>be me >18yo guy who studies IT >supports ethno-nationalism > unsure what do I want to do in future >after talking to a friend from Finland about their compulsory military service started thinking why not joining the army
I know that many people in the military are nationalists/ethno-nationalists, also I would be useful to my country and at the same time, I'd know what do I want to do in the future. Do you think that it's a good idea? Do you have any positive feedback/criticism against the military?
If only we got to use AKs Fuck the AR platform, C7 in particular
David Long
>Dying for israel >Useful to my country lol
Joseph Harris
Enlisted fairly recently. People on this board will put you down for it with "Muh dying for Israel" but that's fucking retarded. It's better for us if we have people on the inside, and I promise you no one who puts you down for it is actually putting in any effort to fight Israel or mantain their physique. I say go for it, if nothing else you can get out and have training no one else will have for when this world goes to complete shit.
I'm not sure which guns does the Czech army use, but I know that they have +-1990's AKs in Finland
I'm not that redpilled to know what helps Israel
Thanks for the positivity. I haven't finished researching some stuff, just to know what it contains, etc. But I need to graduate firstly, and if I decide that I'd like to try it out I'll most likely have 0.5/1 year to think about stuff (probably, cuz Czech school system if fucking retarded, so who knows) Thanks
Well yea, cuz the people that need to do this aren't group by anything, so you'll end up having few fucktards in your unit most likely... but other than that it sounded kinda good
Jace Roberts
You want to contribute, do some crazy shotgun style OSINT throwing shit at all sides at the same time and trying to get out alive.
Jacob Young
Do it friend
Bentley Hernandez
Czech military is not a real thing. It's basically a boy scout camp.
John Walker
Die for Israel goy
Lincoln Mitchell
Not sure how that would contribute
Czech military spending for the last 12 years - $38B - $3,8B/1M people America's military spending for the last 12 years - $7 128B - $21,6B/1M people You're technically spending 5.7 times more than we are...
No shit, you'll have a better military, but that doesn't mean that any other country won't have their army.
William Hill
those aren't AK's you worthless faggot
Brayden Williams
there's a good military IT position in the army, I think it's 12C cyber technician or something
if you want comfy ass shit, don't go air Force - go Coast Guard instead
Isaiah Cruz
My friend's dad works in some IT position there and they need to know Linux, setting up routers, servers, and stuff, but that is why I'm unsure cuz if I would like that then I'd go for that, but who knows, maybe I will start to like it. Thanks
Thomas Reed
If you've got nothing better going on u your life right now, sure go ahead.
The thing is that you won't make any difference and at the end you'll just end up being stuck in the army for however long the contract is and get paid very little when compared to private sector.
Adam Hill
yeah don't sign a 4 year contract for something you don't know if you're going to like or not
you should get comfortable with Linux (install it and mess around) and there's this standard certification for IT in the US, the Cisco CCNA, the book to study for it is like 400 pages and literally everybody should read it, it's really useful information
Lucas Baker
I learned it during poker, acting like a honest moron makes everybody lose, including yourself. Since I lost most of what I had...
Noah Bell
joining the military is not useful to most people - it's detrimental to them it's useful to the military that you join, because they expand their ranks, budgets, and operations by having more members, but that's at the cost to everyone else through taxes
consider whether or not you actually make any regular civilian's life better by being in the military - do you? if you think you do, how?
Elijah Smith
Right now I'm kind of wondering what do I want to do, so maybe there will be something better, but for now other than some graphic design nothing I don't know any private sectors, do you mean companies like Securitas, etc.?
Yep, that would be kinda fucked, but I think some basic training takes 3 months (without weekends) In school, we have Linux lessons, but the teacher is a fucktard and teaches us by listing us some links to learn from, so that may be why I don't like it yet... Also, we've done some Cisco certificate, but it was for IT in general, so you probably mean some other one
With my knowledge of not dying, I probably wouldn't survive so long, so this would be a better option for a certain time That sucks :/
well as a one-person no, but the entire army has a lot more than one person, and by having good Army you would make your country safer if a war would come
Nathaniel Hughes
people are taxed to pay for people in the military, and pay for them whether they actually provide any defense or not here in the U.S., the military costs everyone tons of money and makes them LESS safe by provoking conflicts with foreigners and making enemies where there were none and that has been a feature of all standing militaries that have ever existed - they are a financial burden on the citizenry and don't provide anything in return, while often being used as tools to make war and conflict for the interests of the political classes that benefit from them
Thomas Nelson
When I think about it that is true, but that has been human nature for many years and won't change for a long time... There was always at least one leader who wanted more area for it's "country", and it still works like that
Oliver Flores
And that's a good thing. Humor helps you get through the mornings
Oliver Walker
yeah, there will continuously be people who are duped into being part of a system which causes harm to most to benefit a few
but we control our own lives, and if we can see through the lies about "service" and "patriotism" then we can avoid being part of that awfulness I considered the military when I was in high school because I'd grown up hearing about how everybody respects the military and saluting the flag and all of that kind of passive progaganda that made a career in the military out to be a bunch of things that it simply isn't, and it was only by circumstance that I ended up not becoming a part of what I know understand to be a horrific system of multi-layered lies and exploitation
Kevin Ortiz
I don't really care about respect for soldiers... I mean it's nice to have people thanking you for your service, but what got me thinking about it is the fact that I'd most likely get ripped (I'm 190/71 rn) and I love guns and shooting with them so that would be entertaining for me. Also, I'm probably kinda psycho so if I'd be sent to some middle east country I'd enjoy pressing the trigger, but that is irrelevant. Anyway thank you for your response, because that is an important view that I need to consider
Blake King
Do it. You don't have to stay in. Do you want to be some old guy that says, "I wish I had done it but now I'm too old"? Hell no, you don't.
Joseph Hill
Yeah don’t be a faggot. Join the Marines
David Rivera
You should call the military and discuss with them on what they need and if you are suitable for them.
Be honest, it's better to receive a "no" now than after they figure out you do not fit. You probably want to take a few years to graduate, get into shape etc. If it seems like what you want, go find like an officer's or veterans club and go ask around how you can best serve, and if you are suited for the job
Liam Jenkins
Mitary is based if your country is a warmongering shithole like the usa. Dont want to die for israel for nothing but if you are in a non-interventionist army its pretty cool.
Zachary Robinson
only join the military if you get some sort of benefit out of it in the US you get the GI bill which is a pretty damn good benefit the truly redpilled approach is to save it for graduate school
Adrian Gomez
Things like that need to be thought through, but good point
If I would be in Army I'd probably go for being a sniper... It always fascinated me
Main 2 factors are my shape (190, 71), which can be fixed quite easily, but I didn't have a good reason yet and the mental part, because I've never talked to solider or anybody who would shout at me as they do in the training, but other than that I think I'd be suitable
Well some units get send to missions outside Czech, but I've looked at the number of ongoing missions and it's under 10 places, so that's not too bad, but I'd kind of like actually fighting... dunno maybe I'm just weird kek
That is why I need to do more research, but I don't think there are any bigger benefits other than the chance of getting sent to a university
Carson Evans
Do it. Don't listen to the chink shills crying about "muh zog." It's a myth. We (USA) fought for Korea directly but you don't hear anything about "Muh Korean Overlords!" It's all chink propaganda to keep whites out of service because whites are the best soldiers on the planet. Granted... >Czech >White Is debatable...
Luis Cox
if the only reason you want to join the military is because you're an 'ethno-nationalist' then forget it
Levi Harris
They are obvious AK74s
Luis Adams
That was a rollercoaster of emotions kek Btw I'm white, pic related... don't mind the fact that I'm a skeleton
Eat lots of protein and join. You'll beef up nicely white man.
Michael Kelly
For some time I was in shape, but that was cuz gf and now I didn't have good enough reason, os maybe this army thing will get me into shape again kek. Thank you :)
Christian Diaz
I was in the US Army for about 4 years before I got discharged on medical grounds. I was a 35P, which was comfy. It was a good gig, regardless of what people say about dying for Israel. Just save your money, and improve yourself while you’re in, and you’ll be a better person for it.
Jaxson Gutierrez
CZ 805 BREN and BREN 2 are the current service rifles
apparently the whole fucking world fights for israel in one way or another.
Brayden Cox
I enlisted a few years ago. It got me out of working multiple shit part time jobs and now I can support me and my wife on one income. We're saving up to have a kid and she plans on being a homemaker and homeschooling, which is very easy to do with this lifestyle. It's not always easy or glamorous but it's stable and important things like medical and housing is taken care of. Basically if you want to start a family but you're not financially well off, doing a contract or two in the military and having them pay for everything isn't a bad idea. Now when I get out I have the prospect of comfy government contract work.
Adam Martin
How's the crayons, jarhead?
Adam Walker
Why though? You'll just be a disposable pawn everyone will shit on and no one will care about. Yeah, you kind of are that already, but not to the same extent. Just finish your degree instead of fighting for Israel. Society benefits more from and cares more about well-educated professionals and experts than they do about some random soldier.
Jose Jones
what do the red circles do
Alexander Garcia
Sounds good, thanks
Can they be even stopped now?
I'm sure that if I'd hate myself I'd get some job with a good income, but I'd probably kill myself after few years of that work, so I'm rather finding something that I either believe in, or it will be fun doing
I guess you have a point... If I'd make 100K in a year then my country would get some from taxes and it would be better for it... I have to think about it
I think it's single-fire/burst/full-auto
Angel Ross
oh i see, its like the gun version of a popup book
Landon Miller
Selector switch. Like this user pointed out.
Cameron Watson
OP is obviously a government shill. He’s 18 and “studying IT”.... ???
It’s summer and 18 year olds haven’t started college yet. He is either about to be a senior in high school, or about to be a freshmen, or about to be a government shill who archives his anti-military, racist, agent provocateur thread.
Lincoln Evans
In Czech republic we don't have colleges, we have 5 years of primary school, 4 years of secondary school and then you go to high school for 3-4 years, which is already specified for things like IT, economics, etc. and after that University
Alexander Ross
All my paperwork for the Marines is going in the system as we speak. Just gotta see the doctor's. Do it bro. Also, any marines in here got tips on how to get the job you want. I want to metal work so fucking bad. If I can't do that I want to go infantry