The CIA probably employs her

and many others just to get the count identity, online footprint, psychology of White Nationalists.

Go to 14:08

Attached: -b-fEKVt.png (512x512, 321K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Go home cripplechan.

Attached: )))(((.png (1000x800, 49K)

Yeah, but I’d still poke her

A woman this good looking just decides to be a crusader for the most radioactive cause in the world?
Who put her up to it?

>"just decides"
Ah, that newfag smell.

>I'm totally not JIDF

Go to ....14:88

Probably, and thats wrong, even criminal




fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers


>Sage is good with onion and duck

Is that red ice? Glow channel

beat me to it.

why are american white women so attractive

they have to have people like red ice and places like Jow Forums so much evil neo-nazis narrative sounds at least partially believable whenever they throw out another staged shooting

>Muh fed ice narrative... AGAIN
Shilling 101 for all you retards:
>If person x is a white nationalist ---> Ad homineum them to death focusing on minutiae of their personal lives and NEVER address what they actually say (unless it is a single clip that can be twisted out of context to support what the shiller is trying to lie about)
>If white nationalist x names the jew ---> they are a fed/mossad/cia
>If white nationalist x doesn't name the jew ---> they are also a fed/mossad/cia, but they are also a cuck.
>If white nationalist x names the jew, but isn't a raving lunatic like patrick little, or says nigger ---> they are also a cuck and can't be trusted.

It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't strategy. Shills change their script depending on each and every person. The point of this is to demoralize the community and lead people to believe there are zero genuine people interested in white nationalism and every single public nationalist you can think of is controlled opposition. They want to make you believe the volcano of white consciousness building pressure beneath the psychic crust of all Europeans is just swamp gas. They want you to believe that Jow Forums is satire, and that nobody is actually serious, and those that are are the enemy. They want you to believe you are running around in a maze with no exit that is ultimately in the hand of a rabbi, and every single thing you do is playing into the Jews hands in some never truly specified way.

Red Ice are under attack because they are the best white nationalist media group hands down. They're level headed normal people who have excellent editing and graphic design and put out great content regularly. This "Fed Ice" narrative has been trial balooned here many times and it never goes anywhere.

Attached: 1563135057988.jpg (722x712, 36K)

[glowing intensifies]

>>"just decides"
>Ah, that newfag smell.

Okay, what is Lana's cover story?

You must be the shill because who copies and pastes stuff like this?

Red Ice has been talking about the Jewish subversion of the west for years.
Go fuck yourself.
>Iknow you are but what am I: the post

So you're admitting you're the faggot who made the same exact thread the other day, and nobody bought your bullshit. So you're hoping people still buy your bullshit today. You faggot.

Hey do you know what the psychology of the jew is ? Anal kike fucks who love dicks.





fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers

(updated list of shills headed to death camp)

employs her for what..?

Can you seriously fuck off with your tower posting this shit in every goddamn thread. Jesus you're an annoying fucking leaf.

Attached: demoralization.jpg (445x403, 70K)

At least this bitch don't give remote ECT every fucking day for 8 months in any random nerd she doesn't like. This is done by other department.

Attached: 1531162118434.jpg (571x416, 26K)

Not CIA. The retard in the video says what is really going on himself. Lana is a Marxist communist agent who is trying to tie herself in to the WN movement to try and turn it socialist at the very least, with the ultimate long con being full of conversion of followers into communists. Communists are a threat to democracy all over the world. They use hot women for recruitment and use sex for blackmail.

Attached: 1562197409088.png (776x1008, 736K)

>Lana is a Marxist communist agent who is trying to tie herself in to the WN movement to try and turn it socialist at the very least, with the ultimate long con being full of conversion of followers into communists

Attached: 1561335081185.jpg (1009x1024, 126K)

the funny thing is that the white nationalists are going to be ordering the CIA around when the recolonization agenda takes shape
selling a recolonization video game to white nationalists is perfectly legal
furthermore, it gets them politically engaged
you've got to dream big
we're recolonizing
the Philippines
South Africa
get ready, CIA, your research skills and devotion are going to be valuable in the future


i'm still watching it, shlomo.


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>the Jewish subversion of the west for years.

It's really the Rockefellers and technocrat industrialist families that destroyed society. Maybe they are Kabbalists but they are more WASP than Jew.
>They made the country over sexed and degenerate to increase divorce to lower the population
>They demoralized the Boomers with LSD to lower the population
>They created feminism and abstract expressionism to create a relativist society where mom and dad worked 2x for half the pay and they control the Federal Reserve
>On and on. It was people like Anderson Cooper and his family.

Yeah, the Jew is over represented at the top, but I wouldn't be delusional enough to blame the dozen Jewish working class people I've known.

The Jew hides behind the faggot, the immigrant, the feminist, the negro.
The oligarchy hides behind the Jew.

Attached: 113450399_1490035567063_8999192_ver1.0.jpg (750x422, 39K)

It’s called grifting, you goddam brainlet

Red ice started out pandering to Illuminati, ayyys, GMO conspiracies etc. basically what is now considered normie shit in context of crank theory

As that was dying, they pivoted into alt right stuff during the boom, it looks like that cycle is going bust

What will they pivot to next? Lefty content is coming up lately, lot of grift potential here

Shills never answer that question. They just make a claim that someone is associated with the feds/mossad/cia even though nothing they do actually benefits those groups. They keep it vague so individuals can insert the motivations with their own imagination. They honestly expect you to believe that people who name the Jew and talk about resisting white genocide are actually working for the Jews. They will say shit like, "Jews are behind antisemitism because they use it to play the victim." or "Watching right wing media keeps you from taking action in the real world"
God forbid anybody suggests political action in the real world, the flip the script to: "ITS A HONEYPOT YOU'RE GOING TO JAIL LIKE JAMES FIELDS!"
Action in the real world does not really work right now because more and more people need to be told the truth, so the natural thing we should be doing is spreading and promoting Jow Forums tier propaganda and keep doing so till such a time that we can organize out in the open. Meanwhile all we can really do is form personal networks and build healthy strong families. This is a multi generational war for the hearts and minds of our brainwashed race and we will probably not live to see final victory with our own eyes, but all we can do is continue to place bricks one at a time in the foundation of our collective future.

>working class Jew

>real world political action
You’re making the case for Fed Ice not debunking it, Special Agent

I helped out some "OGA" contractors while I was deployed in Afghanistan
in return they gave me a case of beer (kind of a big deal as alcohol was prohibited on base)
I guess I'm CIA too now lol
the DoD is literally the largest planned economy in the world, unless you are a NEET you are never more than three degrees of separation from them

Except they've been naming the Jew for god-knows how long.

If I worked for a guy 10 years ago--which I likely never even spoke to--and it comes out now that he was a paedophile... does that make me a paedophile?

Fucking dumb YouTube conspiritards. Go get a job and you'll see that you don't 100% agree with or condone with your boss' views. Likely you'll 100% disagree.

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>"They they they they they they they they they they they they they they they they they they they "

yea, i've been seeing this since back in the 90's when they tried to claim William Pierce was a fed asset.

talk about fed posting.. this is literally it. it's all so tiresome.

You didn't even read my post you fucking brainlet.

Apart from the wall of text vector not being appropriate for this medium, why the incongruous lamentation over real world political action in the middle of your diatribe?

She's a mommy

Are you saying I shouldnt hate my dentist? No shit.

No one is saying every jew is a secret member of the illuminati. People are saying the jews have used tribalism\collectivism, while maintaining a victim narrative to climb to the top of all metrics of society to make further gains while at the same time stand behind every single movement that divides and conquers white/ european identity and attack anyone who threatens their grip on power with a made up word called anti-semitism.

Are you simple jack? You just said real-world action works and only shills and feds tell you that it doesn't...and then in the same breath go on to say that real-world action DOESN'T work because reasons.

The truth is the the majrority of WS, WN organizations ARE started outright by the feds and the real homegrown organizations are infiltrated as soon as they gain a presence, and the real facts of the matter is that the infiltrating feds of said organizations DO gaslight members into committing felonies and get them busted.

Think logically for once in your life, Jack.







fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers

(updated list of shills headed to death camp)

stay scared shills that i got your number, youre all dead and exposed like the deadass bitches you are

your skepticism is healthy
but seeing how so many grifters bailed after Charlottesville or since then, while Red Ice has doubled-down I think they legit
it has gotten very difficult to make a living producing any sort of far-right content

Why would the CIA be promoting white nationalism?









fucking die shill criminals, you all get the rope, goodbye, we know who you are, every single time you post on here we will know its you and that we are planning to kill you, stop playin yourself bitches, we see you, we see the fucking lapdog bitches and faggots you are, youre going to fucking burn in a fire while I cut you apart slowly a la resevoir dogs and stuck in the middle with you, mutherfuckers

(updated list of shills headed to death camp)

stay scared shills that i got your number, youre all dead and exposed like the deadass bitches you are, just make it more obvious that my posts expose you and you want to silence and dismiss the organized truth about shills

>Tries to use big words because I called him a brainlet.
It's not incongruous at all. The post is about how shills have a different angle for every single type of person. People who advise against bad optics rallies are shilled against from the angle that they should be calling for action, and they're not because they just want your shekels. People who do call for real world action are accused of being feds for obvious reasons. There is no position a white nationalist can have that doesn't have a ready made shill script for it. Because of this EVERY white nationalist is accused of not being genuine and the ultimate goal is to convince Jow Forums that growing pro white sentiment in the world is an illusion, and to demoralize us and think victory is hopeless.


Literally Nigger tier

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Don't trust Red Ice at all. Any agency that incites a race war more than naming and blaming the jew is with the CIA..heck I bet they're probably okay with jews and Israel like most CIA controlled right wing puppets are.

Except Red Ice isn't an "organization" like the Ku Klux Klan was. It's literally two people who make videos who have never suggested anything violent ever. They are still accused of being feds due to the "Every WN is a fed" demoralization narrative.

This has been my view of all this anti alt-media stuff I've been seeing. It seems that there are a lot of people who proclaim to be our friends and part of our communities (the shills) declaring that every person who espouses our views and is even remotely popular is controlled opposition in some form or another. These supposedly controlled op people are saying exactly what we are...and somehow all of them are bad guys working against us. They're also being deplatformed, censored, shadow banned, and being attacked by mainstream, pro-globalist, and anti-white people at the same time they're saying what we're saying, but yet they're somwhow controlled opposition, and secretly working against us.

That line of thinking makes no fucking sense, and the motivations for shilling against them, and the shilling itself, becomes super fucking obvious to anyone that's been around for a little while.

>Any agency that incites a race war more than naming and blaming the jew is with the CIA.
Red Ice has never "incited a race war" in the slightest, and they name and blame the Jew on the daily, newfag.

I prefer to go to 14:88 bro

Why would the CIA be promoting white nationalism?
>because reasons
They never actually tell you why. The main narratives are they are somehow keeping track of your internet activity and putting you in a database, or they are radicalizing you to commit crimes and then throw you in jail. Even though none of the white nationalists we discuss here advocate violence at all. They just keep spouting unprovable claims in the hopes that a few idiots will believe it and spread these claims themselves.
That's literally all these fucking shills have. A big "dude trust me bro" nothingburger.

oh, look. This thread again.

Im gonna post exactly the same i did when you posted it last night.

If they are CIA how come they promote:

>anti circumcision
>Natural products
>Names ((them))
>Promotes living free from the system
>Promotes having families
>Doesnt advocate marching in the streets with your face in public with neo-nazi glowniggers
>Advocates forming small communities
>Tells you to GTFO if you advocate violence (only glowniggers do this)
>Promotes actual solutions
>Has actual white kids of their own (most glowniggers and kike plants dont)

Attached: 1559818981740.jpg (2732x2028, 2.12M)

>>Has actual white kids of their own (most glowniggers and kike plants dont)
My favorite shill attempt was when these people were claiming that Lana was never pregnant and that it's a fake baby that they procured merely to fool us.

I used them, big boy, and you wrote another novel in response. Are you GRRM? Go back to your Epstein rape party and leave hating niggers and Jews to professionals

>Every WN is a Fed
Anyone organizing real life or mass media anything and using their alleged government names in conjunction with so-called “white nationalism” is a Fed. You can’t control what you can’t identify. The ideas have to stand for themselves.

What's funny is that I wouldn't even know she existed, if not for the ridiculous amount of people on Jow Forums telling me not to listen to her, which just makes me want to listen to her by default.

>you wrote another novel in response.
Six sentences is a novel now?

Attached: onepunchmanlaugh.jpg (680x445, 45K)

Literally this. Notice the shills only attack right-wing figures/e-celebs. It's the same fucking canned lines every time: "________ is a fed! mossad! cia! cointelpro! controlled op! gatekeeper! zionist! kike! tranny! married to a jew! etc." It's beyond ridiculous at this point. I wonder who funds these worms.

The CIA employs me to tell them how many retards are on Jow Forums. You just made the list. Reported.

I’m sure you can guess

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>This thread AGAIN

Attached: 1563138547746.jpg (336x274, 26K)

How many fucking times are you going to post this shitty accusation? If she's CIA she's probably the worst person at her job, ever.

Remember what happens to traitors

Attached: 6FD108EA-70A9-41E8-B143-24B48F49BB01.jpg (460x276, 26K)

So do what she does and infiltrate then , plenty nazis in the deepstate.

> You can’t control what you can’t identify.
This meme is epidemic boomerbait that has no logical basis. Every single successful movement that has changed society, left or right, has had an intellectual wing that argues honestly for their ideology/proposed policy.

You can't support, spread, and work towards what you can't identify.

Attached: 0e8.jpg (1024x595, 69K)

dear CIA I have a lot of interesting insight into this phenomenon; please run a few qt honeypots like this at me

>No one is saying every jew is a secret member of the illuminati. People are saying the jews have used tribalism\collectivism, while maintaining a victim narrative to climb to the top of all metrics of society to make further gains while at the same time stand behind every single movement that divides and conquers white/ european identity and attack anyone who threatens their grip on power with a made up word called anti-semitism.

Okay, I agree. But what e-celeb except for maybe Jan Irvin and James Corbett name the Rockefellers, Gates, Ford foundation, Carnegie Mellon, etc?

Jow Forums is full of glowniggers larping as White Nationalists because the oligarchs want this division to hire more FBI agents and serve more FISA requests. To make the "people of color" do evil things to White America. Fascism from the top using Malatos.
There's a case against the Jew cronies and the darkies, but I'd rather see a political agenda where every territory's everyday people, every race unite against the oligarchy first and deal with each other later. I don't see anyone even talking about how to seriously circumvent central bank global capital, its spy state, its interconnected economy. You actually could if YOU wanted to. Media and AI will be available for anyone to use. It's as if the printing press is about to be invented. Everyone will probably be able to host a YouTube in 15 years. That would be the first step. Clearly identifying the situation with bottom up media and the machine to build around it. Something to replace central bank notes with something digital. Ethno-nationalism. People of unique traits and practices controlling their own territory.

Attached: 1553477823877.png (371x319, 161K)

>believing the CIA gives a flying fuck what autists that jerkoff to traps do or say. this is the height of arrogance really.

>You can't support, spread, and work towards what you can't identify.
Correct. This is a relic of old /b/ psychology where /b/ refused to be defined by anything. The issue is that Jow Forums is not /b/, and anyone who spends some time here will understand that Jow Forums has many easily definable opinions and goals. These retards will start to shriek if you give a name to ANYTHING, especially committing the cardinal sin of using the term "alt-right". Even though most of Jow Forums believes and wants everything the so called "alt-right" wants and believes, they would rather die than admit that "alt-right" would be an accurate description of their political positions. Regardless of whether the term is good or not, or who came up with it, the alt-right has come to mean "a white nationalist that understands race is real and is redpilled on the jews". Somehow calling yourself alt-right or white nationalist or whatever makes you vulnerable in their eyes and you are somehow defeated as soon as you have a name. Except it's impossible to talk about anything if you don't have a definition of what you're talking about. My hypothesis is that shills have taken this old /b/ custom and weaponized in an attempt to keep Jow Forums users in an amorphous blob state, incapable of doing or agreeing on anything because forming a strong consensus under a name would enable us to grow a backbone, arms and legs capable of real accomplishments. Shills will assert that a name is a fatal weakness because we can be vilified... however we are vilified already so caring what leftists think about us doesn't matter one bit. If Zion Don is literally Hitler anybody who advocates for white self determination is the Devil themself. Our enemies will label us as soon as we express our opinions whether we label ourselves or not. We have the truth on our side so none of that even matters.

>A woman this good looking just decides to be a crusader for the most radioactive cause in the world?
>Who put her up to it?
If she isn't CIA then who is? You have to assume that that they are masquerading as legitimate content producers. I am suspicious of all of these e whores.

>want this division to hire more FBI agents and serve more FISA requests
the "division is the goal" narrative is fucking stupid. We WANT divison. Complete, mutually beneficial division of peoples. You spout the word ethnonationalism as if you know its meaning
>every race unite against the oligarchy first and deal with each other later
A fanciful dream that will never come to fruition. Nonwhites only stand to gain by going along with the plan of oligarchs. The percentage of blacks and hispanics knowledgeable enough to bite the hand feeding them is tiny, and will remain so.
>I don't see anyone even talking about how to seriously circumvent central bank global capital
Completely irrelevant considering you need actual political power in the hands of un-kiked individuals to even consider challenging extremely moneyed jews. regardless, Molymeme himself, TRS, and quite a few others have talked about this at length, especially pre-trump. asgain, You post the Moly but know him not.
>You actually could if YOU wanted to.
You're delusional.
>Media and AI will be available for anyone to use.
And you're a technologically inept boomer
> It's as if the printing press is about to be invented. Everyone will probably be able to host a YouTube in 15 years.
Holy fucking shit you're actually a boomer fed, grasping for straws in a discussion he barely understands.
>Clearly identifying the situation with bottom up media and the machine to build around it. Something to replace central bank notes with something digital. Ethno-nationalism. People of unique traits and practices controlling their own territory.
Word salad with little meaning

TL;DR stop fucking posting, you're an embarrassment to your agency and I'd gladly push you off a tower in minecraft if i was given a chance. I'd be doing the american taxpayer a favour.

Attached: 1548273501398.gif (197x239, 3.62M)

The Jew fear the enraged white woman. For her eyes show no fear.

Attached: 1543861804276.jpg (809x1024, 104K)

>You must be the shill because who copies and pastes stuff like this?
Right. I don't trust people who put that much into a post.

>>believing the CIA gives a flying fuck what autists that jerkoff to traps do or say. this is the height of arrogance really.

The oligarchs and their CIA are extremely concerned with who knows and says what in a country with more or less free speech.

>copy and paste

The Jews never relent.

You'll never stop us. White nationalism is on the rise, and the power elite are scared shitless. We are inevitable, like the body's immune system responding to a disease.

Attached: 1556759991448.gif (532x461, 2.46M)

>We WANT divison

Yeah, but why doesn't Jow Forums rile up the Darkie Left against the technocrat/ old money oligarchy?
The Rockefellers and Bush family aren't even fucking Jewish.
I don't think you need to call it all Jews even in the 1%. The real oligarchs who decided to destroy America with this shit are a few hundred at most. Jow Forums punches down and alienates hundreds of millions of people enslaved in central bank notes. It even alienates Whites because Jow Forums is not building media infrastructure.
You're calling me a Boomer for saying the media monopoly is up for grabs? You think IT costs have levelled off? lol. They are going up another exponent and another after that.
The Jew and the elite WASP took over by taking over media. You can't even name the Rockefellers as traitors, so why am I wasting time talking to someone who can't call a traitor a traitor anyway?
Probably work for them. You type too much to be a useful idiot.

Attached: g.jpg (480x329, 189K)

Just a reminder, Redicetv helps spread ethnonationalism and this freaks out the antiwhites, they are in full panic. They are doing everything they can to down alt media because they know it redpills normies.

>copy and paste

Copying and pasting unironic paragraphs in threads of the same theme? Normal people do this?

They can just delete the youtube account though.

We all know it can happen to everyone.

The paragraph is as relevant today as it is today. Because the paragraph describes extremely common disinformation tactics that Jow Forums users need to deal with daily, the paragraph is timeless. Infographics are nothing more than unironic paragraphs posted in threads of the same theme, idiot.
What about you, the shill, posting the same character assassination threads about Red Ice every day? Do normal people do that?

your channel is so shit and youre such a fag that i used an extension to completely block anything from your channel from ever simply appearing in my browser ever again.

>What about you, the shill, posting the same character assassination threads about Red Ice every day? Do normal people do that?

Someone posted it the other day.
I think the glowniggers larping as Nazis are interesting to watch squirm.
We know the Jew, the Communist's and the Negro's endgame. What's the oligarchy's endgame having government agents larp as White Nationalists? The real reason? You probably don't even know even if you're the boss of the shills.

Attached: cat-grooming.jpg (800x250, 35K)

I saw this thread yesterday.

I went to 14/88 instead, sorry

All these mother fuckers with their little charts and graphs and spouting shit with absolutely no proof can go fuck themselves.

"why does Lana avoid mentioning my name?"

Because your a faggot and she hates you?

"ignores my messages and emails"

attention whore

Stop punching right faggot

>Yeah, but why doesn't Jow Forums rile up the Darkie Left against the technocrat/ old money oligarchy?
It's a stupid proposition because Jow Forums doesn't hold social sway over the minds of leftists. they became leftists because of the people that currently do.
>The Rockefellers and Bush family aren't even fucking Jewish.
>Here's my cherrypicked example of antisocial oligarchs let's just forget the immense Jewish power players that cast a huge shadow over muh Rockefellers
I don't think you need to call it all Jews even in the 1%.
>The real oligarchs who decided to destroy America with this shit are a few hundred at most. Jow Forums punches down and alienates hundreds of millions of people enslaved in central bank notes.
Libertarians have tried ad nausea to get this point through to nonwhites and failed for decades. Again, this is a retarded proposition that will serve only to waste time while our demographic replacement happens. The white middle class is what holds the most value for the dissident right, and it logically follows that these are the people Jow Forums should be trying to reach
>It even alienates Whites because Jow Forums is not building media infrastructure.
You're attacking our "media infrastructure", you fucking retard
>You're calling me a Boomer for saying the media monopoly is up for grabs? You think IT costs have levelled off? lol. They are going up another exponent and another after that.
Yes. You're a boomer. It's obvious. You are presenting a model of media power that is willfully ignorant, or simply stupid. The media enterprises that exist today are not going to magically fade away into dust because "MUH HIGHLY AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY". If CNN Dies, you can guarantee its funders will just move on to whichever one of their cucked outlets is actually gaining some level of traction, in at any level of publishing availability. 1/2

>Someone posted it the other day.
>Go to 14:08
It was you faggot don't try to deny it.

Attached: someone.jpg (2448x1022, 236K)

I like how these fags always try and say x is a shill/CIA/mossad but never have a single point about how they are subversive in any way.
They remind of that scene in The Departed where the 2 guys standing in front say everybody is a cop.

>What's the oligarchy's endgame having government agents larp as White Nationalists? The real reason? You probably don't even know even if you're the boss of the shills.
There is no endgame for government agents larping as white nationalists, unless it is to bait people into violent action, which Red Ice does not do.
>You probably don't even know even if you're the boss of the shills.
Clever way of suggesting that your accusation makes sense without actually having to explain why.


That's a dude.