No one relevant wants open borders

I keep reading the right wing talk about how the left wants open borders. I've not seen a reputable source mention one relevant left winger actually advocate for this. This sounds like some beep boop left bad

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they're literally attacking ICE agents, defacing the american flag, rioting and attacking people with bike locks and cement bricks.

All the Dems candidates want to "decriminalize" US border crossing which is OPEN BORDERS, you stupid fuck.

Being against ice is not the same as being pro open border. You do understand this?

>You do understand this?
Please tell me how the illegal immigrants be forced to go back home without ICE?

Hey I don't want open borders.

I just want an unsecured border where people can just walk across at their leisure. Anyone we do catch, we will just let them free until their court hearing. Which might take 10 years because I refuse to appoint enough judges. And even if we do decide to deport them, I'll just cry out because they popped out a kid or two or five.


We have boarders and customs that secured the boarder for years before George Bush created ice

Decriminalization and legalization aren't the same thing

If you support catch and release plus sanctuary cities you support open borders no matter how you want to call it.

fucking left tards

I haven't either. It's obviously just a bullshit scare tactic. Meanwhile MAGApedos don't seem to care that immigration is surging under Trump while deportation is dropping.

Nigger - How fucking STUPID are you? The entire twenty-whatever cast RAISED THEIR HANDS in agreeing it's a good idea to provide free healthcare to illegals.

It's hidden right on the Internet.

God, I hate people like you.

KYS immediately.

Democrat candidate Julian Castro says he wants to decriminalize illegal border crossings. Beta O Rourke supports catch and release, abolishing ICE, sanctuary cities, and tearing down border walls. They all essentially do. The only reason they don't directly say they support open borders is to provide cover for retards like you.

Obviously. It's like when they called Obama a socialist Muslim who was gonna take away all their guns and declare Marshal law

hes probably a antifa fag lefttard

So we all agree closed borders are good? NEAT!


Kim Iverson is one of the largest leftie-tube youtubers and she advocates completely open borders.

It is a mainline position among the mentally ill (liberals) these days.

Everyone in power wants open boarders and Lefties are thoughtless cattle that will say they want open borders because they gain virtue points for it. Some of them are probably dumb and cowardly enough to even think they want it.

How is healthcare to illegals the same as thing as open borders retard

yes they are dumb shit. They want more spics to shack up in their mcmansions with government money so the housing market is more competitive to hold prices higher than they are supposed to

And Obama was going to have us all put in FEMA death camps afterwards.

Right because guaranteed free healthcare wont attract tons more illegal spics. You're fucking retarded. KYS

A literal who? Welp, there we have it, boys: indisputable proof of a vast libtard conspiracy.

Julian Castro is barely relevant and sanctuary cities are not the same as open borders. Decriminalization is not legalization

Republicans are in power. Trump does not want open borders last time I checked

Jewish rabbis want to open America's borders but not Israel's

>relevant left winger

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I could care less. I just hate fucking mexicans and want them gone.

Lol. Omg remember fema camps. Its endless lies and they never apologize for their last lie

So we shouldn't provide any healthcare for people we have detained? Having children die while in captivity by us is great optics.

It's just an example. There are plenty of members of congress on record saying retarded bullshit like abolish ICE (i.e. complete open borders). Liberalism is pure cancer.

Here's a left wing source admitting that that Warren's platform is pretty much open borders

who? which RELEVANT left winger defaced an american flag, rioted, attacked an ICE agent, or attacked anyone with bike locks or cement bricks?

>inb4 antifa
>inb4 you shoot up a mosque

Did you not watch the DNC debate?

The 40 million illegals here can certainly help the Dems steal an election. They'll never admit their open borders but they're doing fuck all to stop it.

Do you actually think they are coming to America to save money on healthcare. It couldn't possibly have to do with their home countries have major problems in them that they look for a safer place to live

Who. Never heard of her

"Republicans" and "Democrats" are just two wings of the same party and they serve the same masters.

So you have nothing to say when your lie is called out:3

that still doesn't mean open borders retard

Abolishing ice isn't the same as open borders

And yet the current regime just provides lip service to appease its base while doing completely opposite actions. Both sides are shit. Thee ugly fact is that illegals are helping prop up our crumbling system by paying into it while not being able to take full advantage of it. If we were going after companies that employ illegals hard enough, employing them would quickly cease to be worth the risk. But we don't do that, do we?

healthcare is probably cheaper over in mexico

like it is everywhere else

>want to abolish a system designed to deport illegal immigrants
>want to give illegal immigrants free healthcare
>act surprised when people accuse you not caring whatsoever about border enforcement

>if they don't say the exact words, that's not what they mean
I'll use terminology your basedinfected, manchild brain can understand:
The term "open borders" is like Voldemort
No dem says it, but they all know what's being referred to

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illegals can't vote retard

I'm actually triggered by your retardation. Illegals cant vote and if you believe that you are hopless

His father drowned him to get a dental work done in Germany.

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I never have either. That's the point. It's just some cherry-picked wackadoodle that no one has heard of.

This. The new democrats (The Squad) are defending illegals, even going so far as to put their lives over native citizens first. Honestly, they should be executed for treason.

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>illegals aren't legally allowed to vote retard

both parties are pro-open borders

Are you actually identifying with joker? The cringe levels are unbelievable


It's quite funny considering that they are constantly able to detect racist dog whistles.

Have you not seen the Democratic Primary debates? Free healthcare for illegals + decriminalization of illegal entry = open borders. Goddamn summerfags.

>reputable source
>all reputable sources are sourced by anonymous sources
Give me a name nigger

what fucking planet are you living on retard? Here's a video of one of your presidential candidates advocating for open borders.

the phrase "racist dog whistle" is a racist dog whistle
jailtime for you, bucko

Not the daily stormer or Breitbart

We have de facto open borders because judges keep striking down laws made to send the invaders back

Yes. They can go fuck themselves straight down to hell.

You’re an obvious kike larper. Both parties STRONGLY push for open borders. The left more so of course. But it’s loads of politicians on both sides.

i don't understand how someone could think "open borders" sounds like a good idea in the first place. bizarro world indeed. people are too goddamned stupid to know what's good for them.

>stupid right winger, no one on the left WANTS open borders
>we just want to reduce the punishment for crossing the border illegally
>and increase the incentives for crossing the border illegally
>and remove government groups that are involved in enforcing the border
>and if you entertain any of these ideas there's absolutely no way we'll move further left on this
Do you really expect me to take your stupid semantics games seriously

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In what fucking way did my previous comment have any relation with a fictional character? Holy shit, liberals are so god damn stupid.

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>in captivity
>free to leave
you must choose

Far Left generally wants no borders. Right wing wants pic related... but you have to sign a few papers first. kek
What a joke.
We'll pretend that Juan "going through the process" won't drive down wages and put American citizens out of work or make them have to accept shit wages.

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I'm the retard? That was about a boarder WALL! How could you not tell the difference between a wall and an open boarder

Did you not watch the DNC debate?
If not you're part of the problem and an idiot.

Igaf if they want to come here legally. Encouraging illegal immigration wont solve their shithole country's problems, it only hurts ours. You are gonna justify it any way you can. Fucking KYS faggot.

private property is a border
if you own property, you can exclude people from your property
if you don't own some property, the idea of you violently stopping people from traversing it is thuggish

Far left aren't relevant tho

this is a horrible bait thread
it's amusing for the time being

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Yeah pretty much. Still is amusing to participate in.

Thinking they can just leave at any time. Wew, lad.

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You forgot abolishing ice and endorsing sanctuary cities plus catch and release. Ask yourself what the difference between “open borders” and these policies would be? Its a game of semantics that nobody is falling for.

Customs and boarders already guards the boarder even if ice is abolished there are gonna be guards protecting it.

"Hey, Mr. Border Patrol mang. I-I ch-changed my minds. I no wan America no more"
>okay, but you'll have to wait until we make sure that the children you brought with you are safe and nourished and that you're not a human smuggler
"Dios mio! Trump es una concentration campo"

>No one relevant wants open borders
Except for all of the Democratic presidential hopefuls of course.

>no one wants it
>congress does nothing about the current situation regardless of which party has majority
that bullshit you posted is not true. they practically all want open borders. Do you even know who pulls the most weight domestically? It's not the NRA, it's the chamber of commerce. The republitards almost let Paul Ryan into the white house as VP, then they installed his stupid ass as the speaker of the house, all because he controlled enormous amounts of fundraising. He was the most openly open borders congressman i think we've ever had. Stark naked shill for cheap labor. I haven't looked but I'm pretty sure he was neck deep in with the Cato Institute. and they're fucking loony toons.

That's not even the current state of the democrats wailing and gnashing their teeth in public to decriminalize border crossings.

But those are concentration camps. There is a difference between those two things.

Shit like this is what makes me happy that leftists will die by the truckfull in the coming civil war.
Your little wordgames, semantics, spin, and pilpul will make people kill you.

It can often take months to even file the case, with many factors which in no way guarantee they will be released.

There isn't gonna be a civil war unless trump declares marshal law and ends democracy

>But those are concentration camps.

I keep reading the left wing talk about how these are concentration camps. I've not seen a reputable source mention one relevant right winger actually call them that. This sounds like some beep boop right bad

So after all the Schindler's Lists and the holocaust classes and infomercials asking to donate to holocaust survivors, America has the first concentration camp that has a fucking line over a million people long full of beaners?

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And yet if illegal crossings are decriminalized then they are powerless to stop them. Abolishing ice is a pure PR move since they’re reasonably effective at their job. A neutered borders and customs agency with lower funding working with decriminalized aliens would be utterly ineffective at preventing crossings, which is of course the goal. It’s obvious the Democrats want as many illegals to cross as possible (I.e. open borders) and are proposing measures to chip away at border security in order to make that possible. Nobody believes they have any other motive. The neocons are the same but they at least have to pay lip service to their base.

That's retarded. Literally every single Dem candidate at the debate said they wanted free healthcare for illegals. You think they don't want open borders with that? Yah, of course they do. Free votes for free shit.

Germany had the same thing for Jewish refugees in 1929 running from Russia.

Illegals don't vote illegally retard

Get fucked, cancer. Migrants get full access to subsidized housing, emergency rooms, food stamps, etc., etc. They are net drains on the treasury.

Germany had the same thing for Jewish refugees in 1929 running from Russia.

its a good thing nobody does

but if an American citizen doesn't have the right size car seat with the right amount of buckles and have it properly secured they can be arrested and have their children put into foster care

The campaign is working wonderfully. It's a good thing that Democrats are denying the idea of America. This will make it easier to MAGA.

In Canada, things are much worse and the best thing to do is attack other white people. Canada has inherent regional divisions so we can at least save one or two (parts) of provinces, but the courts and globalist-Anglo elite have enough power to ensure that Canada is 80% non-white by the time I retire. All I can do is ensure that my kids have a white community to grow up in, whites around here are too crazy so I'll just have to hope that non-whites are happy keeping Canada a geographically divided cultural mosaic.

They pay taxes through sales tax and dont get the benefits

So what?
They're detention centers.

>we don't want open borders, we just want to decriminalize illegal immigration, abolish ICE, and say anyone who enforces immigration laws is a fucking nazi and literally Hitler, it's totally different :^)
kill yourself unironically