Since when are hijabs in charge of the capitol?

since when are hijabs in charge of the capitol?

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Weird photoshop but ok

hijabs better than kippas

A freshman congresswoman that will not be voted back in is not in charge of anything.

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>9% approval
>we run this shit

how the tables have turned


Based conquerors.

Attached: Based Unapologetic Third World Conquest (2% native drop per annum!).png (720x966, 229K)


just waiting on the burger cope

easy to hide a kippa under hijab

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When the head of the committee (or chamber) can't attend for whatever reason, they can name a replacement for that session.

>since when are hijabs in charge of the capitol?
she has passed nothing and will pass nothing, she is in charge of nothing, and she will be gone by the next election.

>9% approval
Literally a meme survey made among rural white inbreds

But browns vote for browns and you are only 50% European now.

She is here to stay.

Just shit out more kids than all the other races combined, white man, HAVE SECKS.

They're not, but they are in charge on Twitter

I dont know. Since when is germany called germanistan?


nice cope mutt.

Based IRA

wanna be germany

>Democrats in DC are taking it seriously.
>Pollster is NOT named.
Seems you know more than the general public does. What can you tell us about this poll that the leftist rag known as Axios couldn't find out?

I fucking hate that disgusting anti-semite traitor. she should be hanged for treason

Well at least my country isn't forgotten on maps.

>in charge
They aren't.

imagine being this retarded

I don't give a fuck about surveys, since are tools used and abused to manipulate the public opinion.

>Gallup explains that its polling, which consistently shows high American sympathy for Israel, is the result of “priming” questions that influence respondents to falsely express pro-Israel leanings. Gallup buried this explosive admission.

I do not like her politics, BUT she is forcing the normies to see how fawning of Israel the Republicans are.

It is INSANE that in some states you must sign an agreement to NOT protest against Israel to get a government contract.

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Literally the only good thing about this dune coon is that she's super woke to the JQ

How about all semites die in fire?

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>Says something stupid
>Shown that thing said is stupid
>Claims they didn't like that stupid thing anyway.
Is this your typical cycle? When you're shown to be wrong you backpeddal faster than Erica Thomas after she tries to Jussie someone?

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They're not, the yamaka's are.

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Since founding fathers declared freedom of religion. You're pretty anti-constitutional goy aren't you?

>Just outbreed 6 billion nigger ghouls before they outvote you goy! Have sex!

Half of the jews in Israel aren't semites, many of them are italian converts. That's why italians and jews looks similar. Palestinians are ok in my book if they live in their country.
>Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — another member of The Squad — was recognized by 53%
Imagine being such a low iq white trash retard that you don't know who is one of the most discussed congresswoman in the country. IDK where this people was picked up, probably among meth addicts.

>Imagine being such a low iq white trash retard that
you talk about shit that you and I have never talked about before, and has exactly zero relevance to what we have spoken of.


They aren't. They got elected because "muh minority representation #wokeAF" minded progressives voted them in not understanding how politics work.

They got in, also not knowing how politics worked to which they were muffled by Pelosi and periodically trotted out like prized cattle to make a statement about how inclusive the Democrat Party is. Yet in reality they had no power, they were just that, eye candy to bait the racebaiters. They realized they were being duped and started fighting with Pelosi, Trump realized this and how unfavorable they are to the entire rest of the country ( as a source on that) so he attacked them knowing that the Democrats would circle the wagons. They then proceeded to try and weaponize their newfound fame/infamy depending on viewer and Trump has just been keeping them in the spotlift.

In reality they don't run shit and are being played like a fiddle. They haven't figured out that more than half of the country isn't progressive, and they certainly haven't figured out that them talking at this level is basically free election advertisement for Trump in 2020.

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>another shill propping the same pozzed survey
Now im sure that these polls are a psy ops, question everything my fellow anons

>Gallup explains that its polling, which consistently shows high American sympathy for Israel, is the result of “priming” questions that influence respondents to falsely express pro-Israel leanings. Gallup buried this explosive admission.

you see the truth.

Whenever Trump wants to raise his approval ratings he attacks the squad, and they proceed to sprout insane shit that drives the normies to him.

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>Lets talk about this poll.
>Why don't you know about this shit that has absolutely zero to do with the poll that I don't want to talk about anymore!
>You've got a mental illness.
Yep. I'm the one with issues.

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You sound very Jewish, yourself.

>No Trump you are not my president, but you know who is?

And then everyone clapped.

>shills sucking each othee dicks
What's your opinion on Q?

>living in their own country

I give just as much of a fuck about Q as I do for R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, and P. Why the fuck does that matter? Holy fuck you're all over the place.

Since US is gay

>Half of the jews in Israel aren't semites, many of them are italian converts. That's why italians and jews looks similar. Palestinians are ok in my book if they live in their country.
If they're Jew, they're out. There is a reason their homeland is in the Middle East and not Europe.

>Now im sure that these polls are a psy ops, question everything my fellow anons

Imagine being so afraid of accepting the truth that anything which disagrees with you you presume is some secret operation. In all honesty, that line of thinking might be valid if Axios wasn't unbearably obvious in how LEFT WING IT IS.

IDK what to tell you. The Democrat candidates had better odds in their polling until they all literally jumped on the Green New Deal bandwagon and started trying to out far-left each other. That alone should tell you Socialism isn't palatable to the average voter in the center. Meanwhile who are the top 5 Democrats in polling?

Joe Biden who is a "return to Obama era" candidate who is oddly seen of as the moderate because his colleagues are off their rockers.

Bernie Sanders who is losing favor with the Far Left because he's somehow "Not Far Left enough" meanwhile he wasn't popular in 2016 to the average voter which is why the DNC fucked him over. they knew Sanders was a for sure loss because Socialism is only popular in the Deep Blue areas of America to which there are few districts.

Kamala Harris who gleefully jumped over the Green New Deal and slammed down the fucking race card so fast the deck wasn't even in print yet and she threw it down. She also runs on the "I'm a woman!" platform. Both of these are progressive style politics because the average voter doesn't give a flying fuck of the gender of the president.

Elizabeth Warren who also throws around the woman card and still tries to pull the "muh Cherokee heritage, Pow Wow Chow!" card.

Buttigieg who is pretty Left leaning but isn't ever actually given real focus so the dumb shit he does say isn't widely seen.

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Stop Larping as an hebrew and come back to Italy, i'll make pasta
But do you think that Q is a true thing? DO you believe in what he says?

It makes the kikes squirm with impotent rage.

The Q movement is real. The Q predictions are not. Yes, some larpers have gotten lucky a time or two... and so have many other frauds throughout history. For example, pic related. Another would be Nostradamus.

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I mean, the dude says stupid shit from time to time, but he isn't retarded. You don't grow from "A small loan of a million dollars" to being one of the most widely recognized names on the planet BEFORE presidency, to being in politics for a single year before becoming leader of the entire fucking free world by swilling paste.

When it comes to strategy and optics the dude knows precisely what he's doing. It's just sad that it's such an easily recognizable pattern he does and they fall for it every single time.

The other trend he has is when he wants something to be covered he spells something wrong or "gets the wrong name." The most visible case of this was when the DNC was threatening to sue Trump back in like 2018 and his response was "We'll just countersue for Wendy Wasserman-Schultz laptop." Idiots jumped on that saying "LOL RETARD DRUMPF IT'S DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ!" So the tweet got an abnormal amount of spotlight and what did the centrists take from it? "Wait, what fucking laptop? I never heard about this laptop. . ." and some of them poked their head into the rabbit hole.

I really hate giving the "4174164164 dimensional chess" meme any credit but given all the shit that's happened just in his first term alone you can't deny the dude's strategy because it always works. Even worse, you know NONE OF THIS would work as intended if the Left wasn't so fucking hair triggered in their responses to try and get swings in on him.

Agreed. Nothing is worse then some idiot who believes anyone is on their side, as they desperately cling to and glimmer of hope. Truly pathetic.

>Imagine being so afraid of accepting the truth that anything which disagrees with you you presume is some secret operation. In all honesty, that line of thinking might be valid if Axios wasn't unbearably obvious in how LEFT WING IT IS.

Imagine being so naive to think that politics in america is plain and simple as you see it, and that's there are ot glowniggers pulling the strings of everythig you see and hear.

>The Democrat candidates had better odds in their polling until they all literally jumped on the Green New Deal bandwagon and started trying to out far-left each other.

So basically they were OK because Pelosi and the other Jew were the masterminds behind everything - the most inoffensive puppets- until some of the democrats (AOC and Omar and Tlaib mostly) smashed their smokescreen challeging the elites of the healt, war and zog sector.
Do you want to attack Iran?

wears a hijab for "Modesty" purposes, yet wears make-up.

Why the fuck would I want to attack Iran? What the fuck did they do to me? How has this gone from
>Hurr durr, this poll is using bad data
>Hurr durr, you don't know about this fucking thing that is completely unrelated to polls. I don't actually know if you do or don't know, but I'm going to pretend either way because WE HAVE TO DISTRACT FROM ME NOT KNOWING WHAT THE FUCK I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!!!11111ONEONEONE
>You have mental issues
>Do you give a fuck about some letter of the alphabet?
>Do you believe in psychics?
>Lets talk about Iran.

If you're doing some kind of study or some shit, I demand pay. Not answering any further until I am paid.

Trump doesn't wear a hijab, but a Jew kippah.

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>ov vey goyim will you look at this dirty Muslim in you-our government
>vote for more based and redpilled Zionist republicans


>Imagine being so naive to think that politics in america is plain and simple as you see it, and that's there are ot glowniggers pulling the strings of everythig you see and hear.

I didn't get into politics until roughly 2015. Since then I've heavily submerged myself into Left wing and Right wing sources for their opinions and sources then somewhat aggregated them of my own. What this has given me might be pure luck or coincidence but literally every prediction I've made since then on politics has come to be the case.

Either I've got a wicked string of good luck, or clearly my process is working for predicting the outcomes. Regardless of what it is, I've been correctly predicting these outcomes and you're sitting on Jow Forums arguing "THIS POLL DOESN'T SAY WHAT I WANT IT TO SAY THEREFORE IT'S A HOAX!"

>So basically they were OK because Pelosi and the other Jew were the masterminds behind everything - the most inoffensive puppets- until some of the democrats (AOC and Omar and Tlaib mostly) smashed their smokescreen challeging the elites of the healt, war and zog sector.

Your response is completely unrelated to the text you quoted but I'll humor you. They were fine when the Democrats could point at the fringe lunatics on the far left and say "Ah but we don't support these crazies." or at the very least pretend to ignore their existence and distance from them. Now that "The Squad" is in Congress and openly proclaiming to be Democrats combined with Trump just forced the entire Democrat Party to defend them which comes off to everyone as endorsing their ideas they have lost that ability. They are basically married to these people and the country widely identifies them as Democrats and not "oh it's those crazy fringe fuckers" like the Democrats did with Bernie Sanders for the past few decades. With him he just sided with them often but they always said "Yo, that crazy Socialist isn't one of us, we don't support Socialism."

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God damn, she sits there, upon the highest chair, and speaks her retarded Somalian mind. What an utterly depressing picture, like shit smeared on a once great country.
Oh man, how far we have fallen.

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Good times will create weak people, who in turn will create bad times. These bad times will breed strong people out of necessity for survival who will usher in an era of prosperity, or "good times." Then the cycle repeats itself.

>Left wing and Right wing
It's the same, unironically. Don't waste your time. If you want to hear a bit of truth search among the outcasts.
Socialism isn't a bad world, it's part of what we are as europeans. Hitler was a socialist. Countries that have socialist policies, even second world tier place, regoularly surpass the United States in many sectors.

>Socialism isn't a bad world, it's part of what we are as europeans.

Attached: How_Americans_See_Europeans.jpg (620x464, 58K)

What goes around comes around, the military industrial complex is squeezing your country.

Heads up, this asshat is a discord tranny. They're trying to influence opinions here in small steps. First step is to push the idea that both sides do everything. He thinks I didn't know this from the start.. but I did.

>be black, muslim triggering people
>call out the kike