Thank you for your service

Thank you for your service

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el ogro radiactivo

you're a piece of shit

LOL this is what happens to morons who give their life to the government.
Fuck the military
Keep dying for Israel you cucks

Poor guy. If I looked like that I would hobble around on all 4’s and identify as a monster and get offended if people tried to treat me as another human being

"Ay mate, 'av been wonderin when we' gunna go afta them ayranians"

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I just spat on a few veterans graves today walking to work. Fuck veterans fuck the troops.


zionist apologist pig.

i would fashion some sort of giant earthworm costume I could flop round in with just my face exposed

Hey i am not the one who looks like a melted turd
You should thank me for giving this poor american a cause to fight for

I mean it's not that bad those teeth can be fixed. what's the big deal?

Nice Israeli VPN user. You must be bored

Fuck Israel, fuck America.

> vet

after all we've done for you this is the type of shit you post?

idk man, I just hope you are some nazi using a VPN because it kind of hurts seeing an ally typing this stuff..

No problem

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nah, the troops can suck my dick, all they do is follow orders like cuck faggots and kill women and children

I fuck with homeless vets on the streets.
You faggots were parasites on the tax system.
You're even bigger parasites now.
Stop acting like an entitled faggot and get a job instead of sponging off tax dollars.
If anything we should off these failures Euthanasia.

>kill women and children

Sandnigger women and children. Those fleas have like 10 kids each. Not bad to thin the herd a bit

Thank you, user.

To be honest the guy probably went to serve for economic reasons Free college all the benefits so he went through it for the pay

Same. This vet in a wheelchair always begs me for money whenever I'm on my way to the gym. One day I got tired of his shit and threw him from his wheelchair and kicked his stump. Nobody did a thing because even the cops hate those pathetic leeches.

Imagine thinking Israel is a US ally...

So he's a nigger then.

It is

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God damn, you're a disgusting person.
Nigger tier whites get the rope before niggers and kikes, imo.

-> Not only do you get your legs blown off fighting for Israel, but then your master mocks you afterwards. The USA is the ultimate golem nation.

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Anything for Chosen ones.

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>it kind of hurts seeing an ally typing this stuff
Put on your combat gear and just die like you're supposed to already.


And they thank you afterwards
These are the people who call europeans cucks
Atleast they have guns to shot themselves with out of shame

>because it kind of hurts seeing an ally typing this stuff..
Hahahahahaha, you're a fucking idiot and this is why you and the majority of the American public deserve to be lead by the nose by your Jew overlords. Fucking pathetic.

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Murica is full hands and knees for Israel

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I thank you for your service to our country.
If we keep this up, ALL of us can get tax cuts and maybe we can get to fixing our economy.

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user, I...

theyre fucking welfare queens, utter scum. Ive kicked a few myself, they need to know that theyre leech scumbags.

Jesus Christ back to fucking R E D D I T

>Muh guns

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nah, he got what he deserved, fuck golems, if you were stupid enough to enlist you deserve beeing bullied
I found him

What you think about Jew World Order? Existed to own 2800 slaves yet?

I personally can't wait to get kiss your holy feets.

God you antifa are literally demons who need to lie to others to try to convince you are a masculine Individual. Nice larp


The AMERICAN POPULATION believes this.
You're just so brainwashed by the miltary industrial complex propaganda campaign, you don't realize most of the people state side, HATE YOU.
You just signed up for an easy paycheck because you can't do shit.
I HATE giving handouts to useless fucks.
You think this changes because you went around shooting dunekoons?

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Praise our holy shepherds!

the death and maiming of 1000 amerimutt cattle cannot compare to the safety off g-ds chosen


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I'm not left wing and I vote Republican.
I voted for Trump.
I oppose the welfare state and your collectivist communist bullshit.
USA is about INDIVIDUALISM and you leeches drain out all the wealth because you never man the fuck up and got a career.
If our economy is going to stabilize, we need to start cutting out all the dead weight like the military welfare state.
Our economy is SHIT because of the waste going to support TRASH like you.
Literal TRAITORS to the American people.

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>all these burger flippers talking shit on their own country

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One Jew is more valuable than one million GOYS!

Oh how i love them! When shall the King return!

modern day tr*ops I hate them so much, they deserve to have their face melted off

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We thank you too... for helping the world get rid of useless low IQ mutts polluting humanity's gene pool.

Take the guns of the mutt Go let's take it!


• Burn Israel
• Burn Jews
• 6,000,000 wasn't enough
• Hitler's only failure is that you aren't an ashpile

I think you've done more for the USA in this one thread than all the bulletcatching fuckheads that die for Israel.
You're doing a great service to our country by calling out all this military financial waste and their sense of entitlement.

Based kike, fuck mutts


t. muh hero was killed by a stingray in the great emu war
kys dolphin bait

How the fuck is it that even the surgeons of WWI managed to do better facial reconstructions than some of the poor bastards in this thread got?

The absolute state of muttmerica

Thank you for your service

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>I just spat on a few veterans graves today walking to work. Fuck veterans fuck the troops.

In the name of Halliburton, thak you.

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When you fought for Israel but it's all ogre now.

looks like acid
was he stationed in Great Britain by any chance?



American military surgeries are done by the same doctor who circumcises the babies

goddamn this is some high-level bait

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>Why yes, I did go all the way to Iran to fight for american values, how could you tell?

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Whatcha gonna do about it, goi boi? Scream on the internet? Soon that'll be illegal, too.

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>ID is ow Asian massage
What's the matter fag you don't like a good ole' fashioned?

You are a ZOG's attack golem

>This flag
>This thread
You stole my line, kike. Oy vey, jew is jewing jew on this jewish board.

Anyway, I kinda feel bad for him, as well as for all crippled people. On another hand he WANTED to go and kill other people in other countries for (((our))) interests. So he is or gullible brainlet (if he didn't knew what murican military is for) or just coldblooded killer if he knew.

>I'm a cool military guy, willing to die for Israel
Context matters, kike lover.

there's something so enchanting about our brave, noble servicemembers of the past versus our modern zogbot meatpuppet tacticool false bravado military.

can anyone explain this feel

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(((America))) is an empty nation with nothing left to fight for. Men of the past fought for family and race.

Well said

Looks like a ghoul from Fallout, lol

Spoken like a true golem.

It looks far more deformed than that.

Yeah, but I couldn't think of anything else

>"my pleasure, smoothskin"

watch yourselves smooth skins

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Karma's a bitch

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My grandfather killed many Nazis at Normandy. Came home with Purple Hearts, a bronze star, and also came home as a sharp shooter. Get bent Nazi faggots. The blood of a tyranny killer runs through my veins. Come have a look at my gun collection

What a faggot, holy shit!