The Mueller testimony shows just how brainwashed this country has gotten

This whole episode has really illustrated for me just how partisan media and politics in this country has gotten.
Both sides are busy crowing about what a massive win this was for them.

Keep in mind that this is all just a show to keep you plebs occupied while they turn the country to shit in a bipartisan way:
-More illegals (which the Democrat voters think they want)
-Worse government everything
-More money for rich Jews (which the Republican voters think they want)
-Less money for everyone else

...and then they both blame the other guy.
You people suuuuure are fucking stupid.

Attached: robert-mueller.jpg (681x383, 195K)

>his whole episode has really illustrated for me just how partisan media and politics in this country has gotten
where the fuck you been the last 20 years?

I’m sorry, user, what was the question again?

it's theater. the democrats were never going to try and impeach over this. they think they have a lock on winning the 2020 election. nothing changed

is this literally the first time you've ever watched cspan?

>just how partisan media and politics in this country has gotten.

have you been in a coma since fucking 1999?

>the democrats were never going to try and impeach over this
who fucking cares. it's bullshit.
Trump probably goes out with Adam Schiff for hookers and blow every thursday night.

Just venting.

I swear it didn't used to be this bad
*cracks monster ultra*

>I-it was neutral.
Wrong, faggot. One side (ours) is right to crow our victory. The other side is lying as always and coping.

Attached: HurrDurr.jpg (600x663, 62K)

>they both blame the other guy
nobody blames the "other guy". everybody blames trump. he's the president. his name is literally signed on papers which propose all of the bad things you listed.

he's the one that gave israel more money. he's the one that baited and switch his gullible supporters that votes against their own interests. he's the one who allowed immigrants into the country by not building a single mile of fence (it's not even a wall).

nobody is to blame for this mess but trump. convince me otherwise.

AG Barr gave a talk today about how he wants all tech companies to put government friendly backdoors in all of their shit.
While you're busy celebrating like a nigger in the end zone, the government just shoved its fist a few inches deeper up your already-bleeding rectum.

>dude I just discovered politics
>let me tell all my friends on Jow Forums
kys yourself

Just to note: This here is the new shill narrative.
>Psshh whatever goyim Mueller never mattered anyway. The whole system is corrupt and you, I-I mean we all still lose guys.

Nope sorry rabbi, your kid fucking buddies and you are going to die soon.

>I didn't care when Obama instituted it, but now that Trump wants to continue it, I suddenly have a fucking problem.

Attached: Socialist hypocrisy.png (780x800, 61K)

Can we honestly just admit that Trump is a shit president? Immigration has gotten worse, and he has pissed off all our allies and every other western nation, for what? America has never been more hated than it is now, and in return we don't even get good policy, just a shitty tax cut that hardly makes a difference.

Conflating RINO with Republicans. Very disingenuous and dem thing to do.

Lol based fucking retard, mueller asked to repeat the question to the tune of 60 times

They've had those all along. It was almost a scandal with Intel from a few years ago.


>kill yourself yourself

Attached: hmm.jpg (257x196, 5K)

trips of truth

What about Israelgate?