Praise this king

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Tips on going from no chin to jaw like that guy?

Facial hair

He still doesnt have one, its just a beard illusion. That's what beards are for.

that whole thread is pretty degenerate desu.

there was some good ones in there though

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He doesn't have a jaw. Jaw is part genetic, part not being a fatty.

What a chad.

He doesn't have a jaw, he has a beard

Lol he grew a beard to hide his lack of jaw

Chinlets are a sad sad group of men

based chad

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Thoughts on bugchasers/spreaders?

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>supposedly practicing catholic
>still attention whores on Twitter
Why are they like this

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i literally hate mtf trans that have that retarded haircut and that absolutely alien face

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BUT, there is still hope

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proof that it is a virus

Ugh wtf

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You sound like a vain woman

Its Abi from NCIS

>all things unholy
It's just lipstick and she's making kind of a weird slutty face?


Why are men on Jow Forums like teenage girls?

>ugly incel trying to be edgy
Big cringe

the first picture is 16, so he wasnt fully developed in the bones, also his head was in a weird retracted position, also he has a beard now

all makeup is from the spirit of Jezebel, silly heathen: it is for idolatrous whores; anyway she was probably a degenerate pagan/satanist, but she is more probably than not still a very lukewarm modernist thot that knows almost nothing about sts/drs/christendom

why are steroids legal for degenerates

Pretty based. And he is taking the time to destroy the triggered thots comments. Good stuff.

>roasties feeling that savage butthurt
>got nothing so they attack his facial features
>lashing out in anger by using the new hot buzzword sweeping the globe

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because anons are all kinds of people including degenerate trannies, sodomites in general, and homos of every kind; it is impossible that that leaf is a "man" in the classical sense, might be a male

I hate white people

From this

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To this

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Why is she wearing two t-shirts?

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>current day still Catholic
what a catch. She still looks wonderful too, a lot of bitches who are in their mid 20s look 10 years older than her.

to cover her bobs

Holy shit this is like that old BR account (before college, after college), except this time the content is self-provided. We truly have gone beyond the threshold

That twitter thread is absolute proof that degenerate leftists wouldn't last a week on Twitter if it was as moderated as Jow Forums is.

They cannot win in a freer platform.

All Democrats
Need them to infect minorities now so the infestation is complete and they will die in one generation

>Passable as a hambeast
Still better than 90% of trannies.

What a faggy girl lol

This completely normal, average looking woman is the most beautiful person ITT so far. That says a lot.

To hide her weird bound breasts and chubby beta male body.

your opinion is worthless little sodomite, of all degenerate subhuman scum posted up you pick on the one of few transformations with a net positive

would have wife'd

thats incredible how ageless she looks

Degeneracy takes a heavy toll on the body. There's a reason you see drug addicts and busted up whores that aren't even 30 year and already look 40.

There literally is nothing wrong with THOTs

>when you listen to eminem a little too much

Why do these people hate themselves so much? What went wrong?

Kinda what I was thinking. Literally how much fucking juice did that shit take? I would be an absolute monster if I shot a 5th of that.


basically an antes e depois da federal post

>embraced my butch

looks more like stopped trying to be appealing at all lmao

Heheheheh, oh kek I am laffin' now.

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>Discovering I could fill my eyebrows changed my life.
Wew what a journey! That student debt was worth it

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