But sadly, the race is over long before it even could turn into something bigger.

A fucking song that relies heavily on tribal african beats is more important than life itself great job guys your really cleaning America up.

Attached: Screenshot_20190724-200122.png (1440x2560, 1.06M)

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Such a tragedy

dindu din do sumfin?

or dindu dindu nuffin?

his rap career is more important that the white family he gutted in their home in the middle of the night?

>posting google wrapped links that nab all of your information including where you clicked the link from
if you faggots have to read this shit:

no i'm not even going to dignify this garbage with an archive link.

Yeah, he will be on my taxes for 50 years, should have got the death penalty.

The article has so much ebonics my fucking head hurts.

Lol America -- the goliath -- is fucked. Thanks, yanks, for leading the West down this road.

it's texas, why didn't they kill him

Should’ve picked our own fucking cotton

literally fucking who

>50 years
>no death penalty
Just kill him for fuck's sake. He will leave when he will be 69 (nice). It's just a waste of time and taxpayer money. Anything above 30 years should be the death penalty.

They hate you and want you dead. Articles like this are rubbing your face in it.

Every fucking nigger ever

Its not even hard to do

It never ceases to amaze me how fucking stupid democrats are. The song is about shooting and robbing people while waving around guns at a party and flashing gang symbols.

But he's the victim.

the world is a sadder place without those drum machine beats he typed into a laptop, truly he was an artist

He testified against the gang he was in.


maybe I misread the article but it appears he killed another man while on the run in front of a Chik Fila.


We live in a clown world, what else is new?

Attached: gorilla vs niggers.jpg (1040x630, 153K)

He's going to do half of that and get out unable to get a job so he'll probably rob someone in the first week

Life in prison is beyond retarded.
Anyone in for life should be taken out back and shot into a grave. Nope though, better keep them alive for... what exactly?

Jews that’s why.


The guy he killed was a nigger though, just saying.


So he ended the rap inspirations of the nigger he killed

ITT niggers being niggers shocker

maybe, but for sure he'll be right back in because that's what heavily institutionalized people do. They simply cannot function outside of having everything taken care of for them. Going from zero responsibilities to having nothing but an uphill battle, it'll take only a few days before panic sets in and he does something fucked up to go right back in. and that fucked up thing he does will be to maximize his street cred inside. Anything over 15 years should really just be the death penalty, especially for violent crimes.

Nice link rabbi