Old white French man get beaten to a pulp by ghetto youths


Context :

>old French is in car with wife and kids, gets drunk and starts insulting litteraly everyone, probably his wife toi
>Young arab ( drug dealer judging by his car) in pink soccer shirt gets pissed of and tell him to shut the fuck up before he " Start beating him up and his wife "
>Wife start to take the defense of her husband, we don't know exactly how or if there was insult from the wife or whatever
>Arab slap the drunk man's wife
>Old French go nuts and ruin the drug dealer car in it's own no-go zone commie block telling him to come at him so he can kill him for slapping his wife
>Arab come back with Pepper Spray and tell his friends to block the escape and to bring him his flashball
>Gaz the old French and go back at the wife to hit her again
>Couple try to escape the commie block but the way is blocked by drug's dealer friend
>French man understanding he got in some real shit and get out of the car to try to calm down the situation
>Get beaten to a pulp and receive a flashball shot + get stomped on the head
>Wife manages to escape and go to the police station
>Cops arrive, everybody fly out

Attached: IMG_20190725_132121.jpg (720x1059, 145K)

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beurette a khel

I'm so fucking hyped for a race war

Wich will never happen in France, people are way too much cucked

It won't because of people like you

I'm not white myself ( mulatto) i don't give a shit of this cuck country

Mulattos will be sent back too

Lmao when?

Peoples are too busy watching Hanouna on C8, you won't don't shit nigger

nationalism is rising in Europe and you will be targeted as well