Canadian father of suspected teen killer blames video games and Youtube

>“He was very into video games,” Alan told The Canadian Press. “He wasn’t into the ones where you have the machine guns and shoot people, he was more into strategy where you move your troops here and there.”
>“His influences haven’t been good. His influences have been YouTube and video games.”
>Nonetheless, Alan said Bryer and McLeod never caused trouble.
>“They never got in trouble with the law. They never got into fights. They were just hanging out and having a good time,” Alan said to The Canadian Press. “They were just everyday, regular kids.”
>“But both of them have to have a lot of pain inside,” Alan admitted to the outlet.
>“That’s incredibly hard to deal with,” Alan said. “A normal child doesn’t travel across the country killing people.”
>“A child in some very serious pain does,” Alan said to The Canadian Press, breaking down into tears.

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it probably wasnt even them you blood sucking kike

>when someone asks you to show the in-store prices


>dad already talking shit about his son and his friend before he even knows all the details

fucking boomers LMAO

rare and kek

Nice Khazar phenotype. No wonder his son was buddies with (((Azov))) and (((Russians))) near Moscow.
>It was vdya and jewtube goys, it wasn't my Azovite tribesmen.

I was reading a leaf article about this and they claimed he was part of the vigilante group Anonymous

Sorry not a part of,but they mentioned it

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It's true, vidya radicalized me. Now I want to crush everyone I see like a shiny piece of candy.

you yanks wont get this but

i'll get you butler!!

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I'm never making fun of canadians again

People will use any excuse to try and make sense of something they don't understand.

I just wonder if they were neo nazy what did they kill random people, they should have some kind of motivation or something ?

Sad that they did not say a subscribe to pewdiepie.

Go get em boys

This dad needs to be mercy smothered by the live in nurse lol. Could you imagine a weakling like this being supported through life in even the 1800's

Just from appearance, I’d guess his beer was more important than hanging out with his kid.

It was not part of their blood.
It came to them very late.
With long arrears to make good.
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved.
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved.
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead.
When time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

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They said they were nazis so they would stay on the news longer than fifteen seconds.

How is that connected to this case? Also OP should provide archive link or full screenshot because fuck giving clicks to journiggers.

>“He wasn’t into the ones where you have the machine guns and shoot people, he was more into strategy where you move your troops here and there.”
When are they going to ban grand strategy?

>blame everyone except himself
The eternal leaf

Those damn mount and blade players

Maybe if they admit that youtube's censorship and videogames SJW-fueled retardation pushed them over the top to go on a killing spree. I would not bat an eye if one survives from being shot by the cops to tell the tale that youtube censoring their opinions drove them to kill.

I feel like there's more to the story than just two teens going to killing spree. Sure it's possible, maybe those killings were robberies gone wrong but maybe there is a third person involved and these kids are hostages of sorts, or maybe one of the two went mental and the other one is just too much of pussy to get the fuck out.

Anyway, I hope we get to hear to motive before they are both dead.


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>Manseau said police have received at least one tip about possible connections the pair had to an alt-right group
Damn right wing nazis strike again!

Sounds like they have a strategist on their hands. They better be careful...

>if only you knew how raked things really are

If you bathe in the blood of your enemies, they win

or maybe its all part of a narrative to push an agenda and the deep state is just killing people

>while you were partying I studied the strategy

If "sowrey" had a face.

I cant help but think this faggot boomer father should have raised his sons right and pdotected them from this degenerate emoty vapid naturally disconnected world. I could have gone a complete terrible way growing up because of how i felt so empty all the time and my dad did nothig but watch canadian sportsball and drink canadian rye and go to his trade job. These idiots cry and sob when shtf and knash their teeth when their chickens come to roost, when those kids were growing up did any of their parents read them passages from the bible or instill a sense of wonder and love in them outside of the absolute bottom tier of feeding and housing them? We are all so impressionable coming up. I am sick of this empty world and i am sick of the normies who cope with it by buying crap and drinking booze and smoking pot. I am ready for a better world.

>son is involved in serious event
>first thought: omg how will this affect my social status?
>immediately begin all reputation damage control with media

this is how it works during every event like this. People are truly scum.

Is that you Kam?

No, but feel free to email me at [email protected] . csis agents can go fugg themelvs. I want to talk about growing pineapples in canada in off grid auto blackout greenhouses.

In-store prices got real...

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Its exactly what my dad would do, i told him the other day as much. Boomers have more alleigance to their pedophile overlords than they do their children or god.

Maybe instead of vidya and this faggot tim hortons boomer should have fostered healthiness of mind and bosy and spirit in that disgustingly decorated boomer home of his . Guarantee this guy dri ks alot and talks to his talmudvision.

>yeah it wasn't because you're a simpering faggot who didn't bring a strong male influence into his life
>Donkey Kong and Call of Duty strike again!

Just post the in-store prices, and nobody has to get hurt.

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My mom always yells at the TV while watching Fox news.

>thats what happens when whole your life you tried to be good to people and positive but people keep calling you incel and weirdo and blaming you for all the worlds problems
youve gotta snap sometimes

>if only you knew...

>Parent blames how shitty child was raised on everyone and everything but themselves
Wow, never seen THAT before.


That's the face of a man who hasn't been able to afford meat for the past five years.

Nobody cared about Charles Manson or Ted Bundy's musical taste and hobbies when they commited their crimes.
That canacuck is just a bad parent.

Can I get a quick rundown are these the two guys who were suspected of killing that couple a couple of days ago?


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So they killed again? Was a guy or woman I dont want to enter that website.


god i hate the media

poor man. Video game may have no effects on most people but it certainly looks like it can have a bad influence on young faggots with little to no social guidance.

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>son might be a serial killer
>it's not my fault, it's the videogames

Fucking boomers

100% he played HOI 4

>Leonard Dyck — whose body was found near a burning truck police say Bryer, 18, and 19-year-old Kam McLeod abandoned.

Is the name pronounced like Dick or Dike? Duck?

Its not appropriate to make fun of a suffering man. Have some respect and self-respect

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Vidya -or any other media- don't have any influence on SANE people.
Those who take that stuff seriously enough to commit a crime are psychologically fragile and unstable people who have probably been traumatized by events in their life, like divorce, poor parenting or physical abuse.
Those insane people are like an explosive cocktail ready to blow up, and anything as meaningless as a video game can light the fuse.

coh2 my bet


of course the bong and the leaf get along. quit projecting like a low IQ angsty zoomer. even if the dad is a piece of shit, defending the shooters proves you're a borderline retard who should get curbstomped

Video games and YouTube are to blame, certainly not poor parenting.

>he was more into strategy where you move your troops here and there
how many grossdeutchlands do you think he made?

I'm not defending anyone you fucking mongoloid

with such a dad can't blame the kid for going nuts

>tfw you find out you're Canadian

peak boomer. no wonder his son lost it.

this, only he looks like a hard drinker + smoker. beer makes you put on more weight.

only God knows glory

BCfag here, media is already trying to smear these guys as neo-nazis. Don't believe the jewish lies.

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>Why you no family user?

Interview with father

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this or ck2 or eu4

go back to twatter snownigger

Did They fuck the whore? Before sending her back to the void?

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>strategy games
Uh oh. He was one of those Rome Total War, Hearts of Iron nazis then.

Ayo because he a white boy they will prolly
let him go and get paid from vidya.
Ya'll this sum bullshit right here Hell naw

Father, raise your sons
Not to prosper
But to be devoured in flame
For by the purging fires of war
They shall be judged in your place

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She actually wasn’t a whore she was a pretty cool chick


>his influences haven't been very good
>says his dad
What a faggot trying to cover up what a failure he is.

Post the in store kill count, Leaf!

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Sean Penn sure hit the wall hard.

Stop pretending you're a nigger !

Came to post this
If your parenting was any good, then influences like that would not affect your kids, no matter how shitty they are

This isn't really surprising, some rural places in Northern Ontario have these kind of kids, just surprised more haven't went crazy.

found the nig

So video games an Youtube made them into gay communists? May want to tone down the propaganda theb.

Ehhh i blame feminists.

>mnuh saving white race
>muh left is real evil
>muh conservative values
>muh conservative gf
>proceed to make fun of hearth broken man
>still thinks girls wont fuck him because of feminism
>still think this behaviour is somehow attractive to normies and reason why progressives are winning is the jews and noit because they are decent human people unlike rightwing who makes fun of dead women like bianca or this dad.
i sincirely hope jews gonna win and destroy white race

If your child is more influenced by YouTube and Video Games than you then you're shit at parenting.

wew there Chaim

your behaviour is revolting.

He seems to be an alcoholic.

dont worry. this cynical and hard-hearted outlook on life is necessary for the future
