Le 100% Face

Let's post some examples.

Attached: Le 100% Face.jpg (964x600, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: i am fookin white6.jpg (660x413, 91K)

Attached: varg1.png (720x480, 507K)


Attached: 48jy0iaauvr21.jpg (831x468, 49K)


Attached: clint1.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Attached: 100%.png (1584x886, 1.41M)


not so fast

Attached: 1530891750339.png (313x175, 83K)


Attached: pavelbure1.jpg (599x400, 37K)

I have blonde hair. I am God among men

Attached: Arian.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Dolph Lundgren is the best example.

Honestly, almost any Swede.

This guy is peak ubermensch (not the kike obviously)

Attached: 1561925848949.jpg (618x618, 77K)

Attached: MENA vs European.png (444x2832, 2.02M)

Attached: MENA vs European women.png (491x1716, 1.37M)

Good taste, didn't see the webm was posted already.

Attached: jewish vs european women.jpg (953x562, 86K)

Here is me, no mutts at my house

Attached: 20190718_161425.jpg (2576x1932, 1.44M)

Attached: le100.jpg (328x326, 19K)

Look at those browbridges.
Quintessential european.

>ywn knee cap a delinquent bettor with the Russian Rocket
Why even be Vory?

Attached: mutt.png (680x512, 200K)

For example

Attached: andre-schurrle.jpg (640x480, 46K)


Congratulations, you finally watched Taxi Driver. Now fix your fucking hair. You don’t live in a movie.

Attached: Rúnar Alex RÚNARSSON.jpg (183x275, 8K)

Attached: 786543.jpg (251x267, 25K)

fuck you nigger, i have never seen taxi driver and i love my mohawk.

Attached: 1550019891132.jpg (639x794, 129K)


Attached: thanks.jpg (604x482, 22K)

This is the rarest hitler I have ever seen

mena admixture you tell from the darker hair

Taxi Driver is overrated.

Stop being so jealous Juan

Attached: (YOU).png (659x499, 418K)


Attached: whenyoureamutt.png (511x520, 151K)

lmao what is this from?

Stop stealing my hair, Greek. Not my beautiful hair

can i pass as white?

Attached: 2014-02-22 20.48.19.jpg (2560x1920, 1.15M)

if you survive the dog attack then sure

Attached: what the.jpg (400x400, 24K)

Attached: 1539098379197.jpg (634x792, 139K)

look out behind you carlos

Attached: 1540553643925s.jpg (181x250, 4K)

you are the kike. a white man raising 9 children on his volkisch homestead worshipping his true ancestors scares the kikes far more than your shilling ever will. varg preaches self improvement and going after the problems with European culture at their source. i.e. the jews are the problem. the blacks, muslims, and non-whites are secondary.

"if a man comes along and turns on your garden hose, and starts spraying water in through the window, do you get a bucket and start throwing the water back out of the window? or do you tell the man spraying water into your home to stop?" - Varg Vikernes

Attached: 1532693405450s.jpg (124x125, 3K)

Attached: 65EE9C0D-5260-470B-B2DB-30EB5748CA6E.jpg (349x480, 38K)

He has a downward pointing nose.

Guy looks like he isn't too bright, your average Chad. The Ubermensch ideal is a bit retarded IMO.

My great grandfather was a fisherman in Scotland where would he have gotten the dark hair from?

Probably, I mean as long as you don’t tell anyone you’re Cuban


as Sicilian nothing more though

Downward pointing noses, LMAO. You do know you get that from Armenids.

Basically a Red Nordid with blonde hair, nice hazel eyes, mud.

On the right is le 100%

Attached: err.jpg (793x736, 120K)

Some kike interviews a German nationalist and the German btfos him in both the conversation and appearance. Don't have the link saved unfortunately anymore.

Nah, Ubermensch definitely includes brains as well as brawn. It's the ideal man to set out to be.

Looks like a fag and downward pointing nose, pure-ish White Nordid though. Some Armenization in the forehead and nose.

Just be a winner who wins.

Nordic Thunder/arrekarallo is this you?

You are white

You would look good if you had a better haircut.
You need to take your elder's advice on this, my shit was retarded too when I was your age.
Get you a sharp fade like something worthy of the Hugo Boss uniform. Like high and tight, David Beckham style.

No, and don't forget all the pics you guys have posted are of IQ below 150 Cro Magnons. You guys, like me, are basically disposable retards. You flatter yourselves.

77% is all? Damn you look at least 85-90%

That haircut is terrible. Sorry user, you don’t have the head shape to pull it off. You’d probably look better with a full head shave

100% Fingolian

LMAO, this whole movement is a bunch of Red Nordids isn't it? the Nazis would have considered you "not-ideal" to say the least. They were White Nordid supremacists whether they knew it or not, nice bum chin and retarded haircut, guy. LMAO, nice brown hair.

Basically a Red Nordid, what a bunch of fucking subhumans you guys keep posting. Look at that fag.

My dad looked like a northern european,he was like 90% euro of spanish/german heritage. My mom is 65% euro

Lol, don't delete your picture, faggot.

Attached: 1563240355661.jpg (2560x1920, 1.15M)

Jews can be 100% too

Attached: phoenix.jpg (474x533, 48K)

Idc, why you save my pics? thats gay

He's 100% german, what do you mean subhuman? Gtfo jew

Guess what I am (besides ugly)

Attached: 20190724_203844.jpg (2576x1932, 1.02M)

As Red Nordids usually do, the "White boy" is always a White Nordid, this dude looks too massive to pull it off. Amusingly the Chad Thundercock meme is basically a Red Nordid with blonde hair and LMAO a downward pointing nose, the Nazis would have "eeeh i dunno" at that. He's usually portrayed as being of average height too, LMFAO. Doesn't he also have a bum chin? ahahahaha.

I didn't, just reposting it for all to see. I can view deleted posts.


It's funny that he talks about the stereotype that blondes are dumb not being true in that interview. He used to be a teacher until the Jews got him fired.

ok, thanks


You are castizo

true ADAMIC women, vs. Lucifers' hybrid Kenite-Khazar phenotypes...



Here is the other picture you deleted of yourself. Have fun studying English in America btw.

Attached: 1564021869666.jpg (2560x1920, 1.53M)

saving and posting some dudes selfie


horrible haircut, mohawks are for fags and tryhards

I bet he can hear ebonics from 10 miles away


UrgAy is angry he cant pull off a mohawk like me, also my chin is epic, not a weak chinlet like you

Looks like a turk

>swedecuck flag
I expect nothing less from the queer capital of the world

yes thats why its cringe

t. jealous nigger/spic

cope he's aryan pure meds don't even look like him

funny I've only seen spics with mohawks

I'm not the faggot posting and deleting pics of myself because I'm insecure.

i am a model, if you post yours i show you a video of myself,

You are retarded, Europeans have actual diversity amongst them, they’re not limited to one hair color.

Generic white dude #472816384
Nice eyes tho

t. Captain sweden

It's cringe to post pics of yourself asking Jow Forums if you "pass as white" and then delete the pics.