a vain attempt to appear intelligent
he once declared that "negro" comes form "the word negromonmist, which means practitioner of the dark arts"
seriously, NEGRONOMIST!
this gap toothed fool has an IQ roughly the same as a pair of old nikes hanging from a telephone wire.
>Any brainlet who watches Joe Rogan would find his guests intelligent.
So Elon Musk is a unintelligent? Hello Dunning Kruger my old friieeeeeend.
He lighskeened. Sage nukka.
>Cornell West
We're memeing right?
if this guy is smart than candace owens is einstein
Because race doesn't determine intelligence you retarded fuck.
Keked. And yet so true
Not smart enough to consult a dentist, apparently.
Honestly he doesn’t seem very intelligent to me.
He just plays on emotion more like a preacher.
He’s a race hustler.
it's either the best post or worst post with you leafs
best post in this case
That's just cultural bias. African American vernacular do not make someone stupid or smarter.
You're doing God's work Greek Bro, keep appearing in threads
>Listening to Joe Rogan
>Thinks a Nigger is Smart
Joe Rogan is for smoothbrains and brainlets. Now go watch a Marvel movie, you filthy normie.
Everything that asshole says is informed by the color of his skin. His mind is garbage.
>Shuckin n jivin for 3 hours
OK pal
have you ever heard of a 'normal distribution' ? in normally distributed data, which cognitive abilities are, most data points will center around the average and the far left and far right tails will have fewer data points
blacks may be dumb as shit on average, but there will still be some sharp fucking negroes. this isnt news to anyone on here
>How is this possible?
A doorknob could come out looking smart on the Toe Rogan Show
Rhetoric is not for obfuscation or appeals to emotion where academics are concerned.
Rhetoric should consider the audience to whom it is directed.
cornel west is a fucking communist
1000x more original ideas than anyone on this shit board
Agreed. Just like Thomas Sowell, the king of muh based niggers.
He isn't that bright. His speech patterns are literally the height of his intelligence. He has been on the losing side of nearly every debate I've seen him on.
People conflate 'slick delivery' with 'omg IQ points' when actually the slick delivery has a lot of false equivalencies and plain drivel. That's why Ben Shapiro impresses dopes, he offers them certainty and the feeling of winning because they are anxious losers. They will look past any amount of bad ethics, bad logic and insincerity to keep getting that hit of "Ben DESTROYS..."
It's called a bell curve user, there are a few that don't chimp out
cornhole west is a filthy nigger
While I don't think he is that smart there are plenty of smart blacks. That's how a distribution works.
The bar is set so low for these monkeys.
If they can speak proper English, they’re a genius.
Cornel West is a Bernie Bro.
Monkey see....
Didn't see Greek Bros flag on first post and was confused for a second. Keep it up malaka
Blacks aren't necessarily savage niggers, there are also black educated gentlemen. Sadly it's not the majority.
He's at the apex for them, him and like 3 others. That's it.
I work with a black networking engineer, who is hyper intelligent. Perhaps a little autistic. They are out there, but we wouldent exactly be having this conversation if this was the norm now would we?
I met Cornell West in 2013 at a 9/11 truth rally outside the Whitehouse. That motha brotha is cool with me. I met him, ama.
I know he was lock him up when it came to Bush, but we were all hopeful about Obama. I mean, thats why we were there, Obama came in on a sunbeam, and his presidency was a kind of renaissance of a sort. Its certainly soured in alot of ways, so I as a straight white male, was perhaps a little more sensitive to when Obama started committing crimes once people started really waking up in like 2015.
but yeah, ama about cornell west
very chill dude, based and redpilled
The problem is Africa's borders. Ill welcome a warlord who rises up and starts changing the borders in Africa. THAT will get the world's attention. When those artificial borders on the map start changing, and EVERYONE has to change their maps. It would take alot of guts.
Instead we have Obummer. Used a HAARP on Haiti, beggared haitians for the white pity bux. Killed Qadafi just before the release of the panafrican currency. he was about to turn the sahara green with water pipelines.
We need black Hitler.
>the kampf is real
This guy has never expressed a coherent thought in his life. Its pure nigger jibba jabba.
Smart dude, I hope to hear more from him
he just breadpilled rogan
White admixture
your low bar says more about you than his intelligence
>perpetuates the "blacks are victims" narrative
you're a nigger
How can this guy talk his talk but disregard the obvious jewish over-representation in the wealthy?