Tough luck Nazis, RBG is here to stay

Tough luck Nazis, RBG is here to stay.

Attached: RBG.png (1080x1473, 436K)

Other urls found in this thread:

1pbtid bot thread
shills are terrified

I've seen them there memento mori photos before.

She's Hollow Jew

Attached: hollowman.jpg (425x266, 19K)

For another 5 years? We'll see...

if you call that living

What kind of person has to insist that they're alive? If you're really alive, it should be self-evident.

Sounds like something a dead person would say

Attached: F028FCDE-7CD2-438E-85F4-CFD1C11D0869.jpg (600x597, 22K)

If she is alive why do they keep putting old photos of her in all their articles? We demand proof of life.

I want a public meet and greet with the old bag. Ill rent a car and drive to DC to witness.

I like to believe she's actually dead and everyone's just convinced she's still alive, 'Weekend at Bernie's' style.

When’s the last time she was seen in public? Need firsthand accounts, I refuse to take the leftist fake news media at their word

That can charge in a heartbeat or lack thereof

She looks like that photo of a deep sea fish brought to the surface

Here’s proof

Attached: 1AA632BE-AA98-4EC9-88A2-A1FA4DC3EF41.jpg (576x1024, 65K)

Her you go! Enjoy!

Attached: 016B407B-A023-4220-98AD-82CEACDB1133.jpg (576x1024, 69K)

Attached: 4D72421C-CC85-48D0-864C-F39968B929B9.jpg (1024x809, 87K)

Attached: ED55BEEE-1C22-4832-87F0-95097FE66E57.jpg (1024x1024, 121K)

Dude, no one lives forever...

Attached: 1561584694067s.jpg (106x125, 2K)

Attached: stillalive.gif (245x187, 783K)

Wow I totally believe this, this seems like such a trust worthy news person.
Thanks Merchant-demon-kike-news-reporter!

What am I looking at here?

She'll be fine

Attached: 8f86e50da7a9755d04262567f86ab78bf932f50e691c9d592e9bf003d01422b6.jpg (1160x629, 92K)

Nobody who's alive says they're "Very much alive"

That's just the Disney animatron for the upcoming Presidential Hall Supreme Court addition bro

different lens prescriptions/tints reflecting light differently

Disney probably made an animatronic that can shake hands for events like this





fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers

(updated list of shills headed to death camp)


Attached: gins.png (409x315, 180K)

Imagine being OP