What does it mean to be white? I am of Irish Catholic descent and frankly, I am much different than an italian, German, or even an English man.
The USA used to have many european ethnic neighborhoods. Little Italy, Germantown, etc. We didn't all become "white" until the niggers where forced on us and we fled to the suburbs.
Facial structure and skin complexion of a European. Russians, despite being east of the Caucus, are considered white because their skin complexion and facial structure derive from the Caucusoid species of human. They look very similar to the German, Anglo, Nordic and Franco people.
That being said, jews are not white as they are a semtic people. Semetic people are not white as their ancestors are not derived from the Caucusoid species. Some of them may look white, wity blonde hair and blue eyes, but that is from generations of race mixing.
Landon Cooper
for our purposes white means "american" on the timeline without slavery
Carter Cook
So it is purely physical then.
Andrew James
That person is not white. They exhibit Hamitic complexions.
William Adams
White is a collective term kikes have created in order to hide change identities at their own free will when it benefits them. White isnt a race
Austin Jackson
I disagree with you on some other things, but I've come to agree with you on this. White isn't a race. It's many dozens of different races.
>What does it mean to be white? It means you're not a brown or a nigger. It means you're of European descent and aren't a disgusting mixed abomination like spics are.
This isn't fucking rocket science.
Christian Ross
Identifying as white is internalizing the commands of your Jewish oppressors.
Logan Parker
Yes. Just because a Negroid, the species of human that is those with sub sahara African complexions, may speak the tounge of a Caucasian or even live and think like a Caucasian, they are not a Caucasian.
A poodle can bark on command, sit on command, shit outside and eat like a hound, a poodle is not a hound.
Jaxson Clark
Adam Butler
Cooper Cox
I dont know but >british Are not >white
Gavin Bennett
That's a towelhead. Greeks are unironically whiter than you, Ahmed
Ryan Ross
>based catholicism
I've been seeing this a lot here lately. If you place allegiance to the Pope over that of your fellow white Americans, you aren't my friend. You are just another subversive element in this country that needs to be purged.
Majority of his heritage is Anglo so it counts. I’m just showing him that Anglos can be better looking than his people.
Kayden Foster
Yes, me. If you genuinely pledge allegiance to the Roman Pontiff instead of the wellbeing of my people, you aint my nigga and I will not spare you. I am not a descendant of Irish or Italians living in NYC, new Jersey or some Chicago neighborhood. I have a lot of guns and I know how to use them.
You look pretty dark to me, but I am ok with that, as long as you don't attempt to subvert this country and my people to the will of some foreign Roman.
Ayden Edwards
Honestly when you see this stuff from E. Michael Jones about "whiteness" it's usually just an Irish Catholic persecution complex held towards Anglos.
Jack Morales
>nigga This country is the great satan and the cause of the degeneracy of the world today so you would not be my friend either
Austin Turner
Your pic is a sandnigger and so are you. You will never be european
Jace Gutierrez
EMJ is right. Being 'white' is basically only possible when in proximity of black people. 'Blacks' who actually hail from a very varied genetic heritage exist as a monolithic 'black' culture only because none of the Europeans can tell them apart. This in turn was used against the European groups in order to consolidate and destroy their/our culture.
Christopher Rivera
>what does it mean to be black? I am "X African group" and frankly, I am much different than "other African groups" >what does it mean to be native American? I am "X native American tribe" and frankly, I am much different than "other native American tribe"
etc, etc.
That you think this is somehow a brilliant insight because muh logos man said it is embarrassing. I like listening to EMJ but he should stick to topics that he's well versed on, which do not include biology, IQ, and the reality of race. Watch his interview with Dr. Edward Dutton: youtube.com/watch?v=qN6KyXMdU6Y
irish is a subset of white. we're all rallying under the banner of white for political purposes. yes, it is a social construct in how the lines are drawn. it is not a social construct in that their are real differences between the races.
to identify merely as irish in america is retarded and will gain you nothing politically. by doing that you're as good as an atomized consumer with no real political power, and thus, identity.
Nathan Sullivan
kek Amerimutts blown the fuck out.
Nathaniel Young
Can't. British people sound too much like faggots. Heard him once. Mostly agree. Still hate him.
Jason Phillips
This too
Josiah Harris
If you try to subvert this country and impose Catholicism upon us by force there will be a civil war here greater than a left vs right one.
Try it and see what happens. I don't care about your pedo-morality viewpoints.
Landon Morris
I think he's informative and hilarious. But to each his own.
Asher Peterson
>looks white >not white Explain
Jordan Jackson
are you trolling you fucking nigger? dr. brown literally played a recorded answer EMJ gave him to a different question, while acting like it was an answer to another question. i wouldnt even call it jewry as how botched and see-through that operation was.
Isaiah Young
How about you rally under Goad and christ rather than the color of one's skin? Like how much do you have in common with a white antifa person? The only reason you think white is a unifying thing is because many white people still have conservative order/culture brought about by Christianity
Christian Garcia
EMJ's thesis is that the USA is like many multi-ethnic empires of the past (such as Yugoslavia) where Ethnicity is largely determined by religion So you shouldn't say you're Irish-American You should say you're Irish-Catholic
William Bell
You and i do not have the military might to impose either view on anyone. Quit larping. We’ll be lucky to secure the white race. Ill glady fight a larp war with you once we do
Bentley James
>How about you rally under Goad and christ rather than the color of one's skin? False Dilemma. And race is far more than just skin color. You sound like a leftist.
Ayden Wilson
Literally the defininiton of race is the color of one's skin. Are you retarded?
Caleb Mitchell
Irrelevant. Dr. Brown challenged EMJ to a formal publically moderated debate recently but EMJ cucked out.
Cooper Anderson
I'm leaning toward just catholic.
Gavin Green
See and
Asher White
i dont give a fuck what 'we' rally under just as long as its effective against the jew.
>The only reason you think white is a unifying thing is because many white people still have conservative order/culture brought about by Christianity where have you been the past 5 years? white nationalism is making huge gains and confronts politically incorrect truths, while christianity is literally kike'd and gay with your churches donating money to israel. how many years do you faggot christian factions need? All you morons do is purity spiral and form your own church over a jewish book. if you're going to be chiristian, you'd better at least be catholic since that has been shown to work against the jew in the past. the church just has to uncuck itself
Ryan Brown
I'm not talking about you and I. I'm talking about you Catholics who seemingly wish to impose Roman Papal law on this country, vs people who would oppose you.
Try that shit, and you'll be kicked back to merry ol Ireland or bella Italia, where so many of you people seem to long to be anyway.
Elijah Reyes
No, race refers to continental populations which have been largely separated from one another for many thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. Lurk more.
Adam Wright
Lurk more
Henry Wilson
EMJ has better things to do than debate with a dishonest kike with ill-intent like yourself.
Thomas Price
People like you were burned alive to prevent them from further blasphemy. For their own good. Did you know hell gets worse with every sin you commit during life? I dont want anyone to feel that.
Daniel Taylor
>white nationalism is making huge gains. how can something make gains that doesn't even make sense. White is not a nationality. German, italian, japanese are nationalities. Whiteness is not a unifying principle. You are delusional and embarassing. Richard Spencer tier cringe.
Benjamin Sanders
lurk more retard
>how can something make gains that doesn't even make sense. it objectively has been making gains so it 'not making sense' to you is your retarded problem. done responding now as i see you're a race denier
Lucas Jackson
Don't presume to speak for God. I don't need or want another man interjecting themselves into that relationship. I've said what I need. You Catholic dominionists can try your larpy recruitment drives here on Jow Forums, but take that shit to the real world and see what happens.
Ryder Nelson
Actually, "whiteness" was invented after the Civil War by southern Anglo-Saxon ex-planters to prevent the poor Scotch-Irish farmers from allying with the Negro freedmen to overthrow their political dominance. This only became a national thing a 100 years later to instill collective racial guilt among all European descendants for something that only the Southern planters and the Northern mercantile class (both Anglo-Saxon) actually benefited from. The FBI even funds "white nationalists" like Hal Turner and Richard Spencer as controlled opposition to enforce this false identity.
Sorry for being retarded but I still don't understand.
Jose Diaz
The concept of a white identity does makes sense outside of Europe as most whites are a mix of European ethnicities. Not true. The first immigration policy of the USA was limited to free white men of good standings. As for your comment about the Irish, see: rjensen.people.uic.edu/no-irish.htm
"white' is a race. Racialism is dumb. "irish" "german" even really (at this point "german-irish midwestern american" "or scots-irish american" are ethnicities. Ethnocentrism is dank
Owen Ross
Despite my explanations above on what is and isn't white, the guy in question even says he is not white.
Jose Miller
>jews >semetic How new are you?
Liam Turner
>Whiteness was invented after the civil war >In 1680, Morgan Godwyn "found it necessary to explain" to English readers that "in Barbados, 'white' was 'the general name for Europeans.'" >Only free White persons of good character are allowed to immigrate to the United States 1789-1965
>to prevent the poor Scotch-Irish farmers from allying with the Negro freedmen to overthrow their political dominance >Carpetbagger-negro dominance wasn't opposed by the whole of the South from top to bottom >This only became a national thing a 100 years later to instill collective racial guilt among all European descendants for something that only the Southern planters and the Northern mercantile class (both Anglo-Saxon) actually benefited from >Whites didn't benefit from being of a higher caste than negroes
>The FBI even funds "white nationalists" like Hal Turner and Richard Spencer as controlled opposition to enforce this false identity >The FBI doesn't infiltrate and create false racial nationalists to discourage and demonize white identity so that America can become a brown skinned jew ruled marketplace
Gavin Ward
you get raked last
Anthony Nelson
They are semetic.
Jordan Collins
Why would the mixture of those people look like your pic related?
Luke Ross
White means you don't qualify for affirmative action and you are less likely to be promoted at large woke companies. You may just want to be Irish but trust me, you are fucking white to the Jews, niggers and spics of this world.
"White" in the Naturalization Act was limited to the British Isles and maybe the French Huguenots. It certainly did not mean all Europeans as we see it nowadays.
Charles Mitchell
literally no one is white. whiteness is a jewish construct that should be destroyed. Various people of european ancestry, should, however band together for the protection of our various cultures.
Ian Morris
PS That miserable christcuck EMJ has no idea of what he talking about. Total kook.
Justin Morgan
Because Jow Forums is largely composed of shills and retards.
Thomas Parker
No, they are Khazars
Dominic Carter
>"White" in the Naturalization Act was limited to the British Isles and maybe the French Huguenots. It certainly did not mean all Europeans as we see it nowadays. Then why were the Irish and other Europeans outside of the North Atlantic allowed to become citizens and vote if they weren't White? You're full of shit.
Nathan Nelson
>American knowledge of its own history
Isaiah Baker
Prove me wrong spic. Don't act like a smug bitch
Cooper Walker
Like what? Rant more about the kikes? Fact of the matter is that Dr. Brown completely destroys EMJ's entire theory that when Jews reject Christ (Logos), they reject the natural order (also Logos) and when they reject the natural order they become revolutionaries. Dr. Brown is a ethnic Jew but an extremely devout Christian but he's just as much of a kike/revolutionary as any other jew out there, this destroys EMJ's entire hypothesis. In EMJ's mind if a Jew accepts Christ -- he even talks about an early Church father who was a Jew who converted to Catholicism and he helped expose Judaism by informing the Church about the Talmud in his goy guide to world history -- he stops being a revolutionary because he accepts the natural order when he accepts Logos (because logos is christ, the natural order, speech, logic, etc). EMJ doesn't promote violence so his only way of solving the Jewish problem is converting them. Well how many Jews has he converted by now? Zero probably, Dr. Brown on the other hand has converted thousands upon thousands, he is the face of the messianic Jewish movement.
Dr. Brown even has a debate scheduled with Rabbi Schmuley Boteach on whether the new Testament is anti semitic or not. Everything aside, Dr. Brown has done more for Christ than EMJ could ever even dream of doing.
Lucas Brooks
Whiteness exists in relation to nonwhites. We all became white the minute we encounter the first nigger or sand nigger or gook.
In the words of Chris Rock, “I don’t care if you just got here. ‘I just got here from Romania’ Hey you Romanian cracka!”
Such bullshit. Either you believe in biology and evolution or you don't. The nature of biology and evolution is that organisms change due to environmental pressures. Either everybody is fixed in which case there is no evolution, or a thousand years of Benedictine Pressure will put African IQ on par with European IQ. Anybody who argues innate and immutable biological superiority is a retard.
Austin Perez
That's a good point. I just applied for a loan and the bank asked if I was "white"
Easton Carter
Because the definition of "white" changed from "British Isles only" to "all of Europe including Jews" when American businesses decided that they wanted cheap labor during the Gilded Age.
Charles Jenkins
>Iri*sh ********
You're just a run of the mill nigger. No use in considering yourself white.
Josiah Mitchell
Is whiteness, dare I say it, a social construct then?
Xavier Carter
I proved that White meant all Europeans in 1680, the Irish and Italians could become citizens and were exempt from any color code in America. White has always meant European, but that doesn't mean that some Whites loved their own nation better than others.
Camden Barnes
Germans had been already 9% of the population at the time of the founding of the US.
Zachary Butler
I never argued for immutable racial differences. As it stands now races are real and some races are, on average, more intelligent than others.
Dominic Ross
>Dr. Brown is a ethnic Jew but an extremely devout Christian HAhahahahahaha, get the fuck out. Brown is playing a role, and it's entirely milquetoast zionist evangelical. He's there to quibble and equivocate about whether it was Jews or Judeans and fall back on defending the Jewish Faith when confronted with actual bible verses. He is a Sham.
Christopher Young
A kike is a kike to me.
Joseph King
>the niggers where forced on us Never happened. Irish Catholics all supported desegregation and civil rights and welcomed niggers with open arms. Catholics deserve to be killed
Henry Williams
Dutton does, and so does anybody who brings up the biology argument when Jones says the only difference between Africa and Germany is thousand years of Benedictine control of German Culture. You sit there and argue that there is no meaningful difference between Africans when Africa is larger than Europe. Compare Christian African Countries to Muslim African Countries and tell me there's no difference. I get it, there's a lot of Cargo Cult Christianity among the third world, but that's a stepping stone.
Gabriel Long
>Benedictine Pressure will put African IQ on par with European IQ It would take a lot more than that.
Thomas Clark
>Compare Christian African Countries to Muslim African Countries and tell me there's no difference. The Muslim African countries are better? What is your point?
Brody Perry
A thousand years of controlling their culture is plenty. You don't seem to understand the real depth of what that entails.
Jordan Rivera
>in the USA
Who cares what you mutts think?
Jackson Miller
japan is more white than america america man is hot pot of race to create non human why did germany form aliance with japan not america? easy