What's the biggest Redpill you can give me?

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You're a slide thread. Boom! Howabout that for a redpill?

Deutsche bank is losing billions because of Epstien

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Human consciousness causes the past to exist. The past is an effect not a cause.

This. You are your memories. Read the first 6 Dune books. If your "memories" change, you change. Our memories are being changed.

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pretty big since your obese throat is wide from constantly pounding burgers
also nothing matters

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You prolly know this shit though

Ever been to the petrified forest in Arizona?
None of the petrified wood sticks out of the ground like that, there are no "stumps." And the erosion that causes it makes the soil all around it the consistency of a fine powder. You can run around that whole place barefoot.



Most people are good. There’s your red pill kemosabe.

Vampires and literal demons walk the earth

That british are

google mel gibson

The first red pill is that god is a mushroom

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no they are not, they are selfish. If they were good then all gibs would be voluntary not mandatory.

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God exists!

The jew shit posted here does not reflect reality. It's a narrative perpetuated by people who are extremely closeted and have deep seated insecurities.

What narrative bro?
It's about the little details you notice there's some kind of agenda. I mean, it's kind of curious how some news outlets didnt say shit about Epstein. By the other part, 109 countries.
Not to be antisemitic, but pedophiles are fucking disgusting.

Based nonwhite


>Biggest financial institutions
>90+% of the media
>Jewish last name on almost every anti-white, abortion or feminism. And guaranteed to be pioneer of the movement
>never been kicked out of countries before
>nothing to do with the bolshevik revolution

God does exist. and it has nothing to do with organized religion.

why does 'he' allow all this evil, crime ridden, sadistic shit in the world?



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Where are the fallen tree stumps?

Stumps and trunks rot away at approx the same rate. t. Gardener

because if he intervened even once it would ruin the game

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that OP is a fucking faggot.

I never said "he".

why do you allow those things? Why is it Gods problem?

Of course the Canadacuck would believe this.

have you consider there is no god?

we are recolonizing non-white countries
we are doing it by releasing video games
the idea is to get the American public used to what is effectively war plans using tactics that are likely to turn a profit because they are already a part of the ordinary civilian economy
it is an entertainment/propaganda/advance programming method

Having children is the closest thing to immortality that is possible. And it feels great.

The Bible is accurate in every way.

of course, then I go outside.

So, we're the planet from Avatar?

I learned about Christianity not being a farce, because I am the way.

That said, my crown of thorns is cooler. Not joking.

of course. then i poured years of research into history, religion and mythologies. He's there, user. And Jesus died for our sins. The deeper into the occult I got the more this fact was reinforced.

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Politics has always been a sham and there will always be people on top ruling people on the bottom. It's just how humans are I suppose.

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This is also the true origin of Santa and his story. This shit blew my fucking mind when I first read up on it.

Non-human extra terrestrial beings exist and there are higher dimensions/densities than this psychical existence. Death is just the beginning.

You're a faggot and you must kill yourself for the better of the world

In this board almost everyone is 15-35 years old, you are getting advice from inexperienced people in life.

Giants used to live on this land and mesas are actually tree stumps

The final redpoll is the end of knowledge: that YOU ARE, quite simply, the self-referential totality of existence called God.

You are as I am.

Trump and Clinton are the good guys working together to solve 9/11

Adam Schiff has an identical twin who does terrible things.

not even actual supernatural phenomenon would actually be 'supernatural'. the term and concept of 'supernatural' is an oxymoronic, koan-like concept. if it exists, it can be studied. if it exists, it exists somewhere. if the universe turns out to have extra dimensions we did not previously know, that is still 'natural'.

which are more difficult to remove?
which do people looking for wood take away?
which do they leave?
t. man allowed to own shears