Governor Ricard Roselló will adress the nation soon, most likely at 9 PM (currently 8:34 pm). The protesters are demanding his resignation over:

1. Corruption
2. Blackmail
3. Mishandling of Hurricane Maria Funds (14 Billion)
4. Incompetence
5. Leaked chat insulting everyone and our 4,645 fallen boricuas

12 straight days of protests, 99% peaceful. This may change tonight however:
Heavy police presence with riot equipment and deadly weaponry
I predict he wont resign, causing a deadly riot

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Other urls found in this thread:


kek pic saved

I sincerely hope there is a very deadly riot.


Police Brutality

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Translation: spic

False Flag

Cops lighting up fireworks to have an excuse to tear gas everyone

Sloppy Job

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What do you think about this image?

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Or this

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>people who are clearly on the protesters side in the background with cameras.
Why not use a smart phone to record? It is far cheaper than maintaining a news-quality camera and can upload to the internet quickly. I swear if historians in the future write about the ineffectiveness of protests in the information age they better put the main cause as protesters refusing to actually use the technology they have and relied instead on tactics from the 1960's which everyone knows don't work if the government doesn't give a shit

It's funny how people wanted to blame Trump for Puerto Rico being fucked up months ago, also funny how none of those people were Puerto Rican for the most part. Every Rican I know will tell you their government is a corrupt waste of shit.

>Governor Ricard Roselló (R)

I have no hope. Him resigning will just mean the faggot cunts on the island will instead vote for the PPD instead, changing fucking nothing and just putting a different set of thieves in charge like they have since forever.

You can't end corruption in Puerto Rico's government unless you pull the fags responsible for it from the roots, and remove them from all forms of power and authority. You think Rosello is the endgame of all the corruption? There's tons more like him in the shadows. This is the exact same thing that would happen in the US. If Trump got impeached on his first few months of presidency, they'd put some other pedophile cultist/occult jew-lover in charge like they have for decades now. "Peaceful protest" can only get you so far.

For both the US and for Puerto Rico, some heads need to fucking roll and some blood needs to be shed by the true criminals responsible for the true collapse of both of these societies. Ricky got outted because he couldn't buy his people entirely, so they leaked his chat screenshots that revealed how he truly is and what he truly did. This is not going to be the case for everyone else from now on, and it certainly won't mean the end of corruption at all.

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>inb4 congress votes in Puerto Rico as the 51st state to curb corruption.

It will be in fucking Spanish with no translation but with a sign language person. Fuck dems



>t. I have friends who worked on cases involving gov officials in PR. Most of the corruption got washed away in the hurricane.

Few PRicans blamed trump

Everyone knew it was mostly the corrupt government

why is PR getting all pissy? All i see on facebook was that their Governor was being "mean to the gays" or some stupid bullshit

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Stop trying to hype things lol. Nothing is happening

The protests were gonna happen eventually. Leaked msgs (and no it was barely any gay trash talk) were the tipping point

what didd the msgs say Toiletpaperanon?

Btw, the peasants are dancing reggaeton in front of the Cathedral. So Ricky was right about this shithole.

No era a las 5pm? Pendejo ese mano.

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it's a combination of damming things. First of all it was the revealed truth that essentially Trump was right and that the PR government was pocketing the hurricane relief money and refusing to sent out aid. FBI are coming down hard on PR and some officials have already been put on notice. Another fact is that emails leaked revealed that basically the PR government is basically a bunch of high school mean girls with them calling each other 'cunt' or 'faggot' and such.

All in all it is a massive shitshow

>Fomenting unrest in Puerto
>People say fuck this I'm headed to Florida
>Vote Dem flip Florida

It's the fucking Democrats isn't it?
Pic semirelated

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Why can't shitskins handle democratic governance?

Oh no. AOC must be so upset

oye mami, ya tu sabe aqui



It's 20:53 link to the stream?

Dame por favor

So, what's the best road here?

Based, I hope some retarded commies die

Heres a couple:

Calling the San Juan Mayor a whore

"I am salivating to shoot her"

"Either that, or she's a tremendous HP," he said, using the Spanish acronym for "son/daughter of a bitch."

"Ricky Martin is such a male chauvinist that he f---- men because women don't measure up. Pure patriarchy."

"Now that we are on the subject, don't we have some cadavers to feed our crows?" (Hurricane victims)

kek and saved

www wapa tv/envivo


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>www wapa tv/envivo

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Theyre saying he isn't resigning anymore what


Who knew it was going to be this easy to get rid of all the retards at the same time?


Can we eject these niggers out of territory status?


bad ass as fuck

Nothing yet

i'll keep u updated


But theres rumors hes not resigning

so riot 99%

Nigga has been stalling all day, all those people gathered there to celebrate his resignment, if he doesn't resign it will turn into a riot, boy I can't FUCKING wait.

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All my 3 Puerto Rican acquaintances said he didn’t resign, is this confirmed or just speculation right now


Nothing will happen.
Spics just lack the avilibity to revolt

This shit is great! Is there a collection of all of it? English or spanish, or preferably both..

I'm trying to culturally enrich myself by being a bilingual cabron

And shit like this:
>"Ricky Martin is such a male chauvinist that he f---- men because women don't measure up. Pure patriarchy."
will be great if I ever decide to disrupt the local MECHA/La Raza maricon/transexual meeting.

Its the juice

Also, added to the list of thing's I'd never see:
>Ricky Martin demands the Govenor of Puerto Rico resign.

They revolt ALL THE FUCKING TIME. They just install a new corrupt generaisimo to replace the old one.

imagine giving these people 14 billion dollars and thinking they'd use it responsibly
in what reality do the retards who decide to do this live in?

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Ironically enough. We know people are dying to paint us as savages.
Yet whites and blacks riot over shit like football games

Spic usually just means a Spanish speaker. So I mi caudillo Francisco Franco would like to dispute this claim

Joputa todavia no dice nada

This new Total War game looks kinda iffy.

Aparentemente engaño a los legisladores con que iba a renunciar. Yo espero que Ricky se los lleve a todos con el. En 2020 hare patria y ni Ramon Luis recibira mi voto. PNP me la rasca

>They revolt ALL THE FUCKING TIME. They just install a new corrupt generaisimo to replace the old one.
Normally, he does it himself not the people.
If he doesn't resign now, he will never do it. just look at current venezuela.
Spics = Anyone below Texas except Brazil

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Riot when

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Hola panitas, statehood when?

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Shut up, pizza nigger.

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Joputa Rosello esta troliando a to el mundo. Debe estar riendose a carcajadas mirando a los mamabichos sin presendentes frente a Fotaleza nignogin


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The vegetarian diet of the natives of this land cucked us the moment Asspain race mixed.
Always waiting for a savior, but never saving us ourselves

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Three big protest happenings right now are: >Puerto Rico
>France yellow vests
>Hong Kong
Hong Kong looks the most promising. Macron in France is just ignoring the protests and I think the Puerto Rico government will do the same.

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but you do have nigger blood

I hope that my friend in puerto rico is ok
Besides that

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Lol no. Does the puerto rican flag fly higher than the US one?

Attached: American-and-Puerto-Rico-Flag.jpg (426x282, 11K)

No, they fly at the same height.

y pastillaroja


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>Mishandling of Hurricane Maria Funds (14 Billion)

If you've ever wondered why the dems kvetched so much about maria and pretended like trump did nothing, this is why. One of the oldest dem tricks in the book is to inflate disaster funds and then get kickbacks from corrupt local governments. Most of those funds never go to citizens

murrica stopped being a nation when we gave "citizenship" to shitskins

they obviously lurk on Jow Forums

Your streets kind of remind me of disneyland, just with fewer Hispanics

Trump lied tho. We never saw half of the funds

Mano quería recortarme mañana. Las calles van a estar jodías en el area metro, verdad?

theres a cnn article on it


Solo en hato rey

I agree with you user, I just wanted to insult you out of love, nothing personell.

LMAO as if nigger ricans need an excuse to fuck their shit island up any more, this whole entire thing is an excuse to party and call off work. Even if he resigns, what then? Who is going to take over? It's going to be absolutely no different,just another figurehead and in this case this moron has to take the blame but ultimately Ricky will not be arrested, he will live out his life of luxury essentially unaffected by this entire fiasco.

Kbron recortate el viernes como todo mundo hace. Si eres mas inteligente t recortas el jueves y asi esquivas los q se recortan viernes pero como eres bruto

The (((politicians) pocketed it all dummy

I think we all know it’s symbolic, his replacement will be just as bad but he’s a faggot and he needs to go.

Cómprate una máquina y te recortas en la casa de gratis

Kbron los barberos comen kbron

En la milla de oro, y lo mejor que yo hize fue aprender a recortarme yo mismo.

Checked and.this.

english, dude. we don't speak spicanese.

Oh fug, those digits