It’s confirmed, human induced climate crisis causes record temps in Europe

The latest heatwave, caused by an “omega block” – a high-pressure pattern that blocks and diverts the jet stream, allowing a mass of hot air to flow up from northern Africa and the Iberian peninsula – follows a similar extreme weather event last month that made it the hottest June on record.

Clare Nullis, a World Meteorological Organization spokeswoman, said the heatwaves bore the “hallmark of man-made climate change”. The extreme events were “becoming more frequent, they’re starting earlier, and they’re becoming more intense”, she said. “It’s not a problem that’s going to go away. Tens of thousands will die every year in Europe unless we start acting.”

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Other urls found in this thread:–Eocene_Thermal_Maximum#Methane_release

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>human induced climate crisis
Such hubris. Why can't people admit to themselves that they are nothing?

>Global warming
>Climate change
>Climate crisis
What's next, weather apocalypse?

Climate change is a made up lie. Next time Don't use temperature gauges on a runway.

global warming is real. shits cooking right now. only idiots don't believe in global warming

>cuz it was a hot day
>science, the absolute state

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>Tens of thousands will die every year in Europe unless we start acting.
How many tens of thousands have died there of Climate Change™ this year, Eurofags?

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You can't solve climate change without solving the problem of niggers breeding like rabbits.

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Hay guys weather is climate when it suits the global tax brigade

If its globble wobble then why was it this hot 70 years ago too?

I blame the leftists for the climate change.
They are so full of hot air they cause record temperatures around.

That’s racist, this is a solvable problem providing we kill whites at a faster rate.

it's cold as shit in USA right now. there is no global warming.

Hot as fuck over here in florida. Keeps storming like crazy, but this is normal.

>Tens of thousands will die every year in Europe unless we start acting.
>(And that's a good thing. )

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By: Emmanuel Goldstein

There are more nations than there are years in which we've kept recorded temperature records.

Even by chance it makes sense to break random records every year.

>Hottest ever July 11th in Belgium!
is stupid random factoid tier. Not a sign of the apocalypse. Cold temperatures get broken all the time too.

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There was a guy on cnn from NC in Paris saying it's about the same as back home except less humid.
Why are yuros such pussies?
BTW here in Houston we almost had a record low. It's in the high 60s. I don't ever recall it being this cold in July. The funny part is they say the measurement from the late 19th century isn't as precise because they don't know the exact location of where the temperature was measured. Being closer to a body of water could have slightly made it seem cooler.
I bet this is the same all over the country and world. So much for the .3 degree increase in 100 years.

>said the heatwaves bore the “hallmark of man-made climate change”
Thats no more proof than painting a turd yellow and calling it gold.

yea thats right europe. its done by people . we still got smokers in america because we arent euro fags. i drive a internal combustion engion like most americans. better give up that pussy niggers lest you bake to death because americans dont care bout nobody or nothin. thats right you send your women here to suck and fuck each month or this will continue

>day to day weather not effected by climate change.

post this.

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So much cope in one post. No, breaking historical records of temperature all the time in several countries at once is not "normal". I've lived decades in this country, the last 4 years we've had 3 abnormal summers and 1 normal one. Like seriously it's 40 fucking degrees, I don't think they even get this sort of temperature in Mallorca. This is some saharan temperature shit. Even the grass is dying everywhere, it's fucking weird.


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Kill niggers, chinks, and poos.

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I just want to leave this inbred shithole, NUKE them all. They just want more tax money

>human induced climate crisis causes record temps in Europe
Holy shit, we need to nuke China before they kill us with all their climate change causing pollution.

What, do you know how SCARY and MANMADE an OMEGA BLOCK sounds?!?!!??!?!?

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I knew it was german thread because premise was stupid pseudoscientific bullshit

It's manmade but not in the way alarmists and taxation-fascists wants it to be.
It's nothing but another way to control the masses.

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>the first weeks of this month were some of the coldest ever recorded
>that is just the weather goy
>almost no coverage of that cold in the news except for: yeah its been chilly
>now this happens
>man made climate change goyim! Pay those extra races!
>news coverage everywhere

Yeah you're one of the 3 countries listed in the OP.

There's 195 countries.

Meanwhile my country broke a bunch of records for cold temperature last year:

Does this prove we're heading toward an ice age? Of course not.

>Some of the coldest temperatures recorded early this month.
>Some of the hottest temperatures recorded late this month

Yeah, totally no anomaly here, this is normal.

Yes, I'm not saying this is evidence for global warming. For that we have the rising average temperature year by year, no need to speculate. But it surely is evidence of some sort of weather anomaly affecting western Europe.

European global warming then!

Are you Jewish, because that sounds like something a Jew would say

So what's the inverse? We do nothing about climate change and we potentially all die based on very sketchy evidence? I live in a fully sustainable place in the world, the entire state I live in is completely 100% powered by hydro-electric, we also sell excess energy produced by the windfarms in our state to other states within Australia via a submarine cable.

I just don't see the downsides of the lifestyle that I currently live, we pay pretty cheap power prices close 10c US$ per Kw/h if we're taking into account conversion, we have subsidies on things like solar if we want them for our houses. If someone buys an electric car here they're using that exact same clean energy that's generally used for all other energy needs within our state. Following trends, solar gets 50% cheaper every 2 years and energy independence should be a natural progression of our society. I can't fathom thinking paying for electricity can be considered a good thing.

Naturally you'll pass on the home you'll eventually own to your kids, if you'll ever have them and those solar panels will pay dividends because they'll also never have to pay a single electricity bill in their life. Wake, the fuck up Jow Forums you'd allow your kids to be paypigs to the consumerist fossil fuels jew.

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The stupid part is the belief people have that climate change is somehow strange or unusual. They seem to completely ignore that not too long human beings were experiencing an Ice Age.

Climate warmed up well before we started any proper industry. It's natural that the climate would continue to warm up with or without our influence.

"Man-made" climate change is nonsense. And don't give me anything about "well it's the rate of change". We saw tons of change in the past. The current projections scientists give have been wrong for decades yet they keep pushing their fear-mongering for grant money to fund their misleading studies. Studies that make headlines in MSM when introduced than get zero headlines when they get discredited.

>record temps
>accurate measurements go back less than 100 years
Come back when you learn how math works

Nah, the effect of some gasses of CO2 and Methane on heat retention (greenhouse effect) is very well understood. The proportions of those gases in the atmosphere are increasing faster. We do know that industry, electricity generation and farming are producing those gases in huge amounts. It's 1+1 really. The global warming that we're experiencing is definitely man-made or at the very least assisted by us.

>Nah, the effect of some gasses of CO2 and Methane on heat retention (greenhouse effect) is very well understood
This is actually false

It's funny how some people will selectively choose what they want to believe with regards to science. So I take it you believe at one point there was an ice age then. Did you come to this consensus on your own or are regurgitating basically what scientists have said on the subject? We did see change in the past yes, but are you seriously saying you'd like to put your eggs in the basket that say humanity won't be wiped out by climate change, I'm sure hoping that gamble plays out well enough for you.

I didn't know people would prefer to sit on a system that completely undermines their own autonomy. What do you get out of paying into a system that is aiding and abetting the fossil fuel jew? We've started wars over fossil fuels and still you want to keep that economy alive and what is mysteriously a contradiction to the general stance on Jow Forums

You could see the duality of your stance and why it makes little sense to someone looking in.

Solar panels are good for about 25 years then need completely replacing, their power generation drops off substantially by that point. The downside is that there's a massive up front cost to getting them installed which most people cannot afford. In Aus you have more reliable sun but in most other places in the world like in the UK it's cloudy and overcast a lot. Even with significant subsidies in the UK it still doesn't really make sense to do it.

>the effect of some gasses of CO2 and Methane on heat retention (greenhouse effect) is very well understood
They're very POORLY understood by the majority of climate change activists.

Gases like CO2 make up a small amount of the Greenhouse effect (water vapor is the most important). And then humans only make up a tiny portion of CO2 emissions compared to natural resources (3.4%). This idea that humans are leading the world toward a climate change apocalypse is ludicrous.

And you know what? More CO2 is actually GOOD for life on Earth. We had 6 times more CO2 in the atmosphere during the time of the dinosaurs than we do today. That's why they were able to get so large. People forget that CO2 isn't pollution... it's literally plant fuel. More CO2 led to more plant mass which meant more food to support the larger animals who ate them.

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>Because it gets hotter, it HAS to be man-made
Your logic a shit man, that's an empty claim from someone who is full of shit, nothing more.

The effect of CO2 decreases exponentially with the amount. We are already at 99.999% of the maximum possible greenhouse is effect you massive ass-wipe

>are you seriously saying you'd like to put your eggs in the basket that say humanity won't be wiped out by climate change, I'm sure hoping that gamble plays out well enough for you.
I'm not the only one. There's a reason the evil corporations perpetuating climate change aren't selling off their seaside properties.

>what is mysteriously a contradiction to the general stance on Jow Forums
What contradiction? Because you called it "the fossil fuel jew"? I'm not the one calling for wars due to fossil fuels. This "if you don't believe in man-made climate change that means you want to go to war for Israel" leap is retarded.

I'm not even proposing we stay a fossil fuel economy forever. Sources of energy like nuclear can be very clean when done properly but that's another discussion and I don't feel like predictably arguing with people about Chernobyl and shit like that.

Yes, there was a study done on this. But they had found that there was only a 20% reduction in efficiency, not what you'd call "substantial" there is a trend of around 0.5% to 0.8% in degradation year over year. It's also important to note that the most costly part of solar installation isn't the actual panels but rather screwing the arrays to your roofing. Also important to point out based on the study there has been methods used like quartz and sapphire coating that has been successfully implemented to reduce degradation.

Certain roofing types will differ in difficulty and vary in costs and for certain instances you may be quotes to replace your whole entire roofing. I'd agree with your sentiment however because I feel that perhaps UK is the best representation of where solar would be most effectively used but the UK is investing heavily in the future of nuclear which is perhaps substantially more viable as a means to a sustainable future.

Refugees cause global warming.

All I'm saying, is, look, at what I'm saying, I'm saying that all you idiots are going to be really glad we warmed the globe once Yellowstone park explodes and puts the earth into another ice age.

it'll all work out

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Anyone remember when a few years ago they said the the cold summers was proof of global warming?

Finally some good summers!!

>literally anything happens
>man made CO2 effected climate change confirmed

>to combat the Yellowstone disaster the government issues PSAs urging citizens to do their part and pollute as much as they can

>"When you carpool you carpool with Hitler!"

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We also know that CO2 relationship with temperature is not a linear one, there's a diminishing returns on the temperature.

All of the calcualtions on CO2 release show barely noticeable warming and these doomsday projections rely on there being a whole load of feedback loops that go into play that amplify up the effect from CO2.

The problem is this is all theory, the models are invented to fit existing climate data they have not passed any tests of predictive validity, without that they cannot be falsified which is a core part of science. We wont know for many years whether there's any accuracy in any of these models or not. Basically the panic now is based on assuming the worst case scenario where all these crazy feedback loops kick in and skyrocket the temperature, there's no reason to believe that is accurate.

Fucking africans

We know already that model predictions have consistently failed. It's why they have so many "fudge factors" for "things they didn't account for" once it becomes undeniable that the model failed. Like how CFCs/HCFCs have supposedly created an unexpected cooling effect since the late 90s. Every time there's a major discrepancy between measured and predicted data, they make adjustments to one or both.

>a single heat wave is proof of climate change
meanwhile last year had one of the coldest summers on record in some countries, but lets only look at the data that fits our narrative

Explain the ice age

kek, no, it is very well understood. Just open up any physics book, man, this is basic interaction between electromagnetic waves and molecules.
Convenient that you left methane out of your insult, since it's a much more potent greenhouse effect gas.
I bet dinosaurs would be happy about what's happening to the planet then. The problem is that species can't adapt quickly enough to these drastic temperature changes so we'll see extinctions and such. There are also many other aspects of global warming that are not understood but that we shouldn't play lottery with. We don't know very well what effects this could have on draughts or hurricanes, which could be very problematic.

All in all I don't believe our long-term survival as a species will be affected by global warming at all, but I think a slow shift towards cleaner energy sources is positive for many reasons.

First, cleaner atmosphere means fewer cancer cases and in general better livelihood. Even if you don't believe the gas emissions are problematic you have to admit that particles in the air cause all sorts of health issues.
Second, we avoid excessive political influence and income inequality derived from the un-even distribution of fossil fuels in the world. In other words, we can produce our energy locally and avoid a ton of unnecessary arab dick sucking.
Third, there is the potential to develop new energy sources like fusion, which would multiply by orders of magnitude our energy production potential. This could open the doors to a new future with amazing technology not anymore restricted by energy availability. It would also make energy significantly cheaper (for the less forward-looking individuals).

>leace ice age
>gets warmer in Europe like it has been warmer thousands of years ago
As long as they ignore nuclear power I will never hop on the climate change is manmade bandwagon.

The failure isn't linear though, it starts off a little bit every year but that accelerates near the end of their lifespan. It's kinda like how lamps for projects fail over time, a little bit at first but eventually they accelerate.

With 25 years between fitting the panels there's no way new ones would be compatible with 25 year old mounts on the roof, you're probably going to need to replace the entire lot again.

Nuclear is a way better option if done safely, it's consistent with weather conditions and has huge output that is basically clean. Disposing of spent fuel is easy enough you just cover it in concrete and stash it down abandoned mine shafts. That will keep us going until we crack fusion at which point the energy problem is basically solved as the output of fusion reactions is potentially massive and the byproduct/waste is basically small amounts of helium which is harmless.

Like most problems we've ever had, technology will easily solve it all with the correct amount of investment. Same for global warming, if we do decide we want to control the earths temperature that's not going to be a terribly hard engineering challenge over the next 100-200 years.

yeah its called El Nino

I see this argument often, but you need to open your eyes just a tiny bit more. You can't discard all science on a topic because the models are so complicated that we fail to predict something. The truth is, our understanding of climate, while partial, is a lot more complete than one hundred years ago. This is what allows us to predict the weather in 10-15 days with a great degree of accuracy. Long-term predictions have to be taken with a grain of salt as of now, but that doesn't mean you can completely ignore them. They represent the best prediction we can produce at the moment. Unless you can come up with some better alternative to predict weather patterns, you'd do well in reading and understanding the current ones we have.
Think of when Newton discovered the laws of gravity. Centuries later we realised that his laws didn't work in the macro scale of things. Instead of giving up and entirely discarding his theory, we worked to understand what was missing, and today have more complete models. Our models today fail to reconcile quantum mechanics with relativity, but we haven't given up yet. This is how science works, and thanks to it we live in this era of amazing technology.

its literally impossible to do testing and experimentation on the atmosphere, how can we possibly understand it "very well"
all we have ishistorical correlations, nothing more

We don't understand very well climate itself, like you said, we can't experiment on the atmosphere so our models are very incomplete. We do understand very well the interaction between electromagnetic waves (produced by the sun) and molecules of different substances because this is something we can test in a lab. It has been well tested and we understand how it works now. We can to some degree extrapolate what we see in the lab to what we observe in the atmosphere but we're missing many variables and the results are not entirely accurate yet.

>let me tell you about European climate, as an American who's never been there
Europe is supposed to be way fucking colder than America retard.
We've barely had snow this past decade and summers are morphing from comfy 25C averages into 30+ humid hell.
You DO realise that America and Europe don't have the same climate, do you?

Europeans eat this bullshit SJW fearmongering up all the time. Seriously has a swedish girl who claimed to be right wing cry to me that Americans eat meat everyday and went on about how we are the 4th reich. It's ridiculous how absolutely idiotic they are along with like-minded Americans.

Exactly, and that's why you cannot verify the accuracy of these things, with prior data. Because you'll always be able to just tinker with the numbers and fudge factors until your model follows the old data precisely. But that's not a prediction, for predictive validity you need to design a model first then track to see how successful it is.

No one is discarding all the science, that's just hyperbole. Most of the science on warming is perfectly good, the science behind how CO2 and other greenshouse gasses trap heat is very well understood and has a strong literature that is published and peer reviewed. But that science also tells us that warming is non linear, that adding more and more CO2 to the atmosphere has a diminishing effect on temperature increase, and to get these catastrophic models you actually need to move AWAY from the good science into territory of science that is speculating about feedback loops that amplify this small change.

I absolutely can ignore predictions from models that have no predictive validity, it doesn't mean I'm right to do so. I'm just trading a certainty that reducing emissions makes our lives worse for an uncertain benefit in the future. If people want to play this catastrophic heating game then make a prediction with a model now, DO NOT CHANGE IT, and wait 10-20 years to see if what you predicted came true. If those models demonstrate accelerated warming then great, we can decide how we want to tackle that.

Newton discovered the laws of gravity and made a model within which we could make predictions and those predictions were verified by experiment. That's all science is, it's saying here's a thing that's true and here's how we know it's true and you can go replicate my findings yourself and the replications are reliable. Our predictive models have none of that, we've not proven them to have predictive validity or ability to replicate, in fact there's loads of different models that all predict differently

>Ignore the rest of the mild summer and go completely hysterical about this completely normal heatwave which will only last 3 days

Good, now all of your middle eastern friends will feel at home in their new climate.

>kek, no, it is very well understood
False. Find me a good model of the physics of the greenhouse effect. You can't, because there isn't one

To be honnest as good newton model is, it can not work for every case and people had to rethink his work to engloble every situation. Fuck I really hate all this the sience is settled.

I have also a lot of problem with people saying that record cold that some country have mean nothing, then 6 month later say that record heat mean that global warming is very real.

Also I wonder why our polution fighting against "global warming", think that importing millions of subhuman and letting people mutilating themselve will help them fight against that.

Also fuck them trying to find a technical solution.
Main problem for earth ressource is surpopulation and new technology. Uncle ted was right.

Time to move further north I guess.


You got a point

Weird because my country had the all time low temperatures in july

Well we better import more third worlders then.

Every human on earth could fit and live on texas. Does that seem like a case of overpopulation?

Oh shut the fuck up. Go wash your mouth out with a revolver

>reducing emissions makes our lives worse
Maybe if you're a shareholder in an oil company or something. Other than that, I prefer my air clean.

When you say "no predictive validity" is when you're completely ignoring the science behind it. There is uncertainty, but that's not "no predictive validity" so you'd do well to pay attention to the current models. I don't know if you read my posts but I actually also believe the long-term effects have been greatly exaggerated by the media. In fact I believe most of the skepticism regarding global warming is caused by the constant stupidly exaggerated claims made to sell more newspapers like "the world will end in 10 years if we don't stop emissions tomorrow".

Also, you seem to be focusing a bit too much on CO2 but CO2 doesn't cause much greenhouse effect compared to methane for instance. Methane can have dramatic effects on global warming, and its proportion in the atmosphere is increasing year by year. Read this, for instance:–Eocene_Thermal_Maximum#Methane_release

Florida is cooler than most of the US. This is just a random heat wave impacting certain parts of the world and not an overall increase in temperature.

>living space is the same as space needed for food and literally every other amenity that people need
Based fucking retard

When were the previous record set? Oh, 1925 you say? 1936? 1782? 1488 perhaps? Was it man made climate change back then too? When trees grew in the arctic, was that man made? We have one hot day and everyone loses their fucking minds. Hot days have been happening since the dawn of time. You gotta give me more to go on than "its hot"


The earth is flat fags

Most people who are labelled "climate deniers" or whatever it is these days, actually do understand the science you're describing and they accept that greenhouse gasses exist, that we create them and that leads to warming. None of those things are particularly controversial facts. We can measure output of CO2 fairly accurately and all that. There is a very tiny fringe of people who actually would deny that.

But that same science tells us that we're not producing anywhere near enough to warm the globe like the catastrophic predictions. And in fact the more we produce the less effect it has, there's a saturation point. If the models were just based on known and verified effects from science that does have predictive validity then you don't get catastrophic warming.

It's the fact that these models deviate so much from the solid science that's what people generally have a problem with. The actual number of hardcore climate deniers that either deny all the science even the core stuff, that's some akin to flat earthers. And that's used to straw man people who are reasonable skeptics.

No, he isn’t implying they are the same climate dumbass. He’s saying that these temperatures are completely standard in the Southern US and it’s not the end of the world if you nancy-boy faggots have to deal with it for a few days. Humans endure these temperatures for weeks at a time in the Summer over here. Turn your AC up, drink some water, and grow some balls. It’s an anomaly.

Why they never talk about pic related when blaming "humans"

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If only there was a very tiny fringe of people who actually deny that, but that statement is not true, most denialists don't even know why or what they're denying. A good example is this thread and other similar threads in Jow Forums.

I'm not going to fiercely debate with you that the warming we're causing will actually be catastrophic but I wouldn't be as bold as you to say that we have no evidence that it will be. Even the most current models have huge uncertainties that predict changes between 2 and 8 degrees and such. One of the scenarios is not nearly as catastrophic as the other one and both are assigned the same probability. It seems to me that we're playing with fire just so oil company stakeholders and saudi arabia can pocket some more money. This uncertainty can't be used to automatically discard all catastrophic scenarios and take no measure. I don't think we should risk our future on a coin flip.

I'd advocate for a slow and sensible shift towards cleaner sources of energy while dedicating a lot more money into fusion energy research and development (which would be the only true solution with no drawbacks).

>I'm not going to fiercely debate with you that the warming we're causing will actually be catastrophic
The convenient motte fall back position when you can't just bluster someone with the pretence of being more intelligent

HAHAHA, Only affects the gayest countries.

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You may also think that countries like Netherlands don't cause any pollution because muh clean energy?
Oh wow, FUCKING POLAND is stinking air with their coal!? Really???

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Based user speaks truth.


Oh holy bell of Power, go and erase niggers and turdskins.

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I see no reason to hold an absolute opinion on something with as much uncertainty as climate. Stating that there will be catastrophic climate change and stating that there won't are equally stupid. If you don't like this opinion and would like me to take one of the stupid extremes I'm sorry to disappoint you.