The Looming National Security Crisis: Young Americans Unable to Serve in the Military

>The issue of growing ineligibility for military service among America’s youth must be a national priority. The former commander of the Marine Corps Recruiting Command, Major General Mark Brilakis, says, “There are 30 some million 17- to 24 year-olds out there, but by the time you get all the way down to those that are qualified, you’re down to less than a million young Americans.”6
Jared Serbu, “After Banner Year for Recruiting, Military Leaders Uneasy About Future,” Federal News Radio, January 17, 2014, (accessed January 4, 2018).

A manpower shortage in the United States military directly compromises national security. America needs a strong military to defend its national interests, and that military depends on qualified volunteers. As the most recent U.S. National Security Strategy makes clear, the “United States faces an extraordinarily dangerous world, filled with a wide range of threats that have intensified in recent years.”

Oh shit shit shit...what are we going to do about this?

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Why would anybody want to join the military except for the welfare?


>Oh shit shit shit...what are we going to do about this?
Join today and go fight and die for Israel, Op.

they'll offer citizenship for service Heinlein style.

israeli kike shills in full force.


ZOG shills push anti-military memes as another way to splinter any concept of nationalism or patriotism in the West.


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>turns america into an obese dysgenic shithole

That number should be 100%.
Nobody is "fit" to serve in an organization with the explicit purpose of killing human beings.

The military itself has turned into a payday for a bunch of bureaucrats that wamt endless regulations for the people there sending out to die and kill.

All the good goys can go amd die in the next conflict while all the old and sick die out back home and your wives are wooed by the criminals who arent allowed to serve get to stay home and ruin the country further. But dont worry im sure if you survive all the college boy C.Os getting everyone killed you could get back home to see your benefits taken from you for that enemy combatent you killed.

I got paid good money to shoot people from a helicopter.
I have no complaints.
If anything, I should have stayed in.

It's full of wymen and niggers. Let them all get their pussy blown off and then we can slide in behind the The Great Brown Massacre and finish business

See we do need more illegal immigrants because South America diversity is their stengh and power of their military. The goblin army.

Oh, no. I won't be able to die for Israel because the jew run education system was so bad that I developed a serve mental illness. Fuck off Jews. I'll send Iran my monies before I pay your taxes.

This, the time to enlist was 10+ years ago. Now it's just full of welfare queen spics and niggers

>Tfw 26
Enjoy dying for Israel NEET /sig/ zoomers!

I guess you'll just have to find some robots to fight wars for you.

Sleep. Go to sleep. Good sleep.

>bonus round: 99.5% of combat arms MOS are filled with white men. Amerimutt army is worthless in 20 years because of falling white men percent that join combat MOS

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free health care and $1500 a month tax free is nice.

>die for Israel
Kill yourself

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>being just fat enough where you wont get drafted to die for israel
galaxy brain

oh no israel is going to have to fight its own wars EVERYONE PANIC RIGHT NOW

this was one of mine.

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Same thing happened in Rome. They put their faith in the Germans to protect them. And protect them they did, riiiiight up until they didn’t

>total population of 327m
>13% of population is aged 15-24 which comes out at 42m
>M:F ratio at this age range is 1.05:1
>male population within 15-24 range is 22.2m
>75% unable to serve in 15-24 bracket
>25% of 22m able to serve = 5.5m
>United states active personnel is 1.4m
>2m reaching military age annually
Literally not a problem. That other 75% would be making sure the country is operating properly whilst at war.

You’re what’s wrong with America. You sneer at our most venerated, if misguided, institutions in a show of how “redpilled” you are. It’s pathetic

Problem is getting those fit to serve into uniforms and seeing the newer generations are not as willing to die for the ZOG it's going to cause a problem in the long run.

Education and criminality aren't a major problem if you're just looking for soldiers. If needs be these requirements can be removed and it wont effect anything.

Physical fitness is a problem that can also be solved. Being out of shape or fat is something that can be fixed.

And I'm sure health problems are also overexaggerated too. Like people being unfit for military service because they got some hayfever or something stupid.

Why would Israelis want to demoralize their golems?

>Thinks America is a moral country

Fitness, education and criminality can all be corrected or ignored in the military.

The only exclusion is health issues that make someone unfit.
You can make a fat kid run till he is either thin or runs well enough. You can't PT someone into not being a diabetic.

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