Are they the equivalent of incels?

Are they the equivalent of incels?
They are literally unfuckabale at this age just like incels.

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Fuck off spic. Why does Mexico still have internet access?

upper middle class liberal white women are annoying as fuck

>when you have hit the wall so hard you have to flood your county with 3rd world niggers just to get laid.

sassy old hags ! just what every guy wants !

>other halves that can measure up

they probably have too high standards. when you are 52 or 55 you don't have the desirability that a 22 year old woman has. no fertility left. what can they offer besides the occasional nut? and the nutting will be better with a younger woman, which older men can often times get.

I would fuck each of them before giving them to my always-horny dogs.

>40s and 50s
Yea those shriveled up ovaries should have settled decades ago, what the fuck do they think they're going to find now?

no they're not. There are droves of beta males who're jacking off to THESE images RIGHT NOW because you posted it. They dont want those men though. They want the men who like young beautiful women because those men have lots of self esteem. If you like them that means you're a loser.

Go find some thirsty niggers you useless traitors. You spent your 20s fucking around and going to whamynz studies, your 30s fucking men over at work and now your old bodies look like aged prunes and you want some oaf that has already been burned several times by hypergamis cunts that had the full power of the state behind what...come sweep you off your size 12 feet? Nobody cares about you anymore. Any many your age if he has money can get a 35 year old and if he doesn't he has porn the internet, tv, his pal Rex the dog and hobbies. He isn't going to make a stretch to give a fuck and try harder for your blown out nigger dump of a pussy. Maybe it is time you start paying for the company of men. Our time is valuable. I got a lot of ball scratching to do. You want my attention, pay up.

you have to be the older man's younger woman. Hook up with 60-70 year olds.

Heavy HEAVY makeup. Lazy eye, gap between teeth, obvious surgery, looks like a tranny. Bam there's your problem. Fuck off roasties.

Digits confirm the quality of the question. Perhaps it is time to take away Mexico's internet.

Ugly and annoying. No cock for you.

I fucking hate liberal white women. As soon as they make some liberal statement....I"m like.....beeeeeyeeeee.

I find none of these women attractive.
And as a literal boomer (58) I am not talented enough to get it up to pork any of them.

How much is your monthly child support?

I'd give Ms. Laura Hall the fucking of her life.

Maybe we can call they Drycells?


Who the fuck wants menopaused women. Even 60 year old divorced guys don't.

30 is basically the cut-off point where you either get married or you become a single mom and die alone.

Get married roastie

Just looked some of them up on LinkedIn. They're British no wonder they're so fugly

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>literally unfuckable

Lmao, women can not be incels. There will ALWAYS be some desperate beta white dude more than willing to sacrifice his dignity, bank account and balls to have merely an opportunity, not even a guarantee, at some pussy. These women aren’t fucking because they believe they deserve the top 10% of men, not because they aren’t getting any date offers.

They're also fat...

pic related is 21

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>solvent and educated
like any man ever gave a shit about that lmao. Sure you want someone you can talk to but that could literally be a chick who works at Walmart and reads a lot of books. Educational achievement is not an important factor in selecting a mate for men.

Education isn't even irrelevant, it's actually a negative.

Any guy would rather take the high school graduate over the bitch with the master's degree.

What are these women bringing to the table besides their, uhh, sass?

their money, but only if you already have more than them already.

For woman having only the option of fucking losers is the same as having noone to fuck.

That still doesn’t make them incels, just cunts with too high standards

>a person who refrains from sex

>Lucy, Lesley, Julia, Laura
>have been taking multiple dicks every weekend since they were 14 years old and can't find a husband due to their slut personalities

No. They are not incels.

sassy is code for bitch

you only marry these for their money

Maybe they could try not being huge cunts for like 5 seconds

Lucy is some prime milf.
Lesley looks like a blonde Jew. never fucking trust a blonde Jew.
Julia is so old she doesn't know where she fucking is.
Laura is a burnt out thot for sure. Good sex but you'd constantly be worried about her flashing her tits at office parties.

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Not even close.


No, just unmarriable.

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This is never an attractive adjective for a female, ever

Cat lady’s.

Not quite. They are equally despicable and loathsome, the only difference is that there are hundreds of beta male cucks lining up to fulfill their every need.

Honestly I'd creampie every last one of them. They're past menopause anyways.

No they aren't incels because it wasn't involuntary. They are celibate because they wasted their good years fucking people that didn't want to marry.