#MeToo liar exposed, after ruining the guy's life

#MeToo liar exposed for false rape accusations that destroy a man's life. This is how she responds to his video filled with proof that he's innocent youtube.com/watch?v=3wgOFa4A0UM

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link to her response: her response to it: twitter.com/April13Dawn/status/1153363331077427200

Video is worth watching. This shit needs to stop

this skank needs her head cut off

Yup. Im starting to think those mudslimes might have the proper way to handle those cunts...

>at the end of the day
Honestly if we just killed everyone who says this pointless cliche the world would probably rise several tens of IQ points.

never shit where you eat
I dont care how big her tits are, I dont care how juicy her pussy is or how thicc that booty

>my truth

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fuck off with youtube shit, kys

When this war goes hot all men from our people who are not with us get their children exterminated

women, not even once

What an insane gender, why do these things(women) have human rights again?

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The responses in that twitter feed are pretty funny.
Even people who said they 'initially believed her'------are now saying she belongs in jail

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When shit like this happens there should be a law forcing every single media apparatus to dedicate a certain amount of time daily exposing the truth in order to help the victim's reputation and name to be cleaned. Hell, the media should volunteer to do it. If we can get all the media to not shut up about Star wars I think we can get them to help a fellow man in need.

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and This

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that and "I know my truth"

fucking perfect

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I like this idea very much

Best response so far

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What a disgusting bitch. Taking the high road or attempting to after all that.
>Defending women
Literally making it harder to trust real victims.

This will always be a narrative for them

"It opens dialogue"


So one of the few non Jewish metoo is confirmed fake. Haha.

How...........metaphysically poetic

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>real victims

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>April "Dawn"
>April O'Donnell

Why do SJWs use such stupid pseudonyms? It's almost like they secretly know all the shit they spew online can come back to bite them so they hide behind stupid porn star names.

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The truth line. “HER” truth. Notice that’s different than Truth with capital T. What a scumbag she is

I thought the exact same thing when "A Rape on Campus" the biggest news story of 2014 vanished into thin air because the rape never happened.

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>because at the end of the day I know my truth.
>My truth

What's the summary of the video? It's too long.

Because every chick has a jealous bitch girlfriend who "heard her new bf raped or abused this other girl one time and hes just no good, you should just stay away from him"

A broken clock is right twice a day. Nothing is all good or all bad. Islam may be awful and cause societal decay on a horrific scale, but it IS right about women. Oh wait, the bible says almost the same things, but Christians pick and choose like it's a buffet table and ignore the parts they don't like.

>April O'Donnell

This is the name that should be going around.
Her real name.


>Guy cheated on his wife.
>Was falsely accused of rape.
>Has tons of emails and texts proving he's innocent.
>But too late, lol, the damage is done and no one is going to punish April O'Donnell

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“At this time” makes me seethe

>legal system won't punish her for
>betacuck nerds too flaccid to avenge their own honor
And so nothing changes.

It's not too late to put April O'Donnell in prison.
Keep sharing the video so more people are aware of this evil bitch. Media will be forced to cover it.
And that's when the good shit happens.

psychopath logic

>Media will be forced to cover it.
the media ignores whatever doesn't fit (((the narrative.)))


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I'm just trying to be hopeful

In the world we've built, wicked fucks like April O'Donnell should be punished to the full extent of the law

>45 days


>Literally making it harder to trust real victims.

If feminists truly believed in protecting women they would all be tearing April O'Donnell apart right now

Sadly I've many variations of this scenario happen.
IME around 40+% of the time the 'jealous chick-friend' is a big fat emotionally needy ditch-pig whom no one but a nigger would fuck

How about slander ?

I'm thinkin' slander might be what fucks this bitch

I sat on jury duty through a rape case. The TL;DR was the guy spent 2 weeks in jail cause he couldn’t post bail and lost his job due to excessive absence. All because the cunt got caught cheating on her bf with said “rapist” by her roommate. Her bf found out and wanted to end the relationship. When she called the cops and the alleged rapist got arrested her retard bf became the supportive cuck.

Mind you, the cops had no physical evidence, no evidence of rape. Yet they still ruined this man’s life. There were 2 white roasties in the jury, which they were convinced the guy raped this cunt. 1 beta faggot agreed with them. I was completely against it, so was a based black lady. Finally we got the other retards to change their minds.

It baffles me how easily this man could’ve ended up in prison for absolutely nothing.

Thank you for being there on the jury to help set things right.
MOST people do everything possible to get out of Jury-Duty.
So there were 3 women 9 men on the jury?

Just hope the accused actually press charges now. If he lets this one slide without fighting back more bitches are just gonna keep on doing this without fear of consequences.

I have the same karmic outlook towards women who get abortions. Their dead baby is waiting for them in Hell.

6 person jury 2 guys, 1 black lady, 2 college aged roasties

I mean 3 guys me included

You just might be right


This shit makes me fucking sick. Hopefully he sues her for Slander

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>why do these things(women) have human rights again?

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are u an incel?

unfuckable roastie slag

Why? No court will even hear that suit, I think they would even stop the paperwork from being. There are no criminal or civil penalties that will be ever levied against a woman in any of these cases. I'm the only justice this guy is going to get is whatever he takes himself.

Nope, happily married. I just stand up for what's right when I can. How about you?

Well doesn't she actually work for Screen Junkies now? The company the guy she accused founded? She should be banned from working in the industry at the very least

She should be legitimately raped as punishment for this shit

So 1/2 of you managed to sway to 2 Ho's & the Beta-cuck?

9/10 meetoos are bullshit.

Very few men, besides niggers obviously, are going to straight up rape or even sexually assault a woman. Especially the low t modern man.

Most of them were just jews and beta males acting weird and a bit creepy or manipulative at worst.

Idk, I've never heard of this case or these people. Its a universal rule, though, women are never held to account.

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>my truth

>cause societal decay
on what planet is that true. their society has been the same for 1200 years. go get a fucking dictionary and look up the word decay, the get a history book and read about the last 200 years of any country in the west. fuggaddahere.

>my truth
I sperg every time I hear this bullshit

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And let's not forget about this piece of shit who helped April O'Donnell spread every evil lie:

That's Andy's ex-friend who she started dating afterwards.

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her "moving on" tweet means she hopes other people will move on from this and leave her alone, because she's afraid the real truth very much differs from "her truth". April O'Donnell is a fuckin' psychopath.

This dumb faggot doesn't have to apologize to us for flirting while married, that's between him and his wife.

As for the false prophet cunt, there should be a 10yr minimum jail sentence for lying about sexual assault.

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I agree with everything you have just said.

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That should be the rule.

Falsely accuse a man and he should be allowed to publicly rape you. Fair is fair.

I would have loved to have seen Congress order Brett Kavanaugh to rape Blasey-Ford right their live on TV.

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45 days in jail...

Seems like the UK is the only place where these false accusers receive actual justice

I don't imagine people who would ever use the words "my truth" have any notion of there being an objective truth in the first place

This is some cringe cope.

Women get off scot free for this shit.

It's YOU who should extract that 'dark machination'

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