What are Trump's accomplishments so far?

In your opinion?

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>what are Trump’s accomplishments so far
Directing the Russians on how to hack voting machines and servers to win the election.

I’d say successfully marrying an immigrant and the hating on immigrants

$38bn to Israel
Fewer deportations than Obama

slightly moving the overton window
Nothing more.

triggering teh libz

Shilling troll faggots detected. Sage in all fields

he withstood the full force of the deepstate which successfully took down JFK, RFK, Richard Nixon, Pat Buchanan, Iraq, and Lybia
no mean feat

No wall, more immigrants, no massive deportations, ballooning the deficit, global lgbtq crusade, and sucking off king Bibi. Based MAGA

making me more left wing

The deep state battle is hampering a lot of what he wants do it.

Well he’s still president and he’s caused a shift of several standard deviations in the mental stability of some leftists. Results don’t lie.

Pissing off everything under the sun and get away with it.

He upset libshits so he earned my vote.

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Having legions of faggots shill against him on cantonese hand pottery enclaves

Death to yids


he triggered the f**k out of you

He may have done nothing to help Americans but at least he makes people I don't like mad.

economy and stock market doing very well. we were getting raped by china and to a lesser degree other countries on trade also. the stuff china used to get away with in terms of trade and theft of intellectual property was unreal, and you have to give trump credit for not letting the US get abused anymore. hillary would have just continued appeasing the chinks and other countries who hate us while our wealth hemorrhages overseas. he's appointed a fuckton of judges, including two to the supreme court. we havent gotten into any bullshit wars. triggering libshits has been an amusing bonus.

obviously he's shit the bed on the wall and immigration, and his allegiance to israel and sending them billions of our tax money a year makes me sick, but hillary would have been just as cucked to the jew and would have been even worse on immigration.

Whispering sweet nothings to any dolt that will give him the time of day

Getting fat, getting senile,not reading, being ignorant, being narcissistic and self-absorbed, being louder and more disruptive than a pack of wild niggers, driving a stake into the USA, you know, great shit.

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- Moved emassy to Jerusalem
- Secured money
- probably did something for goys idk lol

Oh....and whining about the oranges of the investigation...the oranges of you know...the oranges of the investigation like Jimmy Two Times from Goodfellas.

But has he done enough?

Exactly nothing. This man can only talk, but he has exactly 0% accomplished.

Trump has increase the morale and solidarity within the White community.
He has helped us come together to oppose the real enemy.
He has solidified US relations with our strongest allie, Israel.
Making America Great Again.

billions sent to Israel
Golan Heights
5 miles of fence
sent that tweet that owned the libs
tax cuts for wallstreet that will trickle it down to us any moment now

in my opinion he has done the best thing anyone could have done at this point which is not be Hillary Rodham Clinton. Also he makes liberals cry oceans.

Can you believe people thought this guy was anything but an arrogant conservative boomer yankee faggot

He angers leftists. I don’t care about anything else. I would burn the world just to watch leftists be consumed in fire.

This actually

>being useless for everyone except Israelis and rich boomers
>didn't get impeached
>caused the democratic party to become even more pathetic

He's a Jew-loving neocuck retard, but he's the best we've got folks

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This. He's been an utter fucking failure and has don't almost nothing.

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Short-term failure, long-term success

He's given the left, and the media, a case of chronic anger that is hilarious to watch.

That's good enough for me.

I was happy with ending the Obamacare mandate, and he did that before he even officially took office. I literally didn’t care about anything else.