My friend is prostituting herself

She doesn't even need the money, she just does it for fun. Whats shocking is that all of my friends think that this is normal and just fine. They see this as the next social issue and soon there will be apps like uber for it and everyone will pay for sex. They even said they would be fine with their own daughters being prostitutes. Thoughts?

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Step on her head

Im not in a shitty part of town btw, completely middle class

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Where does she live? Is she hot?

maybe you should think about destroying your friends minecraft lives.

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The zogpill is working.



very hot

how much does she charge?

Fine by me, just no pretentiousness, no more than $50 for a session.

Convince her to kill herself or get her a client with aids. That will really fuck her up

Let's see

>They see this as the next social issue and soon there will be apps like uber for it and everyone will pay for sex

Assuming there isn't a complete blowout before that happens, I think that's perfectly possible. Considering Pedophilia is becoming a more mainstream defended position. I think the more they stack this shit the closer we get to Balkans 2: World Boogaloo

It actually makes more sense than most of the crazy shit out there now

Post pic of her feet first, dont wanna hear a story about an ugly feet bitch

Try having a discussion with them about it.
If that doesn't work, just eliminate them.

Checked, based footfag commie

Jesus, I hope this doesn't happen. Sometimes I wonder when we will hit bottom and what that might look like.

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We lost the fight for the culture decades ago. Collapse is unavoidable at this point. Start prepping and look into forming sustainable communities with like-minded individuals, far away from any metropolitan areas.

>my friend is a prostitute
>she's hot
>doesn't post pic
Let's see her faggot

Very true. Gen Z and the Millenials will do anything for cash. Except study and become great.

Pussy is right behind weed. So sad, America. I am leaving.

fuck off cuck

something has to give.
man-hating feminists are strictly against prostitution, but they want to make it so only the men can get in trouble for it. I forsee prostitution being legalized in the same sense as many Scandinavian countries where it's not a crime for a woman to sell sex, but it's a crime for a man to buy it. Feminists like this because prostitution threatens women's hegemony over sex, but can't take a position that would require women to have any responsibility.

It would help society overall. Why? Because we are too sexually inequal. Women can gatekeep their pussies forever if they want and use them to get whatever they want and beta/omega men just have to take it.

Also males are underrated. If there was a opportunity for male prostitution, you might be shocked at how much money would be out there from gay men or women.

If everyone keeps sexually healthy, by using condoms and other protections and regularly tests, it should be fine.

yeah this. come on you stupid faggot OP show her sexy slutty body so we can judge your taste in whore friends.

buy a blowjob from her bro. imagine how fucking hot it would be to get a blowjob from a close friend with no strings attached

prostitution was one of the first professions in society. There is evidence of prostitution in Mesopotamia. Even apes practice it when introduced to the concept of money.

In other words, Have Sex incel.

i'll tell you what happened. she used tinder and was like "damn i could get paid for this"

That's pretty shitty. You should totally buy an hour with her. Maybe then she will realize her errors.

so if she was just fucking random men for fun on weekends that would make it better? at least she makes money out of it, that actually shows she's smart.



Just remind her nobody cares about dead hookers.
One of these days she's gonna be trapped naked in a room with a speed freak and she'll be lucky to get out unharmed.

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I'm not believing your bullshit until you provide proof.

good, whats her rate and does she do incall

Hopefully she will have the same ending as that Utah prostitute

Yes, that's infinitely better than commodifying intimacy.

Kek based leaf
Still waiting for pics

>waits for the horny niggas to attempt a crime

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>>Prostitute app
seriously? any of them good?
always thought of them as "honeypots" for glow niggers

You're going to have to buy sex with her and post it online to see how she feels

The part that i left out is that shes currently in a relationship with my other friend and he is totally cool with it. They've been dating for like 5 years. And Im not gonna start sucking dick for money no matter how "underrated" i am

Have you tried her yet?

You mean kike daughters?

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>market places value on a service
>service is provided
>monetary value is exchanged at market rate

Learn to economics faggot

I'm not surprised. Modern women are all whores.

IDK man, as degenerate as I think it is, if I was hot I would have sex for money too. If I was a hot female I would make so much money from my body. Why wouldn't you? Just use rubber and you're fine.

Are you a femanon? Post pics of yourself and we'll decide if you're underrated

Where are her pictures you fag

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no im not a literal whore.

>completely middle class
They're always the biggest commies.

Socially accepted prostitution is a very big sign of ensuing poverty.

Wrong. Whores fuck because they are whores and want cock. Prostitutes fuck for money. They are capitalists and deserve our respect.

Larp or real?

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The trips make your request valid but syndicalism is still better than communism. Black over red bitch.

>deserve our respect
>deserve our respect
>our respect

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so you're okay with your daughter being a prostitute? I never realized the cuckoldry had gotten this bad


totally real man, i never even post here, just lurk every day

Is OP going to be a faggot all night or can he post at least one decent picture?

My sperm doesn't make women bc I'm not a cuck. Post pics faggot.

Give her a 5er for a nice blowie then, m8

gonna have to be a faggot man sorry


What a pussy. You're definitely not a lurker, you're newer than the black employment rates. You came here with a fake story for attention/validation or some other female shit. Kys.

Imagine being such a white knight faggot that you can't even fuck the PROSTITUTE you are orbiting.

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Get her to stop smoking weed so that she regains consciousness

He (I'm convinced it's really a woman) probably tried and got turned down "haha ew user but we're
And that's why they are here fagposting

she'll learn one day when she's dead in the trunk of some niggers car

That would suck. You ask and she turns you down. You are so afraid you can't even ask.

he's probably too broke to afford her.
white girls and especially american ones get a stupid high price in most areas, even for really ugly ones.

Ok, in the world there is a tendency to make sex a commodity, an object, let´s say in a way: the world wants to make sex a coke
For society that growds day by day, sex become more a whim of its ego than an act of love and trust
I have to say directly: sex is the blurb of self- esteem that capitalism sold us

She's dating my friend, also I will never pay for sex, only strippers

modern society is a cesspool. only way to stay clean is to get out.
remember these bits of wisdom: 'birds of a feather flock together' and 'you are known by the company you keep'?

I could just post any picture from Facebook though

I hope you go to bed knowing you let a lot of anons down tonight.

confirmed for too much of a poorfag.
what's she cost, like 3-400?
five for anal?

holy shit she has a boyfriend hahahahahahahaha what a cuck faggot he is

I wouldn't call it normal, but I've had friends who were/are prostitutes and I don't judge them for it.
Sex isn't magical and you don't run out of it. As for the risk, shit I was in the Army. Even now, I go rafting. I do dangerous things for fun. That's my choice.

Do you get a discount? And, do you have pics with an address?



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lmao just buy her for sex and then make her lick your ass every day after you take a dump

By prostitution, you mean selling her self in dark alleys?
Or through websites or sugar daddy?
Or you just mean cam whoring?
How much she makes though?

So instead of just doing that to shut all the autismos like me up, you decide to be an enormous faggot? No wonder she'd never fuck you, considering your friend is a level 100 cuck also.

I feel like being really hot kind of drives women insane and they feel the need to like degrade themselves

literally just cut off her head in the photo.
all of the AI shit is trained on faces, it'd never be able to reverse search without a head.

This is why we need white sharia


Also please share the pics

kys. Paying for strippers is worse than paying for sex.

Get new fucking friends, Jesus Christ.

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Horny retards like you are ruining this board; you can go literally anywhere else for "hot pics" you fucking brainlet

You and OP need to go back to /Reddit/

would be hot. esp shes go out of way to make it good for you

She's intelligent. All of your other female "friends" are also sleeping around, except they aren't being paid for it. The girl who makes money from it is just smarter.

>fine with their own daughters being prostitutes.

Correct them and/or get new friends. It's not being open minded, they are just wrong.

Your whore friend is in for a world of hurt, but it's down the line so you'll never be able to convince her. But your other friends might have a chance. Really though, it sounds like you hang with a group of shitty people. Sex the ones you want to since they're so 'liberated' and move on would be my advice.

Not all scars are physical. She's doomed.