Childless trannies in charge of telling parents to "let kids be kids" for wanting to teach them valuable life skills

>childless trannies in charge of telling parents to "let kids be kids" for wanting to teach them valuable life skills

Attached: 01lkbk.jpg (1419x1790, 610K)

Oh fuck me.

Attached: 01lkbk-a.png (559x645, 64K)

>take your child who identifies as make to a drag queen story hour to lay on top of a tranny instead

spreading the means of mental illness I see

That fucking trannie faggot is so weak, he'd have died in childhood back in the 1800's and prior.

>injecting hormones into your kids to change their gender is ok
>teaching your kids any useful skills is not
ok dude

>teach them valuable life skills such as posing for anti-trans propaganda tweets

so child molesting is letting their kids be kids and learn (((valuable life skills)))?

Attached: tranny lgbt assaults girl in bathroom.png (611x1024, 428K)

>anti-trans propaganda
>implying this is a bad thing

Who do you main in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for Nintendo Switch, user?

trannies and pedophiles are loved by soibois and support tranny molesting rights so idk what you're talking about.

Attached: soyboy soy fag gets cucked by chads communist.gif (800x600, 1.04M)

>implying this is a bad thing
>being accurate

vidya is for degenerates

>Kids should learn about safety first and foremost.

Lolwut? What about responsibility and self-sufficiency?

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>not teaching people that tranny degeneracy is bad

Whatever floats your boat, fag.

the man is literally holding the child and the tool, what could even go wrong here (assuming the guy isn't a dumbass)?

these posts indicate two important things about the trans psychology for me. 1) The Father makes a quip about teaching a kid to be a boy or girl, but he tells that he will make his boy a MAN. The Father is teaching his son to one day be a man, while trannies are trapped in believing they are still like children, and that there is no adulthood to aspire to.
2)Trannies go on about how people are targeting trans accounts, not realizing that much of their behaviour is targeting regular families. Actually, I would say this is the issue for most of the "leftists", that they adopted this cry out as they strike you method. Trannies implicitly target straight people, but cannot understand that they are. But when they are even brushed against, they fall like a FIFA player in agony.

very interdasting

Based Potato nigger.

trannies suck

Uh, I hate to seem like I'm siding with a degenerate here, but it's pretty fucking stupid to take your child on top of a shed, then fire off some nails without any hearing protection or eye protection. I don't agree with the general sentiment, but that guy endangered his kid to bash trannies, lol

A small price to pay for salvation.

>who sits there and purposely looks for things they don't like?
>did exactly that with the original tweet
social media is garbage

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