What do you think about "Boogie"?

Or "Francis"

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I heard he was a ginormous beast. The size of a house people told me. You can imagine my disappointment when it turned out he was just a 500 pound basedboy

e-celeb worshipers need to perish in a fire

Would send to Auschwitz/10

i don't

his fake teeth look awful

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I hope he's doing well that chair exploding incident had me worried

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weak beta male who thinks he isn’t hurt by online comments
and will tell you about how he isn’t hurt by them, in a 28 minute video where he seems really hurt

he also manages to have the worst opinions on things while also not really holding an opinion of his own

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Ethan Ralph’s sniping of his livestream is a modern day classic youtu.be/F6nU_q0kn2I


he is a puppet of the jew

of course he is, he says it all the time that they get to him

He is a piece of shit, but harmless.

Fatties are bad people.

Unshackled Boogie and Francis are the only good Boogies but liberals have decided that free thinking and jokes are illegal so he can never get monetized for making good content ever again. So now his only choice is to be another Reddit far left dicksucker with carnival teeth or fall into the forgotten abyss of the Internet with San Hyde.

Fat and angry.


the fact he has an audience is just telling how many people identify with this weak spined beta cuck.

many such cases, SAD!

He's repulsive, which is an achievement considering his gravitational pull. An absolutely disgusting, abhorrent, attention seeking, sympathy sucking, venomous, desperate, fat cunt.

A truly pathetic specimen.

Also his wife left him because he kept shitting himself, she had to clean it up, getting deep in to the crevices. On one occasion he got annoyed because she wasn't overly delicate around his ass-rash folds, so he raged and slapped her with a shit covered hand.

t. know him personally

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a fat fuck who consumes far too much food and then bitches about health care
how he was ever married is beyond me

dirvoce raped

Pathetic e-begger who can't stop stuffing his face or deal with his own problems by himself.

is this one of those slider threads i keep hearing about

Disgusting fat fuck.

I'd love to take a baseball bat to those chiclets.

I wish he would just die already

>He's repulsive, which is an achievement considering his gravitational pull.

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A man denied his due tribute to compensate his treatments

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here is his ex wife

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fuck you. Now I'm afraid

There was a shotgun shell built into the first one in an assassination attempt.

new teeth/smile makes this nigga look like a stereotypical real estate agent

I don't think about him at all.

Genuinely feel bad for how shite it was for him growing up. I had it bad and some of that shit still fucks with me but Boogie had some crazy shit happen to him

That said, hes a bit of a fence sitter. i doubt the rest of Jow Forums is as forgiving of his type as I am. People like Boogie are just an unfortunate byproduct of the general shit nature of of most humans.

What the fuck does this have to do with politics?

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