Global warming isn't re-
Global warming isn't re-
>temps stay the same
fuckin stupid brainlet.
It's just hot weather, lol. Don't you have summer in Burgerland?
>summer is warmer than winter.
>Heat waves never happen
There... proof of climate change. and if it is changing, it has to be man made. And if it's man made, the only way out is for you to pay me!
>2050 in Paris
>120°F degrees
>it's hot in the summer
>it's cold in the winter
>a hurricane is forming
>but ends up dying out before it makes landfall
anthropogenic climate change isn't real
Welp, time to kill all the cows and go vegan!
>poorly educated
>lacks any critical thinking skills
>gullible moron who mistakes contrarianism for intelligence
Do Leftists ever bring up geo-engineering?
They imported the weather from the middle east.
White people need to start eating nothing but plants and s0i bugburgers so the planet can accommodate fifty billion niggers and chinks.
I've experienced 110+ fahrenheit in Texas multiple times.
20 fucking years ago.
>no scale
>+/- 1deg swings it from yellow to red
haha, just geo-engineer the planet guise
Drudge Report is another ZioCon outlet
>He doesn't have summer in America
This. When I was a kid, I remember playing baseball when it was 115-120 out in Northern California.
Too fuckign retarded to realize they're literally just waiting for the day it happens to be hotter than the historical record (sometimes stretching back decades ago) to scream its a record warmth, when in reality its more or less the same as always, with the ''record'' being such just because the ones tracking the data apply mental gymnastic that would make anyone used to the scientific method would be shocked at the blatant lack of professionalism and factual data.
I mean I saw shills pretend that it wasn't normal because Germany and France is at the same latitude than Canada... these peoples understand absolutely nothing of the cause they defend.
Global warming isn't real at all.
>it's every 5 years
>Warm colors mean warmer, cool colors mean cooler
Bow down to me euro peasants
I meant about geo-engineering being the real reason to why Climate Change is happening
can't wait for the days they literally run out of days where they can claim record warthm and look like the fucking lying little shit they are, can only scream wolf that often
>holy shit it gets hot during the summer
dumb city niggers
>108 degrees
yeah no, water would boil in that temp
Google search "12 year solar cycle"
>It's hot in the summertime
One of these days...
shitskins will have taken over by then. Let them burn.
are you implying there isn't sensationalist and ridiculous alarmist kvetching every time there is uncommon weather, or are you just a dumb kike who just couldn't help himself?
>everytime a new record is broken somebody is owed US taxpayers money
I masturbated 26 times yesterday on an Adderall binge, how much am I entitled to?
Where in a solar minimum right now. How come it's not cooler than the last 30 year average?
Global Warming is very bad. Time to implement more tarifs on China.
Saved. Can’t wait to show this to all the retards in my family that think global warming is real
>yea we measured the temperure just as accurately 100 years ago, why do you ask?
>what do you mean sensor bouys are a new thing?
christ, the shitskins in that pic... nukes are the only solution at this point
Incorrect. Peak is next year. Shill better.
just wait two days and the global warming will go away for you euro fairies.
So you think temps are going to crash next year?
The Earth is adjusting the temperature for the inhabitants.
Sand niggers prefer it blazing hot and Allah (PBUH) is working to make them comfortable.
>it was warmer over the oceans, only over the oceans 100 years ago
they global trick with the measurepoints
they place them in hotter spots
Because the cubes are hollow inside.
> burger level education
>ill assume without evidence
Very cool
I'm always BTFO by a scientist who's data only exists in his fucked up pot filled head.
>Where in a solar minimum right now. How come it's not cooler than the last 30 year average?
Solar Minimum only refers to the Sun's magnetic activity being at "minimum." We still have not established a direct link between the solar magnetic activity and the Earth's surface temperature.
>But muh little ice age
Little ice age was caused by a series of volcanoes, which we know are capable of reducing sunlight by 10% or more and reducing global temperatures by 2-3 C or more
That's what you're suggesting
They fucked with the satellite calibration.
I'd tell you how they did that, but you'd TL:DR it
If we had simply destroyed private business in the 2000 like they wanted none of this would be happening.
My advisor at uni when I was in grad school wanted to put a bunch of chad between the earth and sun at the L1 Lagrange point.
The very idea horrified me.
Global warming is a social construct. Check mate.
And increased CO2 leads to an increased greenhouse effect. Glad we're on the same page.
Im rejecting a misleading picture, the only suggestion is to stop posting bullshit
>Little ice age was caused by a series of volcanoes
However, there is one novel theory with some pretty convincing data that reduction in solar magnetic activity (Solar Minimum) allows extra-solar radiation to bombard the Earth, which trigger volcano eruptions
Tell me
great. i hope you all get cooked there to death. while im sitting and laughing at you in my moderately warm russia.
wait i thought weather wasnt to be confused with climate? didnt you faggots say that about the cold winter?
Fake ground data not gathered per the data collection protocols.
they then "adjust" the satellite data to fit the bogus ground data.
Just pay your carbon taxes and shut up.
Co2 is not the greenhouse gas it is purported to be
Every study saying it is uses computer model feedback loops that are not proven, nor vindicated by data
I work outside in Arizona. It was 117 the other day. Honestly not that bad. You get used to it. Just find some a.c. and read a book. Enjoy an evening stroll in shorts with a warm breeze. It's called summer. These temperatures happen every few years in the Midwest and every day in AZ. It's no big deal.
Is it REALLY 108 or is that just the heat index?
>Global warming isn't real
Then as a burger, I challenge you to fill a glass with ice/water and measure it per 10-15 minutes. If it doesn't go up or down. You lose the argument and must admit global warming is a scam perpetrated by the Jews to make money off of non-sense.
FYI. The Paris accord was in fact a hoax and a scam. Trillions to splurge to lower the global temperature by half a degree by the year 2100? A FUCKING JOKE. Smelly Muslim French frog!
>108 degrees on the summer
Exxon told me this was fake news
Niggers are accustomed to those temperatures. They'll be fine .
Only 19 degrees here
Global warming is not real. Some unknown, random people on the internet told me not to worry. They told me it's a leftist hoax and that's all I need.
>Tell me
As I said, bad surface data is used to make bad satellite data.
inb4 "Muh Berkeley Earth"
Shut up faggot. All BE did was recrunch the bad data, get the same bogus answers, then did a semantic fallacy on the world "Urban" in Urban Heat Island Effect. Anyone citing BE must neck themselves.
those poor french must be cooking
Exxon did you tell you anything.
You just highlight the entire point of this propaganda is to destroy and punish the groups you hate.
by 2050 paris will be called المئذنة
did you know that it was British Patrolium and Shell Oil that funded the Climate Research Unit that East Anglia University that got the whole Climate fraud going?
As a Mexican drug cartel if they want to legalize cocaine. Same reason: higher price for a more scarce product.
Ironically I do not want to see what paris look like in 2050.
Isn't Palmdale is starting to have nigger problems though?
U realize that they measure temperature in more than just city centers and from satellite to?
I know! the snails! You can just pick 'em up and eat them cooked!
>just wait two days and the global warming will go away for you euro fairies
OK, please explain to me then why every month each year is hotter than the month in the previous year (on avergae), because it is going on for like 8 years now.
>It's really hot
>It's really cold
Yes, and when you throw out the bad data points from weather sites that underwent UHI, the temperature change drops to 1/4th of whats claimed. You do realize that, right smart ass?
Yeah, yeah. Fuck science and data, you're saving the planet. How fucking noble
So the Earth has continued to warm up to now just because? Yet next year some "GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM" is going to crash temps?
Are we punished for supporting gay marriage and abortion ?
>Why can I almost always find some small area of the planet breaking a temperature record every year?
Ah... living the Polish joke..
Seriously, my daughter is half polish. Don't do this
the greenland and antarctic ice sheets are not floating icecubes you absolute moron shill, if they melt it is identical to pouring in more water from outside
>So the Earth has continued to warm up to now just because?
Imagine being this smug and this fucking ignorant.
Could that be thanks to electromagnetic effects? I mean, instead of researching, experimentally and with proven results, shit that could help us garner the forces of the universe (electromagnetism/plasma), science is still going down the endless rabbit hole of theory of theories.
No wonder it happens because you do not know the cause. The fucking muslims.
If it's the peak, I'd assume the temps will be higher.
I know that's hard to understand...
Absolutely. Wrath of God stuff.
Moloch demands we sacrifice our precious jewish population or he'll roast us all alive.
I'm game to see if it works. That's as scientific as what the Climate Alarmist are saying.
I bet the Alarmist would disappear, too.
>gibber gibber profound gibber.
WTF user!
>Sun's activity at the lowest
>It's going to get hotter
Peak of the lowest period dumbass
So the Earth should be cooling right now due to the sun's activity. It's not though.
Go look up Svensmark. He has a popular book out called "The chilling Stars".
He explains climate change using something called 'science'.
Explains past data, made useful future prediction.
He doesn't even mention CO2
As opposed to alarmism that isn't even science.