Now you might call me a fucking brainwashed libcuck eurofag for believing that white race is a social construct, but truth to be fair, I am actually a Serbian nationalist, and while I do respect my fellow Europeans, I do not and never will believe that white race actually exists biologically.
Now you might call me a fucking subhuman for believing in that shit, since I come from Serbia, but do tell me why do some, if not majority of you believe that mixing with Japanese and or Koreans is good? Is it because they look white, despite not being European? Pff, one can only imagine how many people here are bunch of hypocrites.
Either way, I've made my point, white race does not exist, but that doesn't mean I am telling you that you should mix with other races. That is not my point, my point is to acknowledge that there are no white people, but only Europeans. You white Americans are Europeans, no matter how much you try to call us Eurofags or whatever you want it
>Either way, I've made my point, white race does not exis You didn't make any point regarding the existence of the white race, faggot. You sperged out about anons liking cute Japanese girls. Not an argument. And no one actually thinks they're white. What a gay thread. >That is not my point, my point is to acknowledge that there are no white people, but only Europeans. "White" in this context means Native European, retard.
White race exists in America, not in europe. Europe has germans, frenchmen, brits, poles, romanians, etc etc etc. And they all fight and kill each other year after year, decade after decade, century after century.
America has white people. Americans. And sure, there's also african americans, and latin americans, and asian americans. But that doesn't change the fact that "americans" means white people. Otherwise we wouldn't need a whole bunch of hyphenate terms for everyone else. "American" nationalism is white nationalism. Even the founders knew. Free, white men of good character.
It's more like the other way around. Caucasoids (aka "whites") exist as a distinct genetic group, whereas the bases for the nationalisms of the past were all historical accidents, or "social constructs", if you will.
Blake Howard
Every form of categorization used by humans is a social construct. That doesn't mean it doesn't reflect actual biological realities. >Genetic structure, self-identified race/ethnicity, and confounding in case-control association studies.
>We have analyzed genetic data for 326 microsatellite markers that were typed uniformly in a large multiethnic population-based sample of individuals as part of a study of the genetics of hypertension (Family Blood Pressure Program). Subjects identified themselves as belonging to one of four major racial/ethnic groups (white, African American, East Asian, and Hispanic) and were recruited from 15 different geographic locales within the United States and Taiwan. Genetic cluster analysis of the microsatellite markers produced four major clusters, which showed near-perfect correspondence with the four self-reported race/ethnicity categories. Of 3,636 subjects of varying race/ethnicity, only 5 (0.14%) showed genetic cluster membership different from their self-identified race/ethnicity. On the other hand, we detected only modest genetic differentiation between different current geographic locales within each race/ethnicity group. Thus, ancient geographic ancestry, which is highly correlated with self-identified race/ethnicity--as opposed to current residence--is the major determinant of genetic structure in the U.S.
So is physics. Doesn't mean it isn't representative of a scientific reality.
Juan Scott
Biology is a human categorisation, you low Iq clown. Experiments got human definitions to attain determined results.
Either you accept that everything is a human representation, and admit that your convictions are all indeed irrational and there's nothing wrong with that, or you'll always get destroyed in debates like right now.
Eli Adams
>scientific reality.
Modern science is basef on empiricism, which means it can never be a closed reality on itself.
Levi Martinez
>Biology is a human categorisation, you low Iq clown. No, biology is a discipline within science, which contains a number of different human made (socially constructed) distinctions. The distinction of species or subspecies (race) varies largely on what type of animal you're dealing with. pic related.
You didn't make any point you dumb lardass. Europeans are to Africans what wolves are to coyotes. Retard
John Rogers
>Europeans are to Africans what wolves are to coyotes. Retard Funny you mentioned that.
Bentley Adams
>british >european
Juan Gray
Did I just read the loser who wrote that concluded that 'hispanic' is an ancient race?
Jacob Lopez
No one said Hispanics constitute an "ancient race" though.
Xavier Torres
>if I play word games long enough, maybe they'll forget that there's a difference between groups of people who diverged from common ancestry tens of thousands of years ago and have evolved independently in different climes and conditions ever since No one said anything about a closed reality, pedro
Dylan Wilson
Bro you are just repeating what I said believing you are making a counter argument.
And I can't click on your low iq memes. I don't wanna give zionists money.
Connor Hill
>I am actually a Serbian nationalist, so a turk mongrel.
White comes in different variety. Aka different types of European. Such as Anglo and Aryans, Anything that's not from of Europe is NOT WHITE. That includes you azns and jews...
That's not how darwinism works. You could spend trillions of years somewhere and not get any adaptation. Whilst someone living in the other half of the world could develop better adaptations and destroy you in your bullshit social construct 'homeland'.
That's what is happening today in Europe with superior BBCs coming in and becoming professional athletes in snowy Scandinavia, bullying whites and fucking all the girls there.
Just lol if you believe a black african wouldn't destroy you if you two were left in the woods wherever in the world.
Josiah Cook
Being this low iq.
Also genetic mutations can appear spontaneously and simultaneously in different parts of the ld within a species.
It's not a genealogy, you low iq subhuman.
Kevin Russell
>the white race does not exist Yes, you are technically correct. The problem is that the deconstructionism of "White" identity has only ever served (((their))) goal to invalidate any sentiments of pan-European brotherhood. Nothing terrifies the jews more than an international alliance of Europeans, by Europeans, for Europeans. This neurotic fear is almost solely responsible for the creation of the kike-infested EU. Of course, you have us Americans to thank for the prevalence of the "White" label. After it became socially unacceptable to associate European heritage with American identity, use of the word "White" as a racial identifier exploded.
Adrian Young
Lol are you drunk? Eu is a paneuropean institution with global aims.
Joseph Lewis
we can put aside our differences and unite under our european (white) history to stop everything we lived and died for to be trampled under the feet of third world niggers.
Eli Cruz
Ok, fine. We are Europeans. No one is denying that.
However, are we meta Europeans?
Anthony Perez
>The old define White people trick If you have to ask you’ll never know. It’s in our soul. You have none of it. I suspect Serbian kike from here.
Jayden Bennett
To continue, I do think that shifting to the use of "European-American" in the future may be a very good idea. It is a more precise descriptor of our identity, and it automatically includes ethnics like Italian and Spaniards who fully deserve to be part of our movement, but were sometimes excluded from the White identity stereotype with it's Aryan fetishist baggage. The main objection most White Americans have against using European-American to describe themselves is that they are very patriotic and consider this nation their natural home. Currently, placing their ethnic heritage in front of their American status feels silly to most Whites. I believe in the future, as government continues to reshape itself into a footstool for minorities, "patriotism" will change from a White value to a nigger/spic value. As Whites are demographically marginalized and culturally dispossessed, our brains will finally begin running on minority mode and our racial consciousness will re-awaken. When the coming race of nigger/spic/white trash offspring begin to drop the "African" and "Mexican" and simply call themselves Americans, Whites will finally reject their indoctrinated ethnic guilt and pathological altruism...we're going to go very close to the edge but we will return, in a very big way.
This is incorrect. Only R1a Y-DNA are descendants of the historically famous Aryans. Western Europeans carrying R1b Y-DNA are descended from refugees, who invaded when their homeland Atlantis was submerged right after the global oceans' levels rose about 400 feet due to a global catastrophe brought on by an event of cosmological origin that triggered The Young Dryas, which resulted in ending of the Ice Age when asteroids hit glaciers, melting them very fast, and killed off about 75% of all species. Refugees from Atlantis, the R1b Y-DNA carriers invaded North America, Western Europe and North Africa. Atlantean refugees restarted civilization for example in Egypt and even Pharaoh TutAnkhAmun had R1b Y-DNA and today half of men in western Europe has it.
Aryans were ancestors of today's Eastern Europeans such as Poles, Ukrainians, Russians etc. as haplogroup frequency and it's history of migration shows. Before they migrated to Eastern Europe they lived in Iran, and before they lived in Iran they lived in India and their migrations were mostly due to serious and abrupt climate / environmental changes.
Calling Western Europeans "Aryans" is incorrect, yet widespread. They had nothing to do with Aryans. Aryans eventually became Eastern Europeans and Aryans were less advanced than Western Europeans' ancestors from Atlantis, which was situated in Atlantic Ocean where today's Azores Islands were mountaintops of Atlantis.