He's right you know

He's right you know...

Attached: wow.png (638x640, 62K)

Turns out that’s exactly how I define it.

Pretty clear is a logical fallacy.
Looks like a pissing contest between retards to me.

Y'all be talking about "the west" and "the east," but what about "the north" and "the south?"

I loosely define the West as first-world but also white, which happens to be like 95% of the first world. Strange how the less white a nation becomes the more it loses its first-world status...

(((Noah))) put the lie into his first paragraph.
Then exaggerated in the next two.
Finally put the truth into the last paragraph and framed it like a bad thing.

Middle east and muslims are the historic centuries long mortal enemy of the western peoples.

learn some history if you think the first is a lie lmao

You shouldn't be so proud of having below 80 IQ

>(((noah smith)))

europeans have been other europeans worst enemies lol


weird how it's always Jews who get to define who gets to be white

>zoomers unironically touting their low IQ


Shut up faggot.

well if consider being christian a pillar of European civilization then yeh they do

Why did he exclude Russia from his definitions?

So we shouldn't take credit for creating the best civilization in history? I wish all these brown people would get off my ancestors dicks with their twisted inferiority complexes.

The last time you did that resulted in the mullatofication of whites

Nice try shill.
Christianity is a European religion, not a Jewish cult.

What faggot leftist mumbo jumbo bullshit is this?

Kindly fuck off

Implying the right doesn't consider japan and korea as western countries

This seems like fallacy of composition.

1 wrong
2 wrong
3 wrong
4 strictly right, but not a new phenomenon

It's called facts. You may not understand what that word means though

fact : a thing that is known or proved to be true.

The west = Christianity + Greek Philosophy + Roman law.

>Christianity is a European religion
jesus christ

new testament plainly states kikes aren't the chosen people and aren't to be trust, mohammad

Wow, that guy's pretty smart.

>a bong defends islam
Modern western culture after invading muslims were expelled from Spain and the works of aristotle rediscovered in an unburnt library, ending the medieval dark age but whatever you say ahmed.

Yeah the west is the white european countries and their immediate offshoots, US and australia/nz

>a mutt shows his lack of intelligence
I'm really not shocked

>not understanding that “west” comes from the western Roman Empire and the descendent states


Source? Curious

so, autism speaks?


Christianity and Islam are both cut from the same cloth, and thus should be grouped together. They are very similar in word views. Not to mention the cultural and intellectual exchange that occurred between the Islamic world and Europe.

Noah is a good biblical name.

Attached: fellow whites 9.jpg (594x479, 98K)

>if you define the west historically, it’s pretty clear Middle East and Islam is part of the west

Historically, the Middle East and India are exactly what people meant when they said “the East”, the very clear distinction between the culture and race of the middle eastern people and that of Europe motivated this east west distinction.

When they wanted to talk about China they said Far East, but even with China, historic Europeans would categorize China with India and Middle East together as “east” before grouping mudslides with the Christian west

He conveniently left out the cultural definition. Also, the historical definition in political science is based on pre-industrial European countries. The Middle East doesn't come into it at all.
This guy is one of the Starbucks intellectual species of faggot, and has some very shitty knowledge of polisci.

He has a valid point but then again he also has a Jewy name so it may be a trick.

First post also best post

I think hes right in the sense that jews are the undeclared brahmin class for real white people, by way of their cult christianity that judean refugees brought to rome

Take it or leave it. The West is first and foremost descendants of the Roman Empire ... from there you can add on Americans + SK + Japan + Israel + Saudi Arabia (NATO) as they have embraced Western ideals. (Yes I know... Israel is either a puppet master or creation of the West depending on how you view it... and Saudi Arabia isn't exactly democratic)

So Egypt is the West? Saudi Arabia?

Attached: ben.jpg (640x480, 33K)

"The West" is Cold War era terminology derived form East/West Germany.
OPs pic is closest with defining it by longitude except those places he mentioned aren't taken into account because the Southern Hemisphere is irrelevant in almost every aspect of anything.

It's clear that nobody on this anime forum cares about truth. just a bunch of children who want to FEEL right instead of actually being right.

Attached: havesex11.jpg (800x448, 54K)

Islam is a cheap copy of Christianity with no meaning and all radicalism, made by a barbaric pedophile desert nomad.
And the intellectual influence of the islam over Europe is questionable. In "Aristotle au mont Saint-Michel" by Sylvain Gouguenheim is all the proof that the west never actually "lost" greek philosophy only to be brought back by Islam. It was all kept and developed by catholic monks. In the end, the best thing Islam did to the west was to unite christian nations to take back Jerusalem.

Turns out I describe the west as the first world countries, in the original sense

"white + christian" is exactly how everyone else defines the west too, why shouldn't we?

I think Islam does well in that it doesn't believe Jesus is God. It takes on bad elements from Christianity as well though, such as believing in a literal hell, and that people (unless they are special like Elijah) actually go to heaven.

it's called EUROPE and countries descended from Europe. Did we retire the term "Europe"?

More so there are Westerners in Egypt. The West is essentially everyone with stake in OPEC at this point...

And the issue is...?

he's not right, turks are part of the west the same way orcs are part of osgiliath. same for arabs.

I’ll take Japan and Korea. I’m ok with that

>Define the west institutionally
>It must include Korea and Japan

Attached: hitler-japan-photo.jpg (634x727, 66K)

africa is neither east or west
it was, and still is, way too irrelevant when this terminology was established

Attached: whew.webm (800x800, 2.46M)

Where else are we gonna get a formidable opponent?

Was a phoenician.
The Jews use the Talmud, Christians use the bible and the church father's writings and traditions.
They are so far removed now that calling them one and the same or even similar is ridiculous.

He's either a jew or a golem, you know?

And don't act like a faggot and pretend that racism is something bad

I can smell you from here.
Take a shower and maybe trim your beard

"The West" is just another cool boomer faggot buzzword that had its meaning changed to fit their stupid boomer agenda.

South America:
>literally in the west
>colonized by europeans
>speaks european languages
>european architecture
>genetically speaking, mostly european dna
>not considered western

I'm actually surprised that the left hasn't catched up on the bullshit regarding this term that much so far. It's used solely on the basis of race and nothing else. There's so much words to refer to whites, why the fuck would you use one that is so fundamentally wrong like west is? Just call wh*te dogs WHITE goodamnit. Y'all niggas are already the jews of the planet and control everything everywhere. Leave at least the fuckin words alone.

North Africa and the Levant were obviously part of "The West" until they were conquered and they became something else over centuries. Same reason America is also part of the west despite being in a different continent. It wasn't part of the west until it was conquered by westerners and changed over time.
Because The West is determined by the people (and their culture).

>literally defending Islam while bashing Christianity
No wonder you didn't reply to me when I called you Mohammad

The West is western European. This geographically is west of Poland's most eastern border, north of the Mediterranean, and east of greenland. This extends to include all permanent settlements of these people's like Australia, USA, Canada.

The middle east is essentially everything in northern africa and the region south of russia, west of china & india, and east of what was defined as The West, basically starting at Turkey.

The east is anything with slanty eyes or that has designated shitting streets.

And all that stuff around Russia west of poland, and including Russia is slav country.

You'd have to be intentionally retarded to not understand this.

t. Brown person

>>not considered western
because most people here are not of European ascent and do not behave like Europeans regardless of what many delusional retards on the internet claim.

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cant wait for summerfags to go back to school

Is boomer a buzzword?

yes. also the west always had composite bows, they were known in ancient greece, rome and italy, byzantium, and during migration period, they didn't learn about them from arabs in crusades. The same for gothic arch,europeans never stopped developing masonry and the best works of fortification from crusade era are european, not islamic (think krak des chevaliers)

No no no

People in south america act exactly like europeans. But like european savages. But white people dont want to admit that one of their settlements failed for once and would rather monopolize the media and even the meaning of words because they are ashamed for the existence of south america

If you define “the west” as a culture, then it’s crystal clear.

If you go out of your way to obfuscate and feign ignorance in service of some kiked-up nonsense, then you get this tweet

Discounting our little yellow pals. Although they need to be straightened out every once in awhile (see August, 1945)

I'd like to understand how he arrives to these conclusions

Regarding Islam, it did not exist prior to the 7th century, which is long after the Roman and Greek foundations of Western Civilization were established, flourished, and expired into ancient history. Islam's contributions to the West were primarily mathematic and archival, but this knowledge was retrieved by Westerners like the Venetians, it's not like Muslims were very nice to us after the Crusades (and I won't even get into their instigation of the whole affair). After we retrieved Classical knowledge from them, our dealings were entirely economic rather than cultural, unless you count slavery as cultural, which in that case they enslaved Europeans just like they enslaved Africans and each other. Their contributions were just that... contributions. Should we also include the knowledge that traveled from the East as well? Is China an integral part of the West?

Regarding Japan and Korea, they did not even exist in our view of the world before the Portuguese washed up on their shores and became the first historical otakus. Again, this was economic, because the East Asian influence on our way of life didn't exactly exhibit itself until fads like tea and fine china became popular around... what the 17th-18th century? What institutional changes did they encourage? Or does economic subjugation count? In that case, why consider Korea and Japan when it was the Chinks that we (especially the British) were taking advantage of? Or better yet, India, which still had very little cultural influence but certainly enriched the British Empire.

>implying sub-Saharan Africa had any influence on Western civilization

>implying Christianity had no influence on Western civilization or that it should be downplayed

Attached: IMG_2848.jpg (379x374, 10K)

Quite it's a mix of genetics, geography, history, culture, and a whole host of other factors.
It is quite difficult to define, just like culture, but it exists.
It's just kikes obfuscating our history and heritage so we don't fight our destruction.

Islamic and Christian world views are two sides of the same coin.

Please elaborate on that

>It takes on bad elements from Christianity
Be careful or your imam will have you stoned for apostasy user.

why not? you seem to believe you’re intelligent despite your low iq

We define the west as genetically European and their group evolutionary strategy.

>were slaves and deserve reparations
this is acceptable

>were explorers and conquerors
hurr durr that wasnt you

You and your kind literally have a mental disorder

This is probably one of the most reasonable posts I've ever read on Jow Forums.
I would bring a slight issue with how much of an impact Islam actually had on the west especially in terms of architecture.
I do not dispute some advancements in mathematics, but in terms of philosophy architecture and what not it was mostly rediscovery but there has been some evidence that the church maintained most of these anyway and it was only popularised by the connection with the Islamic world, not reintroduced.

It's the unity of opposites or some other Jewish word game.

Both are Abrahmaic religions that believe in the same one God, and that one should dedicate their life to serving that God. All art, science, and culture should be and inspired to that God in order to show your devoutness and reach heaven. On a world scale, how cant they be grouped together?

Why should I have to choose only one category to define a collective? That would be like me trying to define a species only by the number of eyes, or ears, or the presence of a tail.

>kiked-up nonsense
>this tweet
Its a coincidence user.

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They differ greatly in their practices, beliefs and outcomes.
They are worshiped by different people who are fundamentally different and incompatible.

Do Jews believe in a different God than Christians and Muslims?

The compass is a social construct like rape and gender. Checkmate faggot.

So you wouldn't include the 2nd world Eastern European states?

the outcomes are exactly the same, heaven or hell. And the practice while different to us, are very similar considering the diverse set of religions found on earth.

Yes it's the second definition, and Japan and S.Korea are VERY western countries. More western than contemporary Europe, in many ways.

arabs can be part of the west, hell we can even call them blue eyes nords if that makes them happy but they still have to stay in their shitty homelands

That is true, I entirely forgot about that point, regarding architectural influence when the Spaniards (for the sake of brevity) conquered Andalusia

I'm not an expert on Islam, but don't they continue to view God as one to be feared, rather than one to be loved? Besides, the natural sciences have since deviated from religion, and did so during the "Enlightenment", though I highly doubt the midnight morticians prior to that time were conducting their clandestine survey of the human anatomy with God first and foremost in their minds.

On a world scale, they share more similarities than religions that were geographically separated, but Islam was influenced by Christianity more than inverse, but Western civilization is still quite a bit in opposition to the culture and lifestyle of the historical and contemporary Muslims which leads to where we are today regarding hostilities with refugees.

However, are you proposing that we USED TO have more in common? If so, I'd like to hear more on that topic.

Technically they do because Christians and Muslims have decided to worship the Jewish God of Abraham.

But Jews don't believe Jesus was anything but a traitor/liar and Mohammad nothing but a false prophet.

Remember Jesus was basically this guy who was criticizing Jews for preying on their own people. It pissed a lot of them off that Jesus was calling them out.

Islam and Christianity are pretty similar.
They are essentially competing but highly similar world views, they will always be at each other's throat.
Christians and Muslims will never admit this, of course.
That's why I hate both of them.

In terms of what civilisation it produces it is highly different.
I haven't studied Islamic theology so I cannot comment on the differences between the two.