The downfall of western civilization. america, what have you done?

the downfall of western civilization. america, what have you done?

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Sasuga jewfu someone post those pics of her at the renaissance faire

There must be a hormonal imbalance that makes these women such nasty sluts.
Western women are awful, oh my fucking god they are so terrible for the past at least 60 years.

6 orgasms, lack of self-esteem, lack of spirituality and comforming to instant pleasures instead of looking at the bigger modern women have the brain of a dog.

The Wall spares no woman

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your balkanske kurvetine are even worse.

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jfc, that was a fast fall.

>He told me he'd already fucked me twice

America doesn't exist, it's basically Israel.

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whoa, she fell hard!

YWN get to see her mammoth milkers.

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let it burn senpai

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Based /a/utist
Mendokusai ne, the state of western women.
Not saying pic related is a woman btw, that's a faggot.

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Worthless fucking cunts who are a direct result of allowing women to vote which gave rise to feminism. This is the root cause of Western decline and will be the cause of it’s inevitable collapse.

not if she's wearing socks

the sad thing is that these women have been told their entire lives that they are strong and powerful and can do anything. but when the see themselves in mirror they are very distraught to find that they will never compare to all these lies that they have been fed, as they are much dumber weaker and less beautiful that everything theyve been told they are, and they know that men can see that as well. so they feel that the only thing they have to offer is sex. and thats what they do, offer sex . because in their own eyes, what else could they possibly offer.

oh yeah and after sex they want to waste 100% of the mans time and ruin his life with their selfish childish fairy tale dream bullshit because once they go on a cruise and vacation and travel and get photos and see world and adopt a puppy and get a boob job and have kids and get a big house, and then they run out of ideas, realize they got everything they ever wanted and still arent happy. then they blame it on the man for not providing them with enough attention.

fixed this for you, OP

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lmao what a whore

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Not that I objected to jewesses having abortions, but knowing she is jewish and an actress, I’m skeptical if this happened.

>lol just killed my baby
>time to get knocked up again

These "people" are literal subhumans.
Not even animals behave this way.

Twitter is a support group for degenerates. Good to know. I'll begin future conversation with, "do you have Twitter", and if they say yes, I will walk the fuck away without a word

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Damn, she hit the wall at Mach 5 speed.

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Chaching. Well said, user.

The after sex smoke now is the after sex abortion. You will know she's not entirely satisfied if she's not grabbing the spandex.

This is what I was thinking.


>Milana Aleksandrovna Vayntrub is a USSR-born American actress and comedian. She plays the character Lily Adams in a series of AT&T television commercials. Vayntrub has appeared in short films and in the web series Let's Talk About Something More Interesting, co-starring Stevie Nelson. She starred in the Yahoo!

I'd late-abort my kid if I knew they were weaboo trans.

1000hrs in ms paint

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Jesus Christ, that Tess pig is so fat, her damned knees are folding backwards.

Do women think putting lard asses on the cover of women's magazines is Going to make land whales attractive to men or something? Give fat cunts the confidence to get shot down by any self respecting white man, again?

America isn't part of the western civilization

Whoaaaaaaaaa ! Easy there!!!
No it isn't!
It's an israeli colony!
know the difference!

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This woman had a very late term abortion if they put her under. She’s doing this to try and hurt the father. I doubt she even asked the doctor those things. I don’t give a shit how Blaise she wants to be with it. She was carrying a kid. Not only that but she was carrying it for a long time. She agonized about the decision and at the end of it she decided she wasn’t strong or independent enough to face the world as a single mother. And she wanted to be able to walk away as easily as the loser who knocked her up. She is killing her own soul. Literally no one needs to do anything. She’s tormenting herself.

how could you blame her for having an abortion? she probably getting fucked by a different guy every day since her 15th birthday.

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She's an idiot.

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Idiot cont'd

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She drinks heavily, smokes, and lives party-to-party. Surprising she still looks this good in (current year). It's a shame, really, she had good looks and decent talent years ago, she could have made a career for herself. Maybe she refused Weinstein's cock or something, who knows.

>most beautiful
My sides

1 in 4 had an abortion?! Holy shit I thought it was more.
Most of my friends had abortions which is why I hated them and still hate them to this day. They all wanted me to have an abortion too, but I had my son.
I dont talk to them anymore besides my sister because I have no choice to talk to her. But I cut off everyone who told me to have an abortion.

Based femanon.