What are you going to buy with your $1000 a month?

What are you going to buy with your $1000 a month?

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A gun and ammo to shoot Yang with


Fucking bug people.

I'll vote for him if he wins the nomination but looking grim.

OSRS GP so when the Dollar runs into the ground I have a way to feed myself.

Based but of course you only mean in the video game of Minecraft

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I mean in real life using a heavy caliber rifle

>What are you going to buy with your $1000 a month?
Nothing, because it will never happen. First he won't get elected. Secondly, as a democrat we know he is lying. I think a better question is how will you survive at 60% of your current income because this insect man is taxing you so that a bunch of pavement apes don't have to get jobs.

It's literally impossible for him to win but of he did I would just use it to buy firearms/ammo since the United States is coming to an end

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Better yet, why not a super expensive .22 so that instead of causing his entire head to blow off itll instead peirce his skull and ricochet around in his head ensuring his brain will be mush

By "in real life using a heavy caliber rifle" you mean in the video game of Minecraft using a comfy pillow

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a loaf of broad and half a box of matches

give it to israel.

I mean i want to see his real life bloody and horribly mutilated corpse strewn out before me with the last vestiges of life left in his crippled thorax of a bug body before i stomp his windpipe shut

Trump is that you?

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Of course he does ;)

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Buy crack and whores

This is a really bright glow

>mfw wageslave forever

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No Im not a CIA fag, im just a dude in east tn shitposting

I like Yang. Fuck you.

Alright, ill use my remaining funds to purchase a second bullet so that you may join your oh so glorious Bugman Supreme in whatever afterlife there is for communists

Lottery tickets

Johnson City?

Close actually, Church Hill

A candy bar after inflation

fuck this chink spy

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Pesticide to get rid of yellow cockroaches and communists.


When everyone gains $1000, it means you gain nothing.

this unironically

Once everyone is rich, then no one is rich

>This is a really bright glow
100% confirmed as glownniggers.


I already make more than double that though

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>$12,000 a year
In what universe?

poor people's universe

Only the absolutely destitute think $12,000 buys anything other than the absolute most bare minimum life for most people in the country.

But there are more of these destitute wretches than rich people, and to these wretches they will be rich

and they will blow it all away so not only will the value of 1k be devalued but the poor will remain poor


>I like Yang

You're the only one

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500$ in house payment 250$ water and electric 200$ food 30$ in bullshit for kids 20 in weed$.

Butt what should I use the other 780$ ?

Save 500$, 250$ for kids 30 for weed.

Play with kids after I get high.

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Watts Bar lake bromosexuals

Hows the lake down there this time of year



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No shit he probably needs the money after his divorce.


Wait, only $50 for weed? Fuck me I've been smoking about $200 a month since it's summer and I've got a lot of free time. I should probably dry out.


pay rent and buy food mostly

It's not to live off of. It's to stimulate the economy and give everyone a safety net that doesnt involve the government telling you where to live and how to.spend your money

a couple days worth of food because our economy will have collapsed after his idealistic experiment causes millions to opt out of the productive workforce to live solely on their welfare payment.

Not everyone "gains $1000" a month. If you spend over $120K a year you actually lose money, cause you pay more than $12K in taxes

lol. use your brain, idiot. people will just drop out of the workforce and live like paupers, which is what previous small-scale experiments with UBI have shown. then the economy will collapse and we wont have enough money for the $1000 payments, and it will be a decade before we stabilize to pre-yang levels. you can also throw in having to pay for healthcare and free education for every immigrant who cant get over the border, since yang is also pro-immigration and wants to take away guns (essentially--he would do what NYC does where it's not illegal to own a gun, just requires so much money on applications and fees and certifications and overcoming bureaucratic approval that it's functionally impossible for a normal person to own a gun).

bottom line: we are nowhere near the automation revolution that would necessitate UBI, and implementing it now would destroy our economy and result in mass poverty.

buy herbicide. it's a lot funnier dumping that shit into chemical sprayers and watching basedbean fields all die.

Invest it all in bitcoin

Didn't realize the glownigs were in TN as well

You don’t understand economics do you?
It’s not a zero sum game user, except in prestige/status
UBI won’t ever get rid of that because capitalism will still exist without employment

>hasn’t converted his entire family to Yang Gang yet
Yikes I bet your grandpapi is going to vote Biden

A true, poverty-tier wagecuck salary I see.

>bro i already make $24,000 a year, why would I want an extra 50% income for doing nothing?

He's going to drop out early.

With brains like that I’m not surprised

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Imagine how stupid you'd have to be to vote for any Democrat

Yes Yang raised his hand too

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Automation is coming: youtube.com/watch?v=tDihOKeCb7k

I just don't know why it didn't already happen in The Industrial Revolution.


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Your ID even glows.
Fuck off CIA nigger

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> people will just drop out of the workforce and live like paupers, which is what previous small-scale experiments with UBI have shown.
you are probably referencing the Finland experiment, which was a payment given to 2,000 unemployed people. 1) that's not a real UBI, and 2) it is pointless to judge this experiment off of whether it increases employment when it was only given to unemployed people to begin with
Also you are claiming Yang is "pro-immigration", but UBI is incompatible with just opening up the floodgates to immigration. if you give every citizen $1000/month it means less people can be citizens than without the UBI, because you are restricted by economics.
Yang wants high-skill immigration, e.g. giving green cards to college students instead of sending them back to india where they can undercut our workers and steal jobs when they could have been working for US companies and putting that money into our economy

Save for a year, set it all on fire at Burning Man.


That extra-strength glow.

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Buy food

Ben Franklin had it right. This is a terrible retarded idea.

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For me, it will be 775 Mcchickens, the best fast food sandwich

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Whenever I see a post like this I always wonder about how the OP actually functions in society.

That's funny, cause the UBI we have been doing in Alaska for years had not shown any of that to be true

The Left Can't Meme

some more dividend stocks

Probably monthly payments for an RV to live in and travel. But of course to buy guns and ammos. A new gun per month. I only need 8 more guns to have an awesome collection.

A Lambo

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so much anal pain from MIGA in this thread

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Thomas Paine thought of UBI first, i like Paine a lot more than muh kite man

except for the eskimos, who use theirs to buy cheap booze

Insert it into your pusy.

one of my fave memes

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Then makes it official. Yang is done.

I'm going to need at least $1,500 or you can just fuck-off.


>Niggers spend their $1,000 on beer, rims, manicures, weed
>Whites use their $1,000 to pay down their house notes, contribute to their IRAs, etc.

So how is everyone going to automatically get rich you dummy?

>right can meme
literally all the right has is epic cringelord boomer shit like pic related.

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Im not left, voted for trump in 2016, will vote Yang in 2020
Fuck the left and the right really

a chair

qt dresses to show daddy!

I understand the backlash, I voted for Trump in 2016 but obviously won't be voting for him in 2020. I think most of the non jews that voted for him in 2016 probably feel the same way.


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a Ninja 250R, or other small displacement sport bike