We're Winning

You can feel it in the air...

Attached: new times.jpg (2560x1440, 1.54M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, Yang is gaining steam

Jow Forumstards make themselves way too obvious in games, when your username is "Eli Circumstein" and you say "based" "oy vey/goyim" and "nigger" repeatedly in chat, I can immediately tell who you are

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Checked and shalom pilled


Yeah, symbolism is powerful

Really? Why are there still spics in my country?

Sliding Mueller Threads Because They Don't Want You To See This:




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Theres a speech where hitler adressed exactly this. Anyone here have a link?

You dont get it do you?
That's ok...
But like we need another suicide thread at 1am. You unaware faggot.

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Are you the guy with the username jesus? I've played with/against you quite a few times, and every single time I fight against you I kick your shit in with messer feints. How do you keep falling for the exact same trick over and over?



Its TRY HARD faggots like you who are killing the game.

Attached: new new 02.jpg (654x1195, 113K)

Swing accelerating feintfags with dueling autism are the bane of MORDHAU and are the reason nobody plays anymore.

And by we, you actually mean the billionaire class who have harnessed the movement under the yolk of a mainstream political party where retards like you spend every waking moment slavishly shilling for their wishlist, for free.
You haven't won jackshit, idiot, and you're not a part of anything, you're fodder.
Enjoy the wages of half-measures.

Leaf I...

Nevermind... just...

I bet a dollar I'm a lower level than you, have less hours played, and have more fuck around builds. I just am not terrible at the game, you double spacing crybaby.

I bet you rage when people use short spears and shields, too.

based Bastard Sword user.
I love that weapon. It's the only one that surprises me. You can pull off some crazy maneuvers with it.

I have never been on a duel server and I dont use accels or decels. What the fuck am I supposed to do when I fight people? Just swing and block and that's it? No feints or morphs allowed?

More like stop being autistic.

Aye friend.
Bastard sword is truly the patricians choice.

Still wish we got flails

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What game is this?

gamers are open to redpills... ive redpilled thousands on uss liberty and jewish privelege thru games

Good eye.

Here's one. Try stab to swing morph feint... gets even the highest levels caught

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>(((We're))) winning

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We sure are


Please come.

It's Brutal with a capital B...I'm warning you now boy

Yep nazis were jews.

You are so aware

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>morphs allowe
Mouse one or get the fuck out, loser.

USS liberty really gets the gears turning

Yep Jow Forums is nazi

You're so aware

Chaim Nineelevenberg

This was tonite.
And its fucking Wednesday!!

There was an arena on Camp with a line 11 deep.

Dont make me go get screenshot

Music provided by der fuhrer

Attached: 11 deep 01.jpg (2560x1440, 1.28M)

if you use the maul and throw your arm out of it's socket to decel attacks, you are a nigger

no shit that's the point

>I can immediately tell who you are
Uh oh, I named myself those things so you wouldn't know. Fuck.


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I love that band, I wish they were still making music

any time i see dumbasses like this on a server they are teaming retards on deathmatch who think it's edgy to gang up on people. They behave like literal niggers. It's all just posturing just like we did in highschool when jew and nigger were the funny offensive words.

slide thread meant to distract from the mueller hearing

also, you fags should fight irl via the SCA, HEMA, IMCF, etc.