>old French is in car with wife and kids, gets drunk and starts insulting litteraly everyone, probably his wife toi >Young arab ( drug dealer judging by his car) in pink soccer shirt gets pissed of and tell him to shut the fuck up before he " Start beating him up and his wife " >Wife start to take the defense of her husband, we don't know exactly how or if there was insult from the wife or whatever >Arab slap the drunk man's wife >Old French go nuts and ruin the drug dealer car in it's own no-go zone commie block telling him to come at him so he can kill him for slapping his wife >Arab come back with Pepper Spray and tell his friends to block the escape and to bring him his flashball >Gaz the old French and go back at the wife to hit her again >Couple try to escape the commie block but the way is blocked by drug's dealer friend >French man understanding he got in some real shit and get out of the car to try to calm down the situation >Get beaten to a pulp and receive a flashball shot + get stomped on the head >Wife manages to escape and go to the police station >Cops arrive, everybody fly out
Wich will never happen in France, people are way too much cucked
Joseph Sanchez
It won't because of people like you
Landon Roberts
I'm not white myself ( mulatto) i don't give a shit of this cuck country
Robert Rodriguez
Mulattos will be sent back too
Easton Collins
Lmao when?
Peoples are too busy watching Hanouna on C8, you won't don't shit nigger
Ayden Gray
nationalism is rising in Europe and you will be targeted as well
Hudson Bell
>gets drunk and starts shit >REEEE why am I getting hit for this?! also >French >white
Angel Gutierrez
Wet dreams
Cameron Brown
Keep being an arrogant parasite, that'll for sure make things better
Austin Collins
>Mullattos get sent back
Back to where? There is not origin of them. What the hell are you talking about?
Blake Mitchell
They will claim they said something racist and the media + npcs will equate some alleged words with being beaten to death
William Ortiz
Why are the french so damn retarded?
Thomas Gomez
Tbh the french guy was in the wrong
Colton Diaz
France is not Serbia or Italy, peoples here are too much cucked and afraid of armed conflict
Get over it, your country is doomed and there is nothing you can do about it
Nathaniel Parker
lmao im just telling you because the same thing happened to Yugoslavia,going from the most liberal country in Europe to most ultra nationalistic hate since WW2
also durring Yugoslav wars Serbs killed families who Yugoslav mixed
Arabs and Niggers are only strong in groups. I beat up 1-2 of these subhumans on a regular basis.
Jeremiah Evans
Arabs were in the wrong because they shouldn't be here in the first place
Josiah Butler
Kevin Gray
why did he not use the strength of diversity to smite his assailants?
Anthony King
Keep telling you that, but don't come crying that you're a patriot when things start to heat up
Nolan Reyes
What a disgusting shithole
Joshua Thompson
So basically Arabs are bitches that can't fight 1v1. Got it
Levi Lee
Looks to me the the ACTUAL Frenchman in the story was an idiot.
when you goto WAR you go to fucking WAR.
Charles Phillips
Quoi qu'il arrive, la flemme de la résistance française ne doit pas s'éteindre et ne s'éteindra pas.
Cooper Russell
>and there is nothing you can do about it SHILL
Cameron Reed
>la flemme de la résistance française >flemme
pun or lapsus?
Luke Kelly
À ce qui paraît
Dans les faits c'est autre chose
Brayden Cooper
This white dude acted like a nigger. The result would have been the same regardless of his opponents. I think he actually got lucky to no be beaten this bad. Some ppl got stabbed for way less than that. Doesn't change the fact arabs are subhumans who should be kicked out of our country asap. Muslims are our enemies.
Kevin Butler
Wtf is a flashball
Cameron Nelson
Camden Rivera
Non lethal weapon
Throws big ass gum balls, used a lot during yellow vest chimpouts, hundred of peoples got their eyes popped and their jaws broken by this
"Résistance" Espèce de petite pédale gauchiste de merde, la résistance c'était beaucoup de merdeux communistes et c'est ta république d'aujourd'hui alors va bien crever
Caleb Brown
all non whites should be kicked out of white nations. PERIOD.
Andrew Hill
Back to hell, where they came from.
Liam King
keep dreaming Célestin
Wyatt Myers
Also if the muzzy is a drug dealer, he's also high on 3 different chemicals.
Addict vs alcoholic street brawl.
Hudson Edwards
>la flemme de la résistance >flemme kek, right on point Masturbin !
Jordan Long
Ce lapsus quand même, kek
Leo Anderson
Let's say both. I got a slight dyslexia sigh... In fact it means if we were able to resist under nazi occupation then we could do the same with mudslims. Our ancestors grew up hating Germans and we grew up hating arabs. Don't think nobody's ready to fight for our country against the filth. Fear the white man Abdul. Once he will strike muslim terrorism will pale in comparison.
Parker Watson
The old French guy was in the wrong, he was being a fucking nigger, Arabs have to go back but they weren’t in the wrong for this one.
Owen Harris
Les communistes se sont fait baiser par de Gaulle. La Résistance c'est de Gaulle. Apprends l'histoire bouffon. La gauchiasse d'aujourd'hui sont les conséquences des 68tards.
Jackson Davis
But why did they have to slap the wife though
Asher Ortiz
>Serbs killed families who Yugoslav mixed How do you differentiate each other? Belarusians and Ukranians at least have different surname endings(-ko and -chuk instead of -ov/-ev/-in), afaik you all have surnames ending with -ič.
Anthony Carter
This is the future you have chosen for yourselves. Don't forget to vote Macron, to mock the Yellow Vests and cheer for the Black Vests.
Juan Scott
except 'we' didn't resist the nazi occupation. Very few men actually resisted / were members of the FFI, the vast majority of the french population just kept a low profile hoping for better days. The tale of a 'resisting France' was crafted by De Gaulle to help a nation that needed heroes to have the strength to rebuild a country.
Tyler Morales
To the earth in a shallow grave.
Thomas Miller
Lmao, frenchies resisted during occupation? When?
White whomens had legs open for German soldiers hahaha
Active Resistance was something like 2% of the population, all the others " Resistants " Was larping faggots, and all the rest of the country already accepted their fate
Without Russia, Bongs and Burgers you would be speaking German you cuck
Gavin White
Macron will be elected again. Not kidding. Ppl care more about an imaginary threat (global warming) than a direct one (shitskins). Our country is doomed period.
Jose Brown
Reasons for which I don't feel anything when looking at that drunk boomer getting fucked-up.
Nathaniel Ward
Stop sewing lines of racial division between whites you fucking kike. I hate those god damn surrender monkeys as much as the next guy but they are like children who need to be protected. Who else will make high quality perfumes and baguettes? Who else will make romance films about standing on cliffsides overlooking the ocean on grey windy days? You will miss the french when they are gone. Either way they are better than god damned Moroccans.
Hunter Foster
Because it didn't happen. Nobody killed mutt yugoslavs, faggot with serbian flag is larping
Xavier Howard
>Thinking I want to risk prison for no result Keep seething Abdul
No such thing as a mutt yugoslav, you are all the same genetically, it is like calling me a mutt cuz my granny is from Chernigov(Ukraine) and my granddad is from a village near Gomel(Belarus).
Camden Clark
White boy is right, Macron is gonna be re-elected
Mostly because boomers vote en masse for him, they think he handled well the Yellow Vest chimpouts and because Macron will import millions of immigrants to pay the boomers retirement wages
All the polls give Macron winner
Easton Williams
>we would be speaking german So sad
Easton Williams
I'm aware of "resistancialisme" nigs. We had to justify being on the winner side. Also information communication is undervalued in resistance. How much % of the pop are muslim extremists? Fuck nothing. Now imagine how much could 2% French men do. Don't forget it'd be against arab subhumans not German ubermensch.
Hunter Rivera
Arabs were in the wrong because they're not supposed to be here
Mason Perez
>french /care, I gave up on the frenchies years ago when I tried to visit Paris.
Colton Collins
>Don't see any problems on seeing a millenial language disappear for German
Considering that Hitler thought France was a degenerate german cousin it wouldn't surprise me that French start talking German one day or other
Lucas Lopez
I know, we're mostly the same. Northern Serbs and Croats are more slavic, while central and south are more balkanoid. Serbs and Croats from Bosnia look identical, while Bosniaks are much paler and blonder
Joseph Green
German people had high regard for french culture and treated the population well. This is known fact. It played a big factor in getting people to resist. Their life kept going pretty much normal. Wouldn't be the same under shariah law. It would spark revolt in ppl way more.
Daniel Wilson
>avoiding the main point about race being more important than cultur
Jackson Lopez
Stockholm Syndrome.
Good boy.
Joshua Foster
Top Baguette Fuck France
Aiden Hall
Yep. Macron will be re-elected, boomers are super happy with him, and now for the 2nd part of his mandate he will greenwash the youngfags with the help of Holy Greta. it's a done deal.
Based Macron Bonaparte 10 years of Macronie, France will not get up of this
Fucking burger what's the point with fucking Somalia and this thread?
You have son few general culture that you can't talk about something else than your fake news?
Adam Williams
So go smash him. Why are all of you kids such faggots? Just go grab him and hammer him.
David Hill
ur going to be an old wrinkly man by the time anything happens and whites will be outnumbered USA isnt going to help you either because we will be mexico by then
Joshua Cruz
I thought there are more Somalians in france than in somalia. So the burger was right this time Pierre
Joseph Hill
You mutherfuckers are like Vichy all over again....you invited the invasion in this time and now you will just adapt and concede to the whims of your new overlords. Race war? Shut the fuck up.
Jayden Fisher
why be white around shitskins? this man worked hard for his darwin award and got it
Bentley Edwards
desu he should'nt start shit if he can't take the heat
Tyler Hall
imagine being afraid to exist in your own ethnic enclave. 10/10 bants
Leo King
>germans = shitskins Mutt, stfu
Connor Evans
There is litteraly no Somalian community here, they are all in Sweden or UN
But Algerians are something else, because it belonged to France until recent independance
Liam Hall
why do old fucks every now and then act like teenage ghetto trash and try to start shit
I have no sympathy for this stupid frog
Austin Baker
White genocide isn't real...but it should be.
Parker Scott
kek thats what happens when your a nogunz shithole
Lincoln Flores
Back to the sewer. The garbage dump. The hastily excavated trench pit. There are always places.
Liam Murphy
>replies to tweet >arab >armenian >ngumbu hahahha the UTTER STATE
Jace Brown
The French are degenerate losers, they'll just fuck some arab girls and then larp that they are "conquering" things. Like Jow Forums does. White men are pathetic spineless losers.
Alexander Richardson
I'd bet you could tell an ethnic russian apart from a Ukrainian without the name. I don't have too much trouble.
Actually you would be surprised how much a shit load of people here are armed, but it's mostly in the countryside where people have hunting rifles and guns