What a gigantic waste of time this charade was. What's next?
What a gigantic waste of time this charade was. What's next?
another tape of Trump saying how much he loves pussy
How can one man be so based?
Sorry, but Mueller demolished Trump. Nice cope though
Trump's Nigger Tape.
Gassing kikes hopefully.
they're going to send a special prosecutor after mueller. he's obviously a russian plant who was sent here to cover for drumpf.
New pivot. Because the hard left is still going nuts, they will focus on "Donald Trump can be tried after his presidency. "
"Will you put Donald Trump in jail" becomes a debate question to ask EVERY democratic presidential nominee.
An investigation to investigate the investigations by the investigators.
that's the 2020 October surprise.
On what fucking planet, you absolute retard?
That wasn't a waste of time, in fact we couldn't have hoped for a better turn of fate, they doubled down to the point that they're now neckdeep in it and literally weasel themselves out of it. Hell Mueller himself will be in deep troubles after today since what he did amount to perjury, you can be sure he is going to squeal like sheboon who won the lottery.
Lmao not even the (((MSM))) is trying to spin it
Oh you poor sod, it was leaked by Omorosa herself, hence why you literally never heard of her again after that circus. It was about a military intervention in Niger and the way Trump talk of it, its literally impossible to misinterpret or for it to be nigger, since it would make the sentence utterly nonsensical.
fucking hell, you guys are soooooo out of date.
Then where is it, retard?
I misread that user, disregard.
>Mueller demolished Trump
It was basically just filming attack ads for the fall. Both sides got footage but the first 5 minutes of testimony alone will be in every democrat ad until november 2020.
also trump will definitely be charged in the future, whether in 1 year or (unlikely) 5. screencap this
Welcome to the circus, don’t forget bread.
Quick rundown?
I never managed to find articles that shown the leak, only of articles prior to its reveal hyping it and a cope articles posted afterward that tried to twist it into anti-trump slander by claiming he was making jokes on dead soldiers in Niger.
We're at the point google actively scrubs shitload of data, its incredible. Streissand effect a bitch
It’s not within my purview, sorry.
try harder this is a poor effort
It baffle me, like what goes on in their peanut sized brain for it to think for a moment anyone going to believe that? Who are they even trying to convince?
Omorosa burned herself hard. Hope she dies of aids soon.
He fucked up, biiig time. Basically perjured himself and looked like an incompetent buffoon the entire time.
Did he kill Tupac?
Niggers killed him. Because that is what niggers do. They kill each other.
"I can't answer that"
stormy daniels to testify to Congress
He deferred to his report, also he didn’t know what was in his own report.
>I-I-IUH-I'm nn-n-not familiar with that
Is he OK?
>stormy daniels to testify to Congress
While topless.
he's still president and nothing changes in favor of the left. lmao at your worthless fucking ass
It would actually bolster his rating.
Wrong flag for that kinda shit. Wanna borrow mine?
Ew. Fake tits are the worst besides granny tits.
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers
She's a granny with fake tits.
>also he didn’t know what was in his own report
how is that possible? did any of the Republicans ask him any tough questions? was there anything about George Papadopoulos and Misfud? that was what I was most curious about was Papadop and Misfud
I do it for free. KYS yourself.
>he actually wasted time watching the testimony instead of just reading the report
Whats next? They are calling it "Investigating the investigators". I doubt the big names will go to prison like they should (most of them are highly paid CNN contributors), but some will definitely have to be brought to justice. Will it be the same ratio as (Tax payer dollars for the Mueller report / CNN incoming for Russia, Russia, Russia reporting)? Doubtful. In a dollars and lack-of-justice sense, the dems will win. Hopefully, after this clown show, the country (and Trump) will have an easy win for 2020. Can the swamp be drained by 2024? Doubtful.
Nah, I watched for like 20 minutes while I was getting ready for work, but had to turn it off because of Muellers' old man shtick. He looked like Mr. Magoo up there.
My investigation did not exonerate the President of this crime.
Chabot asked him a rhetorical question about the fact that Fusion GPS was the firm behind the Steele Dossier, and Mueller spilled his spaghetti all over the place, trying to pretend he wasn't familliar with the existence of the firm. He basically said he wasn't aware of the existence of the firm behind the very document he himself cited in his own report on the Trump-Russia collusion as credible source to initiate said investigation.
I wish I was making this up, but at the same time not really because its fucking hilarious.
thats insane lol, how the fuck...
If Congress had any spine at all left, they'd hold people who play dumb under oath in contempt and sentence them to a month in federal prison for their disrespect. Do that a couple times and people will stop playing dumb and just take the fifth like they're supposed to.
Because he was just a figurehead with a supposedly honorable reputation, while the actual investigation (i.e. witch hunt) was being run by Clinton stooges
Can you repeat the question?
And hers are probably the worst I've seen in that category.
Outside my periscope.
Honk honk. Rome 2.0
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers
(updated list of shills headed to death camp)
stay scared shills that i got your number, youre all dead and exposed like the deadass bitches you are, just make it more obvious that my posts expose you and you want to silence and dismiss the organized truth about shills
These fucking faggots don't realize that/pol/ has known about this since the FUCKING BEGINNING, and I do believe there are at least a couple of /ourguys/ in congress spreading the word.
Based leaf. Come to the states leafanon. You deserve cheap orange juice and milk.
>YFW you realize we're a crowdsourced intelligence agency and we do it for free
Our reach is endless user. Fucking endless
Bud that's all I want. I want to live in Georgia or Texas or something where they have freedom of speech and no snow. The second I'm through with my degree I'm gonna try to be your neighbour. Take me to the gun range!
I seriously wonder what things like /sg/ have influenced irl.
a major waste of time, unless he is naming Israeli collusion then they are making progress.
The path to impeachment was laid out by a gaunt, exhaused Mueller as a final plea to congress to take the necessary action. History will remember this man as a Lincolnian figure.
honk honk
i believe half of you or on the wrong forum.
reddit.com/r/the_donald for the storm cucks.
Be civil or leave, you nigger.
It's over.
Democrats will strut like they won.
Demolishing Trump was not in his purview. Can you please restate your comment again?
>i’d fuck me
you're always welcome here if you truly mean what you say.
>how is that possible? did any of the Republicans ask him any tough questions?
I mean the questions weren't that hard.
>RATCLIFFE: Can you give me an example other than Donald Trump where the Justice Department determined that an investigated person was "not exonerated" --
>MUELLER: I... I...
>RATCLIFFE: -- because their innocence was not conclusively determined?
>MUELLER: Uh, uh, I -- I -- I cannot, but this is a unique situation.
>RATCLIFFE: Okay. Well, you can't. Time is short. I've got five minutes. Let's just leave it at you can't find it, because I'll tell you why: It doesn't exist.
>be civil
>on Jow Forums
Oh man almost forgot it was summer.
Come to Louisiana, leafbro. Open carry, shall issue permit state. Roads are garbage but the times are fun.
I wouldn't be here if I weren't sincere. I'm from a country were Jordan Peterson is considered too extreme and Jessica Yaniv is considered normal. That does things to a man, and none of them are good. I want out.
What states don't see snow that are cheap and can absorb a man happily who is just about finished a civil engineering degree. Ideally houses would be affordable and women would have cute southern accents.
Of all the stupid shit.
More gigantic wastes of time, we’ll see mueller on the bench next week
Seen enough episodes of Live PD to make me wary of Louisiana, but I'm willing to change my mind. What cities there are cheap, safe and don't look like a Fallout game?
>Affordable housing
>Cute accents
Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Tennessee. Stay far the fuck away from Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas
Trump Curse
holy shit that looks bad for Mueller
i'm watching the recording now, only about 40 minutes in, man Mueller seems like a stumbling, stuttering mess.
Cheers, you're a good lad. I'll look into that when my degree is wrapped up. I'm surprises Mississippi is on the list to avoid but I'll keep that in mind. Immigration is a bit of a cunt, but it's so worth getting out of here. You're a good man.
checked and underrated
I cant answer that
The Dems are all out of ammo and on the presopis of getting annilihatex. Getcha popcorn ready.
In related news, fuck the white man...
>pol expecting a HAPPENING from dog and pony court
the absolute state
have you actually looked into immigrating there? what's involved exactly? can Leafs own real estate in the US without citizenship? if you don't have citizenship I guess you'd be there on a work visa or something?
Engineering degrees give you a lot of flexibility but they're more eager to chemical, mechanical and electrical engineers than they are civil. I know that you need to be on a work visa for a bit, and after a while you can get a green card. I think it's like housing here where anybody with enough cash can pick up a property. How many retirees do you know that have a property in Florida that they only stay at six months out of the year? A lot. Immigrating to the US is a bit of a cunt, especially when you're starting your career, but it's certainly not impossible. Under severed regions such as Louisiana and Georgia will be more likely to sponsor your green card or whatever than is New York state or Illinois or something. It's certainly possible. The US is looking to attract more professionals with recognized training than their former system of immigration lotteries bringing them more in line with us. If you're valuable, you're more attractive to them. I think it's entirely possible for me to be there in a year or two but I haven't looked into the fineries of what dotted lines I need to sign.
I'll certainly be looking into more seriously when I'm through with this degree, which is within the next year or two.
awesome dude, wish you the best of luck
hopefully i can eventually make the move as well, I'm so fucking sick of this country, the people, even the weather, I hate rain/snow and I say that as someone on the west coast where the weather isn't even horrible compared to some other parts of the country. Still, would love to live somewhere that's temperate all year round.
Even the media is saying it was nothing. Only blue check marks are trying to claim it was any sort of win for the Democrats.
>innocent until proven guilty
Ratschit should take a fucking look at law for a change
Make yourself useful and your life will improve here or you'll be attractive to other labour markets such as the US or elsewhere. Get a trade, write your Red Seal Exam, or get a professional degree like teaching, law, medical or engineering. You're not trapped on this express ride to Clown World that is Canada since 2004. Just be useful, and people will want you. Learn something that other people can't/are unwilling to and you'll be desired.
As always the left loves projection