Brits are even weaker then they thought

Muh Empire strikes back
Brexit is a good idea

After Brexit you will suck up to the USA and end up as their little henchman. After you fought your way out of the EuroZone you immediately will have to reenter another free-trade-zone (NAFTA/USMCA), you gained nothing.
While the EU lets you have some seats in Brussel there are no seats fo Nafta Members in Washington :3

So here is my question, why are britsh the most stupid people on earth ?

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-25 um 13.14.47.png (1176x998, 817K)

Other urls found in this thread:

being german must really suck

Your military isn't much better Hans.

You're no better than the Brits Hans. You fuckers had the chance to fix all this shit permanently but you got overzealous in typical German fashion and got yourselves in over your head.

implying there is any military worthy of the name left

But we don't try to patrol the Persian golf all on our own

>A fucking ramp!

At least they won't ruled by Brussels and forced to take more Muzzies. They'll probably still take them in, but at least it will be their decision.

It’s better to be a US allie than to flood Great Britain with third world animals because that fat bitch Angela Merkel said so. Fix your own shit in Germany with all the Muslim rapists before you start talking shit

Attached: 07C56C42-41C1-4045-B763-C342BA08F498.jpg (536x622, 90K)

You mean Pakistan of Europe ?
The SJW Capital were you get imprisoned for teaching a dog to make a heil salute ? Were hate speech online leads to the po,lice ramming down your door at night in real life ?

You mean license City ? You mean the country were knife city is the capital ? As if they will stop this shit now hahahahahah
As if the EU was behind this paki shit.

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This level of cope. Imagine having one of the best political leaders to ever run a country at one point and having Angela Merkel run your country now. What a fucking disaster.

A fucking ramp

The size of our navy compared to the 1980s and even the early 2000s is a complete joke.

They are still better off with the Americans than with the EU that is failing.

do we need to bomb the shit out of you again Fritz?

Oh look a german

USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. We should have never turned our backs on actual family for those cunts in the EU.

Economically do anons think we are generally approaching a point where wider Western military integration is basically a necessity? Given resource competition and plummeting birth rates it seems to me short of revolutionary changes in military tech most Western countries (USA excepted) couldn't sustain a large, comprehensive military force. Thoughts?

This. Combined pop of about 130 million and basically unlimited resources. Could easily field a military force that could go toe to toe in many spheres with Russia or China.

>Germany complaining about another counties naval strength after ordering four Baden-Württembergs

Attached: image.png (704x512, 302K)

>The lead ship - Baden-Württemberg - was initially delivered with several problems.
>These included a persistent 1.3° list to starboard

Attached: 1507386101252.jpg (690x720, 77K)

>see thread in catalogue
>predict a german flag in OP
>there it is
Your butthurt never ceases to amuse


We would have huge resource potential.

But, user, you also forgot that India also demanded that if we were to start a free trade deal with them (most brexit supporters tout developing economies as a great business opportunity), that we'd have to allow for some degree of free movement.

IMAGINE, 1 billion poos being able to migrate to the UK, freely. Not to mention that brexit is inherently anti-european in that we no longer prefer Europeans, but give equal credence and worth to somebody from Somalia and somebody from Germany.

Brexit is the biggest cuckshit around and cuckervatives lap it up because they want to see their grandkids blacked.

>At least they won't ruled by Brussels and forced to take more Muzzies.

If you knew anything about the UK/EU immigration situation you'd realise how ridiculous this statement is.

Just make Anglo 2.0 you faggot. Easily 90% white for the next century.

Hey Bermuda user, what's the weather like?

Your engineers are paid the same as our Costco grocery workers. Please fuck off, nobody wants a german's opinion on anything.

>Brits are even weaker then they thought
No one thinks this you idiot, they know it.
12 years of tory cuts to the Military, RAF, and Navy budget after Afghanistan and big mistakes made with selling out steel factories equalling a loss of trade made with boat construction parts and industry has been a blow for this country.

Too hot

This, UK Cuckservatives:

NO to Polish, Romanians, and Bulgarian
YES to Pakistanis, Indians and Nigerians

>selling out steel factories equalling a loss of trade made with boat construction parts and industry has been a blow for this country.
Even funnier is the cuck faggots that think that brexit will revive British steel. Like America is touted to be our main future trade partner, but they have their own steel industry to keep alive and there's no fucking way hyper competitive yanks will make any concessions for British steel when their own is more important.

They want to ditch cars from germany for ours you idiot. Less travel time, cheaper, a tarrif we both agree on. You think america gives a fuck about the steel coming from britain with the cars they import? yes it will revive the steel industry (somewhat)

>Too hot
Preaching to the choir here mate. Had to do some gardening earlier, nearly died.
Quite, the Tories are byfar the more dangerous party.
Labour, Lib Dems, Greens etc. are all traitors but they are open traitors.
The Tories pretend to be nationalist preventing an actual reaction.
I hate the EU, but I hate non-Europeans more.

If we get CANZUK it will be yes to colonial transfers.
Core -> Working class ->Colonies -> Educated -> Core
Basic colonial supply and demand which will increase productivity in relevant spheres and increase birth rates. No point farming in poor agrarian areas or keeping sup optimal resource extraction operations going.

Germans are superior to you, lucky island orcs

Doesn't matter. Germany has doesn't involve itself in entanglements for which they have no answer to a likely response on behalf of King Orange and Israel. For all of Merkel's domestic issues Germany manages decent relations with the USA, China, and even Russia and doesn't LARP as a military superpower.

Attached: GuessWhoJustGotBackToday.png (1230x679, 392K)

Says the German

>After Brexit you will suck up to the USA and end up as their little henchman.
Old habits die hard.

Big oof.

CANZUK has the potential to radical transform our economies into a first rate super power. The only difficulty is logistics. I dont even see a real need for external immigration and people who settle in new lands always have more children.

UK is the new Mexico of Europe: The bitch of the USA. Already brutalized job market (sorry, meant "gig economy"), and now a retard at the top chanting "breeexit breeexiiiit". Watch europe rise to even higher levels. Maybe we'll also let the UK to manufacture cheap goods even cheaper than china, because it's less freight from there to the EU's borders. Ah, we all need poor neighbours don't we.

Meme flag because fuck you normies.

It's not happening under the current system chaps.
Our countries are controlled by a certain people who don't want us to be strong.
I would love a Mosley style CANZUK alliance but it just won't happen while we are ruled by another people.

Yesterday I witnessed a high altitude vessel. Makes you think. If most jets don’t need to be carried on a ship then most peoples don’t rely on ships anymore. Jets are on ships for emergency air inspection. Not because it’s necessary for them. But once they have high altitude drones that could do the same they just carry helicopters for emergency instead. All of them are too busy with submarines and jets. Submarines don’t really make people fear as much as those aircraft carriers. The truth is most utilize their navies as US does its coast guard.

We have precious little tinder to start the blaze but the embers still smolder.

Fuck Germany, US , Europe, India, everyone. Fuck you all to hell we just want yo be left alone to fish on our Island.

>lose two world wars in a row
>calls others stupid

Germany, please

Northern Europeans are sheistier than people imagine. They used to use those high altitude zeppelins which were used for weather observation to zap people left and right. They used to experiment weather pattern control by zapping clouds. Until they began to zap people.

It might not happen. But it absolutely should.
It makes so much sense, a group of countries like brothers so culturally similar and yet great in our own way. Each giving us easy access to the most important parts of the world, The Americas, Asia and Europe.
I would love for someone to tell me what's wrong with this, because it almost seems too good to be true.

Attached: SASsy.jpg (1200x1350, 202K)

America turned Europe into one big welfare state. Lol

>they order frigates
>frigates in 2019
cruisers? naw too much tactical use
destroyers? durr what
carriers cost too much but

because muh browns

Any navy user can explain how the oceans' patrolling works?

>best political leader
>led his country into financial and military ruin while forcing them to become cucked supreme by the allies

The only problem is the UK gov and culture is pure cancer. Even worse than Canada's when it comes to individual freedoms.

>It's not happening under the current system chaps.
William the Conqueror 2.0 can fix that.

>U mad UK? How will you survive without third world trash being imported into your country?? Can NAFTA give you muslims and bbc???? Tshk, that's what I thought!


If we had a slice of South Africa it would be perfect.

frigates are ok when you see the waters germany has to defend, a frigate is just as deadly and capable as a destroyer, it only sacrifices endurance and that's ok if don't need to cover hundreds of miles of shores

>p-please keep supporting our EU dream
Fuck off, kraut...or should I say Turk

Problems that none of us can solve on our own.

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If you fucking MONGLOIDS didnt try and ruin europe for the THIRD time in a century with your unlimited refugee bullshit the brits would not have voted leave. When ze germanz tell you how many refugees youre admitting you have no national sovereignty and you can’t hide it, hence the vote to blow it all up

Ps pay your debts for decades of US defense

>Germany entrusted the future of Europe to international jewry

Attached: nro shiggy.gif (186x186, 2.99M)

And you use broomsticks instead of guns to train.

So what's the issue?


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Ok fine, call it 2 times in a century then, point still stands

Those seats don't actually matter though, they're transparently part of a dog and pony show.

>They want to ditch cars from germany for ours you idiot.

Can you tell me which car brands you have that can possibly compete with BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Volkswagen?

No matter where on the world you are, there's always a demand for German cars. You don't really think you can revive your car industry, do you?

It just requires faith and conviction to a unite a nation.

You are right, this is why Brexit is so fucking stupid. I don't want to be a vassal state of the US. Within the EU, we are basically joint-second biggest along with France - Germany is slightly bigger. But Britain and France together can outweigh Germany, if needed.

He's right you fucking idiot.

And that's what's so fucking stupid, Brexit isn't going to stop immigration. If we want to stop immigration then that's what we should focus on. We can pressure the EU to police its external border better, especially given how big this view is in Europe now - Marine Le Pen, AfD, League in Italy, etc. Brexit achieves absolutely fucking nothing.

Attached: brexit.jpg (1550x905, 539K)


> After Brexit you will suck up to the USA and end up as their little henchman. After you fought your way out of the EuroZone

Aren't you literally still occupied by the USA?

Literally fucking these, this is why Brexit is so fucking stupid.

We should get the EU to police its external border better. Look at how widespread that view is in Europe now. Marine Le Pen just won the EU election in France. AfD in Germany are the official opposition. The League in Italy is in a ruling coalition with M5S. Let's use this to get better controls for the EU external border.

Leaving the EU altogether solves nothing and will just turn us into a vassal state of the US. Fuck that.

At least you are being honest about how the EU is basically just the 4th German Reich

>you want out of a shitty deal where a hostile coalition of foreign goverments are telling you what to do
>you might end up in another shitty deal where foreign governments wont tell you what to do
>its the same thing you retard i am a krout

Anime is degenerate art, off to the showers with you.

kek, that isn't even changing post-Brexit, the main reason people voted leave was a lie. KEKEKEK

Being trapped on Cuck Island as your being ethnically cleansed and the police come after you for pointing it out must really suck.

Same in america, but hey at least you can say nigger while you are invaded amirite

U must be angry that Brits didn't open their borders to ur fellow subhuman brothers and sisters... Also why the memeflag? Are u too embarrassed to show ur British flag?

Yep... That's definitely a certified Jew

He didn't say that anywhere you fucking idiot.

Maybe you shouldn't comment on things you know nothing about.

>hostile coalition of foreign goverments


True that. I've never understood why a grown man would be interested in weirdo Asian cartoons depicting school age girls, unless they're paedophiles of course.

Literally this. Non-EU immigration has been rising since the referendum because they're taking the jobs that EU workers no longer want to take (because of Brexit uncertainty, they'd rather go to a different country). Brexit is the biggest fucking joke of all time.

>Britain: 87% white
>USA: 62% white

Attached: average american.jpg (474x474, 54K)

>Implying there is any military worth of the name left.
This and totally this. I've almost joined the US military several times, and every time I've about talked myaelf into it, some tranny scandal breaks out or some spec ops guy gets court martialed for bullshit reasons or the president decides that the foreign country who controls him and his political opposition need our troops so theirs won't be put it harms way. The us military is fucked.

Read the thread user. Can-UK-Aus-NZ cooperation could solve a lot of problems while retaining good relations with the U.S.

Dude we went from Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson to Clinton Bush and
Ole King Nigger. We have no room to talk.

Speaking of the British military and the 80's, wtf is so important about the Falklands? Is an itty bitty island of the coast of Argentina really worth fighting over?

I think that episode highlights the pitfalls of the dog-whistle quite well. Logically speaking there was no reason to think leaving the EU would mean less non-EU immigration but because the migrant crisis was in full swing at the time, Farage used that Breaking Point poster to suggest leaving the eu would decrease non-white immigration. Nothing much will change, worse case scenario it's a no-deal and the price of bread goes up a couple pennies and some people lose their jobs in manufacturing/banking

Shut the fuck up. Americans only get the luxury of being so ignorant because they didn't have to really experience the war.

behold the might of the German Navy

Attached: 08_tp_tromsoe_then_now.jpg (744x386, 46K)

Do you know why that happened? It is because of the medium's of TV and social media which is strongly favoured towards those who possess style over substance. Look back at debates in the 18th/19th century and newspaper articles and you will see long, thoughtful and nuanced prose discussing the ins and outs of the issue at hand. Nowadays its just a competition to see who can pwn the other side on Twatter.

>Is an itty bitty island of the coast of Argentina really worth fighting over?
But it's British clay and we didn't have much else to do at the time.

You do realize how big the fucking USA is right? And we still have guns. Your trapped in a tiny island and your defenseless. Good luck.

This is probably the best answer I'll ever get to that question.

W/e Nigel, if you prefer kraut dick to burger dick I suppose its a personal choice.
Either way you are still a dick sucking faggot

It was a massive boost for the incumbent PM at the time, margaret thatcher. She was very unpopular but the war basically won her the next election.

>She was very unpopular
In certain circles maybe but she was one of the best Prime Ministers we ever had.

can't run away from taxes that will go directly to nigger and illegals and american fags never used their guns and never will

It's deluberate demoralization propaganda user. It's particularly intended to scare native Christians out of serving in their own military.

They do use their guns, often to great effect. You will never hear about it lest you become inspired by the example or entertain other dangerous ideas.

That's all bullshit. Need I remind you that Canada, Australia and New Zealand joined the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). This was the TPP before the US left. Pic related.

Why did Can, Aus, NZ do this? Because they recognise the value of free trade with geographically accessible neighbours, that's why. Same reason Canada is part of NAFTA. Free trade with your neighbours is essential in the modern age. Same reason that Aus and NZ have had an FTA with each other since 1983, and why they signed up to an FTA with the ASEAN nations in 2009.

Arguing that UK trade with far-flung Anglo nations can replace our trade with the EU is nonsense.

>Logically speaking there was no reason to think leaving the EU would mean less non-EU immigration but because the migrant crisis was in full swing at the time, Farage used that Breaking Point poster to suggest leaving the eu would decrease non-white immigration.
People could say they disagree with EU policy on their policing of its external border, sure, but we don't need to leave the EU to solve that. But yeah you are right too.

>Nothing much will change, worse case scenario it's a no-deal and the price of bread goes up a couple pennies and some people lose their jobs in manufacturing/banking
We will go hat-in-hand to America and they will give us a shitty trade deal that favours them and punishes us. And we will be in such a weak position, desperate to do trade. Brexit is the stupidest fucking idea.

Attached: Comprehensive_and_Progressive_Agreement_for_Trans-Pacific_Partnership_members.svg.png (1280x657, 159K)