Boris Johnson backs amnesty for up to 500,000 undocumented migrants

Wait, I thought this guy was supposed to be a nazi?

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Holy fuck, I love Boris Johnson now!

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uh what everyone said this fucker was the British Trump, and then i saw an article where that Corbyn guy was calling Boris a literal "racist, bigot, nazi" so what's the deal here???

Classy Nazi playbook.


Genius move, destruction by oversaturation. He's going big picture here.

I didn't trust that guy the moment i laid eyes on him.

>British Trump
he is. shabbos goy who loves letting in huge amounts of criminals, just like trump.

He's a L*ndoner.

kek another kraut thread spewing propaganda about the uk, really makes you think

Did you know that Boris Johnson is not British? He was born in New York.

Boris wants migrant Johnsons in norf pussy

Maybe it's 4d chess. Maybe it's acceleration.

Maybe it's a dumb fat blond British goofball trying to pander to the zombie NPC electorate.

Hahahahaha! You idiot Brits thought Brexit was going to save you!? Did you idiots forget about the years from 2000 and onward? You were literally the "Surveillance" state of the world. Privacy violations, mass migrations into the country, giving British citizenship to every shit skins.

Brexit will make your country even worse with these clowns.

Yep, fuck it. Just do it, I'm over it by this point, it's just getting all so tiresome. Hey UK neets at least you'll have more faggots to play vidya with online can't blame me for seeing the silver lining.

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This is why you should use your own critical thinking skills to evaluate the candidates historical positions and actions rather than base your judgement on how much REEEing he causes amongst dae libtards.
>the British Trump
Not an innacurate description IMO, both are pretty cucked and worship the almight GDP and stock market over all else.

Guy is a kike puppet. Hardly surprising.
Haaretz deemed him the most pro-Israel leader ever.

Just remember this guy was Lord Mayor of London just 3 years ago. Digits will confirm Sadiq Khan PM by 2022.

Is there any politician in the Western world that isn't pro-Israel???
No wonder our governments kvetch over Iran so much, they have not caused any terror attacks in the west unlike KSA but they disputed and dowplayed muh holocaust so that makes them bigger criminals apparently.

does he drink jew jew cum too just like daddy Donald?

He's a nazi as in he sometimes says superfluous things the far left doesn't like. In all other regards he's a total cuck.

Current holders of the "Great Office's of State"
Prime Minister: A turkroach
Chancellor of the Exchequer: A muzzie
Home Secretary: A pro-Israel pajeeta
Foreign Secretary: A jew whose wife works for Google

KEK, still less kiked than the people Trump surrounds himself with.

he volunteered in the IDF
any of you clowns that thinks this guy is for white people will get the second orange clown treatment
the kikes have installed two orange clowns in the two most important nations on earth

>leavin Europe
>Drinking jewish cum
>Taking 500.000 niggers
Simple as


White, European immigrants from the EU
What's your problem, shill?

and thats why he's being fought tooth n nail today. Actually he isnt even anti Israel, he's just pro justice and kikes can never allow that

You'd be amazed how often nazi is just used as a polical club to bash people you simply disagree with.

I guess you missed the whole 'anti-semitism scandal' in the Labour party?

Yes, why are these shills attacking all these based German and Scandanavian illegal immigrants in this country. Totally not pakistanis or Romanians right?

He's also just dropped the target of getting immigration under 100,000 per year. Anyone who thought he wasn't just another open borders (just not white borders) cuck was utterly deluded.

Lots of brainlets actually believe the "nazi" or "white supremacist" smears though.

Why would anyone think someone who isn’t white would be for white people?

You think any of these puppets will ever kick out their precious slaves? kek



But it's an amazing kind of brainlet who believes Nazi smears will stop if you import even more wogs.

Fake and gay, "undocumented migrants" isn't a term used here.

I leave the Boris train. That's enough!

WTF??? This is DISGUSTING... ONLY 500,000?! Fucking racist Nazi.

see, you can't even invent a proper response.

i wish white people would do something

One time I was riding a bicycle in Tokyo on my way to forge a peqce alliance between the Yakuza and Hells Angels when out of nowhere Ronnie Coleman on a scooter in a Canadian police uniform pulled me over for not wearing a helmet. I headbutted him using my Krav Maga skills I learned in the Negev during my stint in Unit 8200 and he started to cry like a bitch and assumed the fetal position. I hacked his scooter using my 0day exploit expertise to make the scooter drive in reverse. Ronnie suddenly got up and manned the scooter. I threw my bicycle at him in order to slow him down. Ronnie tried to chase me with his scooter but I only saw him drifting away towards Kyoto while screaming obscenities at me in fluent Vietnamese.

I sure am glad I made it back to Sweden safely.

But they are user! They're crushing racism!

Pain pills

you won't can't any good Irish posters with bait like that. You need to spread it out. Don't just dump a bunch of bullshit points. Maybe don't be a fucking leaf either.


you won't can't any good speak English

Ok, so what other candidate were we supposed to root for? The entire tory party is full of blairite filth

He wouldn't be in that position if he was a "nazi".

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Hey, he's called Johnson for a reason

The only way zionists can get elected now is to pretend to be populist flirting with wn. See usa, brazil, uk

wtf, I hate brit bong Drumpf now.

Am I being lied to lads? I'll try the wayback machine.

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I had to go to the Times malta to actually get a quote but his words verbatim:
"I don't think it's commonsensical to think we can deport such a large number of people. We do need to think of how to regularise their status"
Yeah that's pretty cucked.


Proof that no matter who is installed as a figurehead, the plan keeps grinding forward.

As long as they can be the subject of "memes" pol wont care and will carry on being pacified and led to the slaughter. pol is honestly no better than the normie faggots who are glued to their tv screens watching reality tv and listening to nigger music. half of this place still actually sees Trump as right-wing lmao!

Half the Labour party is still packed with Blairite filth.

literally no one in mainstream British politics. the country is dead. nothing short of a genuine right wing revolution will save it.

He's actually said this before though long before the leadership 'contest'. He's pro-immigration.

It's fucking baffling that people are taken in by this cunt.


Brits are subhumans and genetic deadends

But he’s a Turk like you Ahmet

>doesn't know what these IDs are about

BNP good old nick griffin

I swear people will still say this when the last white family gets banned from black Britain.

It gets worse

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classic right-wing conservative. I bet he really loves Israel too

Brexit by October 31st?

So you actually managed to fuck up harder than Theresa May somehow?


Cuckservatives and brexiteers are the biggest pajeet loving cucks around.

The whole point in brexit is to make it EASIER for pajeets and pakis to get in to the country while also making it HARDER for white Europeans. If you look at our future potential trade parters that are touted by brexiteers, most have already said that they'd require a degree of freedom of movement. That includes: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Imagine it now. 1 billion+ poos and pakis flooding the UK. Brexit is anti-european and consequently, anti-white. A Somali is not more qualified than a German or Netherlander, no matter how hard brexitcucks try to spin it.

Woah so based, I knew I should trust Jow Forums that this guy is legit!
Jow Forums is right every time, just like in 2016...

Diversity is your strength.
(simply kick all of these politicians out, you fucking moron. When EU is gone that will be way easier)

My god, this is horrible
What good will the Future years bring to you? What are your hopes at this Point?

If you suck millions of BBC no one can call you a racist

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Do you know how much it would cost the tax payer to deport 500k undocumented people safely? He is just tying away lose ends before we leave the EU and close our borders.

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Everytime I remember that the British SMUCKS will be outbreed in their own homeland I laugh hard.
Good riddance

Oh, user. That's not how these issues in the west are going to be solved unfortunately.

> and will introduce an "Australian-style points system".

Did you forget to read?

London became minority white under his watch. Stop listening to the (((media)))


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Amnesty for 500,000 in London alone. Imagine how many illegals there are in England in total.

Or maybe he just isn't a white nationalist.