Why do only asian chicks have pristine underarms whereas other types of chicks are always sporting a 6 o'clock shadow?
Why do only asian chicks have pristine underarms whereas other types of chicks are always sporting a 6 o'clock shadow?
Hairy armpits is the final redpill, faggot.
let's face it
armpits > feet
east Asian females are hairless and odorless, user
nothing wrong with a bit of mufff
1. They shave more often and are sickly obsessed about their looks, even moreso than others.
2. They even shave their forearms. This is because in whites these hairs are usually faint and blonde EVEN if you have dark brown hair. In Asians they are still black and clearly seen.
3. Have sex you fucking incel freak
Asian women are genetically superior to other races of women simply because they have evolved so far ahead of the others that they no longer need as much hair on their bodies to survive.
Other races still struggle to survive, which is why you'll notice that they are somewhat hairier. Also, they fucking wax their shit, retard.
seething whitoid
asian people just tend to have less body hair
Because Asians are hairless
Why are asian chicks bodies as flat ass my kitchen table?