Fucking normies

Had a brief conversation with some bluepilled s0iboys today. They literally couldn’t even imagine that someone could have a legitimate world view that differs from their own. It’s frustrating as fuck anons, so how does Jow Forums deal with the pussy left orthodoxy?

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read them from the bible
1. they might get wisdom from it and improve
2. they flee from the word, you in return get peace
3. they'll attack you and you get heavently benefits from God because of that

This can almost already be taken as general guide on how to deal with people.

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You’re suggesting I read scriptures to people that are almost certainly atheists? How would this not just exacerbate my problems

They’re people I’ll have to deal with on a recurring basis unfortunately

Are you going to say what you guys talked about or are you just looking for some advice on how to hide racism in public?

>"Hey I know you guys are talking about politics, so let me just whip out my bible to explain to you why you shouldn't believe that"

Basically discussing Islam, and how it’s “far-right” to even dare to criticize it or it’s adherents

Join a boxclub, you'll get rid of your frustration and get fit in the process of doing so


What problems are you having? Just frame it in a modern context and don’t mention it came from the Bible. Talk about some really good advice you heard and how treating the poor well is the sign of a righteous person. Most people can agree with Jesus even if they aren’t Christian.

Because God works in mysterious ways and you don't need to be afraid for anything they might do. You see, Jesus will ressurect those who call upon his name, but you also should be afraid of God because he can kill the soul. This also translates to the atheists, they do not have God and are destined to die because of it.

So reading the word to them might just change them for the better. All that is needed is a faith as big as a Mustard seed and something big will grow from it.

Mock them relentlessly. Just exaggerate all the insanity, new world order bottom feeding they believe and they'll eat it up. They'll like you because you're being iRoNiC and if they don't, you'll be a better person for shitting on those that need to die out anyhow and not being a fake faggot.

Basically I open my mouth and I’m immediately bombarded with empty attacks to silence me

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Judaism: tricking Europeans into getting themselves killed since 33 AD.

Did you bring up how their prophet was a pedophile, and that women get stoned to death in their culture? And how people get killed for drawing pictures of their prophet?

Do you want a fucking medal, dumbass?

Explain to them how they treat women and faggots in their own countries.

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>unbeliever touching the bible
yeah, I doubt that.

Then again, the word will work to those who listen to it, even when the reader is attempting to deny and mock it.

This. Christianity is bastardized metaphysics. Jesus weeps!

Fuck, I wish. No, just a brief nod to how fucked londonistan is. Nothing even more than what you mind find in mainstream news. Still get called out for not following group think.

And then: explain to them why Muslims are fucking based for doing that shit in the first place.

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Retarded German user strikes again.

Grow a pair and tell the truth. Be respectful, but don’t yield an inch.

By being unapologetic in your approach. Don't hold back your opinions. Make them feel and look like the crazy ones, after all they are.

Dumb. Just bring up that Islam inspires a disproportionate amount of violence in 2019 compared to other religions, and that in a world with nuclear weapons that is a very real risk.

So you're telling me that to wicked people who see everythig good as abomination and if those hear the word it sounds like:

>Repent, desu!

I'm not sure if I'm amused or horrfied by gaining a glimse into your mind.

Why do you waste life, time, and, breath trying so socialize with people that grew up sheltered and fed propaganda from birth? With people that quote moives/television and post constantly on social media and obey trends and call that life? What the fuck is the appeal to interact with people like that?

So you told the OP to read the bible to them, but he won't do it because he doesn't believe in the bible?

"Inshallah, we should all be throwing our faggots from our rooftops too."
My coworkers don't tag me on twitter too often.

forgot pic

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No? I said the leftists I was talking to likely won’t be swayed because they are likely atheists.


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You're shit is amateur hour. Everyone I meet is fake. I haven't met a real person in 30 years.

>How would this not just exacerbate my problems
As if thats a bad thing...
Adversity is he precursor to action and change.
If you wan't to be better you have to maintain and adverse environment and fighting for God is pretty much the only thing thats worth living your life for since you get superpowers and go to heaven when you die for all eternity.

Hello NPC No.220615263

Would OP care about other people if he hadn't some good in him? If OP truly cannot touch the bible or despises it, I firmly belive he wouldn't care about other people (aka he'd pull a Gun and invites them to continue).

based and Shariapilled

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rthedonald still dead?

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Solid advice.
Cheers Bulgaria bro. Maybe I’m just looking at it the wrong way. Face the problems instead of letting em get to me

Better repent and save yourself or face the consequences of your piss poor life.

Fpbp, ignore Pharisee shills

Most of the time they're not even problems, sometimes they're hurdles or more like chores.
Stress and anxiety is poisonous to the body when its prolonged and severe.
People that are chronically stressed or anxious or dismayed turn dysfunctional and obsolete very fast.

are you the germanbro who's been posting a lot of good Christian stuff lately? either way, thank you. ++ myFaith.

>I don't understand how western liberals, who for decades denigrated evangelical christianity because of its archaic views on homosexual and women's rights, can so readily embrace islam, which, by and large, is far worse today than evangelical christianity has been for the last 100 years.
there you go op

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Raise my white sons with the knowledge and skills to be the absolute best and ignore the leftist dogma all together (regarding my sons).
I don't want them to hit the rebellion stage and remember how much I loathe SJW bullshit, kikery, and faggotry, so I just ignore it all together while giving them constant training and education to dominate in every aspect.
Video Related:


>inb4 Jow Forums dad doxxed.
So, the fuck, what? I am a successful, law abiding, white American. I have nothing to hide or fear.

Do you have to talk about serious subjects with them? I would keep the subject light around people like that.

Bless you, it's for the love of God.

i became a catechumen a couple weeks ago, and since then it's been kinda down hill. earlier tonight i realized there is no middle ground. i live for Christ or I don't.

i'm leaning toward the former.

Idk, I just hide my power level around them and avoid counterproductive conflict. The way I see it, if you haven't figured most of this shit out by age 20, you're either really stupid or just willfully ignorant.

The other day I was telling my boomer uncle that we overspend on the military, and probably don't need to be policing Germany, and Japan, and fighting wars on the other side of the planet. He was horrified, and said we need to watch Germany because "they've done some terrible things."
Went on to say how the American south has "an underrcurrent of white supremacy (Deadass, those were his exact words. I feel like I'm talking to Liz fucking Warren at this point) and how people who still fly the confederate flag, and keep confederate meuseums are a threat to the nation, because he read some book that said so.

By the time he stopped talking I was speechless.

Do I tell him what I really think of all this or no?

Ended up just saying "I don't think we need to spend as much as we do babysitting other countries." He respectfully disagreed and that was that.

Hold yourself to the highest standard, shut up and be an example to follow. You don’t have to want to change them or show how inferior their views are, they’ll eventually notice your superiority and wonder what goes on in your head.

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I personally keep the tone light around idiots. Don't let them in on your views. Just subtly nudge them here and there. Ask questions which will lead them to your point of view. Don't make it seem like a tactic, act geniusly puzzled.
I. e. "How come the Muslim immigrants are so much more criminal/without work/etc.?" They will start going on about immigrants not fitting in, being alone, always commiting crimes no matter the religion/culture/race. Then you again ask them why this isn't true for immigrants from South-East-Asia.
I think the problem most Jow Forumsacks have, is that they are too proud and eager.
They think they, as the very few, have found the truth in this world, just like the lefties think they do and they want to tell everybody and make everybody else see.
You need to be subtle. I have been influencing friends and family for months, if not years by this point.
Just mention something you read and say you think it's interesting, if they don't bite just let it drop and bring something different up days later. In German there is a saying, roughly translating to "constant dripping wears away the stone".

This, simply ask questions that force them to judge the rationality of their views

>heh you dont believe in god and that bible is true?
>heh let me read you random ass lines without context to prove you wrong

want to know how I know you’re a kid?

Even if you spread seeds randomly, one falling on fertile earth is bound to take root.

Also, it wouldn't hurt to have a bookmark in psalms of such occastion.

I removed them from my life.

It's that easy.

I'm 22 if that's your idea of a kid, but sure. How do you know?

>bringing religion into politics conversation
yikes, this never goes well

>thinks there can be politics without religion
user, I...

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