You can cope all you want, but the only thing stopping Trump from being impeached is a weak Speaker and a dishonest Senate.
You can cope all you want...
k thanks for the input user
that senile alcoholic needs to fucking die
So what you're saying is Trump 2020?
And votes, because they try to impeach him every month since he’s been elected. Or the ability to prove a crime.
You really need both things to impeach someone.
>You really need both things to impeach someone.
I thought they don't actually need a cause for impeachment as long as they got the votes
Epic ownage dude. Nice.
The main thing stopping him from being impeached is the fact that he didn’t commit any crimes
You can’t impeach someone because you don’t like them.
>The notion that only criminal conduct can constitute sufficient grounds for impeachment does not comport with either the views of the founders or with historical practice.[1] Alexander Hamilton, in Federalist 65, described impeachable offenses as arising from “the misconduct of public men, or in other words from the abuse or violation of some public trust.”[4] Such offenses were “political, as they relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself.”[4] According to this reasoning, impeachable conduct could include behavior that violates an official’s duty to the country, even if such conduct is not necessarily a prosecutable offense. Indeed, in the past both houses of Congress have given the phrase “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” a broad reading, “finding that impeachable offenses need not be limited to criminal conduct.”[5][1]
Are you like 12 years old man?
>Coping this hard.
Bad day, wasn't it Shareblue.
Today was a great day
And a congress who won’t vote to impeach him. 137 democrats voted to keep him in office, along with every republican. He need to actually commit some type of crime for an impeachment vote the successful, and remember that there is no such crime as “collusion”. It’s not illegal for a head of state to talk to heads of foreign states, even if those states are hostile towards the United States. That’s his job, actually.
>1. Trump's tweets showed how anxious he actually was
>5. Mueller directly contradicted Trump on FBI job
>7. Mueller said that he didn't consider indicting Trump on obstruction because of Justice guidelines. [..]
>10. Mueller said Trump's WikiLeaks comments were "problematic"
TRUMP 2020
I honestly hope they impeach Trump. That will really push white normies further. They will be so angry. We need more division so we can reach the inevitable goal of racial separation.
>i-it's pelosi's fault
go bitch to her then you treasonous little shit.
nice post
nice quads
>you can cope all you want
>unironically top-tier cope
Obama administration used a later-discredited partisan oppo research document compiled by a foreign national to illegally spy on Trump’s campaign. Using the information obtained from this illegal spying, Dems began insinuating that Trump had improper meetings with Russian officials to influence the 2016 election. These allegations were used to force a 3-year investigation by Robert Mueller, during which millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted. Mueller concluded that Trump did not collude with Russia but tried to paint Trump’s attempts to slow down the illegally predicated investigation as obstruction of justice.
Any day now...
That’s some shitty blogpost kiddo. Here’s what the law says.
>The Constitution sets specific grounds for impeachment. They are “treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Try again retard
Hrs not wrong just because you couldn’t be fucked to read what you quoted you braindead retarc
Boo Hoo hooo
Donald Trump Jr and Robert Mueller are played by the same actor.
impeached for what?
>inb4 obstructing justice
presidents are incapable by definition
>inb4 collusion
not a crime. democrats collude with israel and mexico all the time.
>inb4 nobody is above the law
read the constitution. the president is *explicitly* above the law and can only be prosecuted by congress via impeachment, /provided they can show an actual crime/ and not get the articles tossed out by the chief justice.
Quad of pure truth
nice digits
Thanks for the weak dishonest cope post user
Try this user. Put all you wishes in one hand then take a shit in the other. Guess which one fills up first. Now fuck off back to your libtard troll farm, faggot.
>Implying the only thing that stopped the dems from impeaching Trump wasn't that they got caught.
Seeking aid from the Russians is treason.
Trumps a fuck rat.
Senate does not impeach, only the House does.
maybe you should give CNN and MSNBC a call and tell them they won today. They all seem rather down.
>"Even Rep. Jim Himes, D-4th District, who said last month the time had come for the House to open an impeachment inquiry, voted to table the resolution.
The vote to derail the resolution was 332-95. All opposed to tabling the resolution were Democrats. No Republican voted to keep it alive."
>I..It's only becausee the speaker is weak Drumpf is really done this time!
russia is our friend. mexico is invading us. israel has attacked our ships.
now who's the traitor?
Horse shit
>if it weren't for the rule of law and the severe lack of evidence we would have gotten rid of that guy we didn't want in the white house
You don't say...
All true, rabbi. Go stuff your kippah up your ass, baby dick sucker.
democrats don't like democracy
Trump is many things, even a jewish puppet but he hasnt done anything to deserve an impeachment. You must understand that the most pro Israel president in all US existence is untouchable. He might as well become into a dictaror and he would be fine as long his jewish overlords support him.
You know your bosses on Twitter are having to apologize for spreading this disinfo, right?
Sorry buddy but calling people names is not going to change human nature or history. They’re will be racial separation eventually. Kikes and nonwhites can get fucked as far as I care.
sooo Trump 2020.
digits confirm
Pic related.
I finally found evidence that Russia is hacking America!
So it’s business as usual?
It's the pinnacle of goodness, so long as they're in charge. So much so they constantly misrepresent our republic for a direct democracy all the time.
Stay retarded then, works for me since you're fucking LOSING so badly right now, it's made you fags outright delusional.
If you really believe Pelosi is weak, you’re an idiot. She’s an accomplished partisan hack who will never allow impeachment to go very far as long as the DNC can use it to fundraise. Like all party leadership, she doesn’t give a fuck about anything but staying in power and money.
Jeez look at all these digits, OP should just suck on a helium tank now.
>"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."
>a weak Speaker and a dishonest Senate
So... pretty much the entire legislature?
>you can cope
projecting again i see
Day of the pillow soon boomer
That's my take also.
This is getting really pathetic.
Dems have gone completely insane.
Racial separation would be a disaster.
Do you have any idea how many whites want to see this country destroyed?
fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers
(updated list of shills headed to death camp)
stay scared shills that i got your number, youre all dead and exposed like the deadass bitches you are
House impeaches but needs two thirds of the senate votes to pass