I'm so god damn sick and tired of the fucking Democrats assuming I am a racist/homophobic/misogynistic/whatever else...

I'm so god damn sick and tired of the fucking Democrats assuming I am a racist/homophobic/misogynistic/whatever else just because I voted for Donald Trump for president.

I just watched the two Democratic presidential debates and it just fucking enraged me. They all talk about how Trump is doing all of these "evil" things to energize his "base". Well roughly half the country voted for him so I guess half of us are all evil? It's fucking bullshit.

Watching that shit was like watching 2+ hours of emotional pandering for votes to minorities (while ignoring the white middle class) and attacking the president and his fucking horrible evil white supremacist base.

I will say there was one or two candidates who made a case for trying to win back the middle class rural voters but they are so far behind that it doesn't matter. It's all about attacking the racists with emotional bullshit and their fucking stupid personal stories that don't fucking matter.

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>caring if they call you anything at this point

You still let the kike live in your mind rent free.

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Yep. It’s fucking tiresome friend. Withdraw from society, it’s the only way to keep your sanity.

Just vote Yang already

Dang liberals are getting in our way of a white ethnosphere

after everything you've seen from leftists over the last 4 years...why the hell would you watch a democratic debate and expect to feel any different?

Where are the old posters from the good days?

I wish the fucking Trump npc Boo mers would fuck off and die already, they are in some shitty anti-DUMBOCRAT revolutionaty muh deep wuib channel L.A.RP. Still friends with posters from way before the election, you know people who had a sense of direction, where ACTUALLy RED PILED/ weren't a bunch of pussies and were not afraid of having sex with 16 year olds if they asked for it.

You know what I liked about Yang? He at least stuck to his $1000 a month thing and wasn't a pandering blithering idiot. At least not as much as some of the others.

>goosesteps behind you
>nothin personal, kiddo

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>Well roughly half the country voted for him
wrong. trump's base is evangelical boomers. not the majority of 2016 voters, they are only about 15% of the US population. Republicans are trying to turn the US into a theocracy

Going into it I didn't expect anything different but it still bothered me. How can a party be so detached from half of the country and blatantly and constantly insult them?

Only 20% of the country voted for Trump. Even less than that support him now.

Who is that?

You're aware Trump won the majority of electoral votes right?

Because they fucking censored the other half of the debate and can only strawman them, since they have no idea what ideas we're actually talking about. This is what they get for controlling discourse for the last 100 years, a giant ridiculous hugbox that doesn't understand that not everyone agrees with them. To each other, the muslims, the chinks, the jews, the feminists, the s o i b o y s, the neocons, they're all fairweather friends that play little domination games with each other in debate. That's what's up with their emotional pandering.

I went out with a couple of them the other night, and many of them work with immigrant children (in this particular circle). At one point the arab louder girl, who was obviously trying to play diva, made a large issue about *HER* (arab immigrants) being ignored over other children. This is their future, an eternal squabble about little ego henpicking games.

So, the only thing that keeps them from going at each other's throats is the ominous Nazi, ever mysterious (because they censor us), ever present (because people yearn for the truth), and always looming (because we will not stop). Take it as a compliment to be feared, friend.

Sure, but if we were playing by different rules Hillary would have won, which means we should change the rules.

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have you seen the thread of that leftist lesbo ranting for 10 minutes at those trump supporters, only to get slapped down for trying to snatch chicks phone when she didn't get the reaction she wanted? she literally did everything they accuse trump of. these people aren't rational in any sense of the word. in fact they are probably trying to use mental gymnastics to redefine it as we speak.

>This is their future, an eternal squabble about little ego henpicking games.
I've already started noticing this among them. Kamala Harris did it when she said regarding the topic about race "you know as the only black person on this stage blah blah blah" and the blonde lady pulled the same card talking about abortion. They're already picking themselves apart.

Well those rules gave you 2 terms of Clinton and 2 terms of Obama so I dunno wtf you're complaining about.

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You and millions more. I hope they keep doing it.

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Politicians in the west play the long game. They're betting on all of our countries becoming brown (and I think they're correct) so they pander to them the most; keep in mind that the boomers are overwhelmingly white while the young people are now majority brown and virtually all immigrants are brown, too. They really thought that they had the numbers in 2016, but shot their wad a little early. 2020 is probably a little too early too since incumbents have an advantage. 2024, though? Should be a slam dunk. Trump running was totally out of the blue. Had he not have been running and the Republicans trotted out candidate Jeb! or Rubio or Cruz or someone you'd have President Hillary right now. In 2024, though, with Trump gone they're likely going to be fucked, more and more of their boomer base will be dead or in shitty nursing homes, and the country will be all the more brown. The Dem's will make this era look sane with all of the pandering and anti-white rhetoric they'll spew.

But to answer your question: they're not detached, they're scared. Like companies advertising, if a few people make a fuss they go into full SHUT IT DOWN mode or more commonly now they go into: OH MY GOD WE'RE SO SO SORRY FOR *spins wheel* PLEASE TAKE THIS PLATTER OF BASHING WHITEY/MEN AS A PEACE OFFERING JUST PLEASE DON'T 'CANCEL' US ON TWITTER!!! mode. They're scared of an ever increasing fringe group of loud morons and they're betting on it becoming the new normal as the new normal is brown (I know I brought race up a bunch, but brown people as groups vote liberal/progressive/Dem and no amount of "See, black unemployment is at a record low!" talk is going to change that) from someone wearing a red tie; only intelligent liars like Ben Shapiro will lie to you about that from their not so diverse communities.

Every one is tired of them, there is this fucking boomer hippie liberal at my workplace always bitching and moaning about trump not getting impeached and he never shuts the fuck up about every tiny thing that happens on cnn. I want to fucking tear his weak vocal cords out of his throat so fucking annoying

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Oh and this is you onions boy

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