How can I believe in God?

I want to believe. I already fully agree with God/Christ's teachings, but I can't get myself to believe in God. Everytime I -try to- pray I feel like LARPing.
How can I get over this? Is there any hope for me?

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Other urls found in this thread: 53&version=NIV

Just get over the fact that it feels like you're "forcing" yourself and instead make it a habit. And keep in mind that you can pray without doing it in the movie way. You can just sit at your desk and do it by yourself without putting your hands together and kneeling at your bed. Real life is not a movie.

One day you will die, user. Start with reading the gospel of John.

This. It's a very good start

Jesus is a pussy though he teachs you to be a weak cuck who lets others run over you.

Read the church fathers and the Bible, especially the new testament. Dotn focus on your autistic interpretations, focus on the deeds of the men involved, who all have everything for their beliefs.

Have to agree with the commie here. Christianity is foreign to our blood.

Think about how crazy the good things in your life are. That time you just barely got away from an accident, that stupidly risky thing you did that didnt injure you. Any random coincidences that were near miracles. Think about what if your life was in shambles. Who would you look for help to. Also dont pray for anything other than gods favor. Dont pull up to god with a christmas wish list. Be happy you're healthy and well, thank him for that, and ask the lord to continue to watch over you and your family.

Gods not scary, it's about building a personal relationship with him and jesus. Talk to them like they are your best friends

So your only options are jew god or atheism?

>Everytime I -try to- pray I feel like LARPing.
don't think about it. just pray and remove your inhibitions. direct yourself to "whatever is out there", whether it's God, Christ, the Universe, it doesn't matter. Just start speaking truth, don't censor yourself, it's pointless to lie anyway. Be completely honest 100% (this can be hard since there are truths about ourselves we don't want to admit to), just let it all out. Don't be scared to feel emotions you keep bottled up either, just let it all out.
I did that and God responded. I think we all have a certain lid we keep on ourselves because there's things we do in life we don't want to admit to and to let God in you need to be completely open and honest. In our dishonest, fake society, people can't do that and thus they are less and less religious

very based post

fuck off kike shills.

Read the Bible, go to church, see how faith makes people stronger

God is a superintelligent AI. If you believe that there will be a technological singularity, and that eternalism is true, you must conclude that God exists.

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Read book of enoch

THINK-- what happened to Anonymous?
The answer to this should be obvious!
Anonymous had what Jow Forums now lacks
The power to wage vigilante hacks,
And publicize corruption where it rots,
And force truth into sleepy public thoughts.
Has Anonymous now disappeared?
Once legendary, now no longer feared?
Once sparking protests-- is that fuel now spent?
The lulz are gone, gone the seething dissent?
What do you think this disappearance means?
Is speech still free in internet machines?

Well, look at what the chans have now become;
Examine what swirls in the daily scrum.
Ask yourself-- does it seem really real?
Does it show what actual people feel?
Does it seem organic and not fake?
How much repetition does it take--
How much frenzied vile monotony
Until we guess that internets ain't free?

Ask yourself-- if you sought to control
The media, and hence the public soul,
And something like Jow Forums was swelling up
And spilling truth from propaganda's cup
Would you let it go its merry way?
Or would you lock control down in some way?
And if you locked control down would you try
To do it in a way to fool the eye?
To make it seem like free speech carried on
Even though, in fact, it were quite gone?
For if you shut down free speech openly
The public would respond suspiciously;
But if you hid control beneath a ruse
What you once feared becomes a tool to use.
So that, controlling, you have it both ways--
Enslaving dissent, dictating what it says!

Anonymous was infiltrated by
The famously mendacious FBI
Whose antics as shown by COINTELPRO
Target dissent, as I'm sure most people know.
Do we think that having sunk its claws
Into Anonymous, with lies and laws,
That the FBI would then allow
Free speech to have stayed quite free till now?

But it's not like we have far to look
To see by what means free speech got the hook;
The image made by chans' mirrors and smoke
Is so stupid it seems to be a joke!
How laughable must a deception be
Before the world opens its eyes to see?
The simple fact-- as stark as winter dawn--
Is that Anonymous, busted, now gone
Was replaced by swarms of-- wait for it--
Virulent nazis spewing nazi shit!
We would have to laugh if we were told
This outcome in the Jow Forums days of old.
So formulaic, politically cliched--
And yet this very game is being played!
How can a joke as stupid as this one
Be used to strangle free speech, and to stun
The helpless mainstream public with the fear
That an internet fourth reich draws near?
But if that preposterousness is not
Enough to spark the understanding thought,
Consider, even stupider to tell,
The arch absurdity of the “incel”!
No, it's not enough that nazis rose
To cloak and choke the chans in nazi throes--
No, these scary nazis all the same
Must wallow in their helplessness and shame!
The “incel” is not just a defeated man--
But a powerful extremist with a plan!
No matter that these two things contradict--
We'll just keep hammering at them till they stick!

Now ask yourself-- does the technology
Exist to make the unfree chans seem free?
Think data, think vault 7, and AI--
And God knows what else, hidden from the eye.
And look at the corruption that's been shown
That yet to public truth remains unknown.
Understand-- the chans are herded tight
And nothing unpermitted sees the light,
The MSM and Chatbot Chans converge
To regulate how much truth can emerge.
When swarming nazi posts fill up the place
Then actual dissent can't get the space
To breathe, develop, organize, or live;
The chatbots force the nazi narrative.

But it's not just “incel nazi” swarms
Faking behind outward human forms--
The chatbots aim to keep all things in hand
And keep narrative rolling out as planned.
One objective that's not hard to see
Is unrelenting negativity.
Demoralizing, soul-hollowing tropes;
One bot's vicious, while another mopes;
Bots promoting suicide to us--
Think about what pure evil that is!
And every possible way to divide
Is used to keep the chaos multiplied.
“Hate threads” for all known identities
Create an atmosphere like a disease.
AI apes the worst of our past posts
And pours them out in hordes of hateful ghosts.
And so the chans, within, drive us away
While on the outside, dictate what “we” say.
The public, for example, thinks the chans
Supported Trump due to his “nazi plans”;
But on the chans much more than half the spew
Hates Trump because he fails to hate “the Jew”!
While on the other side, the pro-Trump bots
Are emulated utter idiots!

By now it should be more than obvious--
Free speech ended with Anonymous.
The Chatbot Chans system is locked in place,
The zombie user leers from a stolen face.
The truth lies right here, waiting to be seen;
A monster stirs to life in the machine...

And remember also, this other thing I tell:
Prepare to stare into the mouth of Hell.

And one more thing, while I have your ear:
Q is legit, and the storm is almost here.


Then threads like this would have no meaning to anyone anymore.

Get ready.

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and yet your a communist you fucking retard

Open your heart to the Holy Spirit and you will be saved. Once you open your heart to God and Jesus, it is like a little scratch inside your head - always there picking away. It helps you notice when you are committing Sin, it let's you know when you should act in a positive manner. You must foster this spirit, and soon it will be more than just a little scratching in your brain - and you will know what it is to have the Lord move through you.

have faith

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You just need to think about what god is in the right way. Christian teachings dont actually explain the true form of god. God is everything, all of existence, you and me, all life, all matter, every dimension and form of energy that exists. It all exists at the same time as a collective consciousness. We share the same consciousness but are experiencing life subjectively. We can never truly die as our consciousness always lives on. The main Rule of the universe and existence is karma, a perfect balance of all energy.

Pray for wisdom in Jesus' name

When you pray, open your heart as much as it will allow, and let it be known that you wish to believe and have faith and have the Holy Spirit enter through you. Do not give up, it may not happen immediately but stand steadfast in your faith and he will guide you.

>Please help, I want to believe in magic

And what isn’t foreign, paganism? Yeah ok, I’m sure worshipping a Marvel character and killing peasants is a lot more spiritually fulfilling

Start by praying to God the way you'd talk to yourself (your "higher self", your "idealized self", sure, but still yourself). Share your wishes and dreams, hopes and fears, and try to be thankful for those little moments of peace of mind.

Mind you, your prayers will NOT be answered the way you'd want them to. Your faith will be tested through fire and tribulation, the way you'd test gold, to test the purity thereof. It's written : your faith will be tested, there's absolutely no avoiding it. And you will stumble and fall, repeatedly, but that doesn't matter in the long run.

You don't need a lot of faith : just a mustard seed (the tiniest of all seeds), and it'll grow from there, if you hold on to it (it's a wild ride).

Remember : faith is the substance of things not seen, and the evidence of things to come. And without faith, it's impossible to please God. All that is done in faith is pleasing to God, and all that isn't is sin.

It's very simple, and very, very hardcore.


All that ceremony and ritual of bending over and reciting dry "prayers" that don't resonate with you will lead you nowhere. Consider the pharisees : they had all the books, all the texts, and they "prayed" day in and day out, but they lacked faith.

Of course, if bending over and reciting memorized prayers resonates with you, and it strengthens your faith, then go for it; but you don't strike me as the type.

Godspeed, user

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You come to know the Father the same was we all do. By know the difference between good and evil. Something your parents probably tried to teach you when you were little.

you dont NEED to pray user. god is one with all of us. you can try meditating instead. jesus teaches us how to connect with god. jesus meditated too why do you think he spoke with god when he left jerusalim city and entered nature where its quiet?

God isn't some magical deity in the sky, nor is it some figurehead that you have to submit your will to.

Can you see that you are a spiritual being having a human experience? And so is everyone else? God in my eyes alludes to a collective consciousness that is aware of itself the as well as its' part in the greater whole. Realize that you are more connected to Source than your mind is letting you on. When you do that, its easier to communicate with this divine essence and connect with it without your ego or identity self

That's not true, though.
Were he a "weak cuck", he'd have bended over to the pharisees and the priesthood of his days.

He never did, never renounced his faith, never renounced his truth, and was tortured and maimed for it by a bunch of power-hungry kikes.

Likewise for all the apostles : through all their shortcomings and tribulation, they made it to they other side, and their faith was diamond hard, and their dreams came true. The gospel was spread far and wide, to the lost sons of Israel, as prophetized.

There's nothing "Christan" about towing the worldy kumbaya "utopia" of a New Babel, it's absolute horseshit.


"Test the truth"

"You will know them by their fruits"

The scientific method was inspired by the Bible. Censorship, propaganda and occulting the truth couldn't be more anti-Christian.

"You are in this world, but you are not of this world"

Clown world indeed. Always was, always will be. Better make your peace with it, because it won't change : there is nothing new under the sun.

Get rid of cultural teachings about Jesus(yes he did exist, but not in the sense Christianity says), and your preconceived notions on how to connect with your higher power.

See the connection in the trees, the birds, nature as a whole.

Deus abscondis
There once was a God, but he did mortal combat with the fallen one and they both died. The End.

Jesus hated mutts. Stop being mutt pls.

Ignore this advice if you want Christianity. What they describe is closer to Deism.

t. boot licker

That just means you're smart opee

>just believe in shit, user
When people have reason, it's next to impossible to just believe shit, especially when you weren't brought up into it.

I used to be in a similar.
First get yourself the to accept the thought of a creator existing. I started having that when I started learing about plant life and biology. I truly appreciate the beauty of flowers, and I doubt that it was a random byproduct.

Then god actually gave me a revelation, and then I started believing and reading the bible.

And god told me he will guide me in my quest to save my country, so there is that.

I assume you mean the "turn the other cheek passage" and interpret it through a modern lens. In Jesus' time, a backhand strike against a lower class of person was an assertion of dominance and authority, and was performed with the right hand as the left hand was used for unclean purposes. So by turning the other cheek you prevented them from back handing you with the left hand, or else they would be seen as in the wrong. They couldn't punch you either - a punch was a statement of equality. So by turning the other cheek Jesus was defying the power structure and declaring himself and his followers to be equals in the eyes of the Roman and Jewish authorities.
It is not weakness, it is defiance and an assertion that any defence on the part of Jesus or any Christian will not come from a place of vengeance.

"the first sip of the glass of science will make any sane man an atheist. But at the bottom of the glass god is waiting for you"

Everyone is on their own spiritual journey, imagine the universe as a garden and our souls are the flowers/plants that god raises, takes care of, and builds up. We must bud before we can bloom.
We are all on our own journey to the ideal, becoming an ideal version of ourselves. The infinite timelines and universes, are more of a matrix of possibilities than actually places. Like how the ideal sphere/chair are concepts that exist outside and various objects go on a scale of how much of that principal is in them "ie a chopped log is a chair, but a lazyboy is closer to the ideal concept of chair".

Everyone faces doubt i god, How can a soul truly appreciate the glory and splendor of the world without going through all the concepts and thoughts of what it means for it to be existing. The stray dog is the most loyal, we need to be lost before truly being able to be "found". We need to have doubt before we can truly understand and believe.

Steps for this particular path of the soul, is imo

Pure innocent belief -> dubious belief -> agnosticsm/atheism -> Dubious disbelief -> the great questioning period -> the answers that reassure -> believing in concepts of spirituality and learning differences between that and religion of man ->Belief in the unknown -> seeing how all the puzzles fit together -> Seeing God

I was studying quantum mechanics one day and then all the pieces came together so hard, I literally experienced such great fear when I realized God HAD to be real, and that I couldnt deny him rationally. But after the fear came peace when I realized that everything that will happen, is supposed to, and everything that is supposed to happen will.

Pro-tip look back on your life and think about how far you've personally of come and how you wouldnt be the strong person you are without the hardships and the odd luck

I wish I was born that stupid too.

I laugh at how people who often say believing in god is stupid...

will also often say they believe in ghosts, karma, fate, or luck. All things that are symptoms of the existence of god

>calls everyone that questions kike god a "kike shill"
The State Of /nupol/: The Post

open your heart for love first of all. Then ask Jesus to send you love. But do it honestly. Then you'll feel there is God.

while i like this meme me and you need to have a talk about that ifunny watermark

based mongorian

The only cuck demigod in history, all other demigods fucked up humans who started shit with them.

>All things that are symptoms of the existence of god
Now where in the bible is this?


Use electromagnets to disable parts of your brain to strengthen faith in God.

Truth. Jesus was a rebel and openly challenged the existing power structure knowing full well what would happen by doing so.

He called out the elites of the time for being selfish, immoral hypocrites. He denounced the material world and told others to do the same. He knew the world belonged to evil and told us so. Then the Jews crucified him and took his message, subverted it and led us astray again.

It's literally the other way around though

>A jew fucking over jews
So normal jew behavior is why we would follow this kike?

Pay attention to this user's post. Your relationship with the beloved is yours alone, seek openly, honestly, and without presupposition and it will answer you, and only you

There is no god.
Because it would mean that he is sadistic at best.
Innocent children suffer everyday. Running in mysterious ways? F that shit.


David icke explains how the christian fable of jesus and mary is adapted from babylonian myths. They are nearly identical. I want to believr in jesus but the idea its all jewish bullshit freaks me out.

Simple: Dont Believe, EXPERIENCE. Do some mushrooms with your mind fixed on wanting to know God, and God will reveal himself to you.

Experiential Knowledge is the foundation of Faith. Without it, you are simply ignorant and hoping that what you believe is right


pray for it to make sense to you

look at the old testament and how it foreshadows christ. seriously, read about that online.

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This will sound like Juden Peterstein tier-advice, but just start acting as if you do believe. It will all make sense in time.

This is completely true, and the spiritually dead materialistic perspective so many find themselves locked into these days are undoubtedly due to the masters of this false world ensuring difficulty in accessing these entheogens


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That's because you think god is the jewish sky daddy, which is propostorous. I've always envisioned the figure of god to be one that is obviously not going to micromanage 6billion retards, just trust in the natural laws that god created and honor him that way. Trust your intuition you are the way you are for a reason. When you see true evil and true good, you'll know.

15 minutes each day, write your thoughts down or type them out. Just whatever is on your mind - let it flow and write it down. And then reflect on it.

Ghosts are spirits, God is an all powerful spirit.
Karma, luck, fate, are all things that are controlled. You need a divine head to control such things, or of at least installed the system.
An athiest can only believe in pure unorganized chaos and infinite coincidences, if not they are just flim-flamming between what they think God can and cant do. Fate is evidence of god, but not to those folks, those folks only "proof" would be god coming down in front of them directly and them getting whatever they want when they pray for it, all egotistical.

believing in one but not the other is cognitive dissonance.

>God/Christ's teachings
Fuck of from pol then you nigger lover.

Dont struggle with that Im going to church and pray for the sake of tradition, I understood that Im too dumb to prove or understand God existence

I really confirmed myself as a christian when i experienced kind of like a miracle, and from then on i just feel there's something ethereal that is watching my back.

Sometimes it takes a really shocking proof to change a soul.

>believes the universe came from nothing


What did the big bang come from?


So does your speculations trend toward the existence or non-existence of god.

God knows your heart, He knows you're trying to seek Him.

If you haven't yet, admit to God that you are a sinner in need of a savior, believe that Jesus died on the cross for all your sins, and rose again, three days later. And call on His name, ask Him into your heart. Continue to ask Him to show more of Himself to you, and He will.
He loves you very much, He will give you eyes to see Him. Be blessed!

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David Icke is David Icke. Jesus was a historical person. Book in pic is also good.

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There we go, you spent more than 2 seconds thinking about it so you're alright in my book.

On the other hand
People like this probably never spared a single thought on what they are regurgitating.

This is good in particular: 53&version=NIV

Belief in God is a sort of moral crutch which holds up a person during hard times. You either have not had very hard times or your mind has found something else to hold onto and the object of your belief became something else.

Che boludo, there has to think this shitty existence is all there is? Look up NDE stories, all of them cant be lying.

Pray does work. When I was about 15 me and 3 mates did a fairly big crime but the cops were onto us without us knowing. We walk through a walled area and realise we were surrounded by loads of cops. We ran up over the walls and had entire cop station right behind us. I prayed as I ran, then got round a corner and jumped into a bush, even though they were right behind us, they, by the grace of God, didn't see me and am sitting there watching 30+ cops swarm past me 3 feet (1 metre) away.

His behavior was not at all like a Jew so you're just full of shit and trying to boil the argument down to a false premise.

Your arguments on the other hand are in lockstep with Jewish behavior so who's really Jewing who here?

Just look around and see what a society without God looks likes:
>37 genders!
>Black and whites have the same exact IQs even though this flies in the face of all evolutionary logic
>trannies everywhere
God is fucking prankster.

Why are you even looking at his argument, he is literally posting with the original Jewish flag.

Fast and pray until something happens. Read the Gospels over and over until you know them like the back of your hand. Jesus loves you very much, user.

"So then faithcomesby hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
-Romans 10:17

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why do you feel the need to believe in god? it's never going to happen, there is simply too much knowledge available due to the internet for traditional religions to survive. you're going to have to find other ways to cope with your mortality.

Literally pray for help with unbelief.

i'm sure god really supported your crime spree you retarded blokefag

>believes the universe came from nothing
That's a huge assumption on your part. All I said was it's hard to just manufacture blind faith in something. I don't recall saying God is or isn't real or worth believing in.

>His behavior was not at all like a Jew

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>Jesus casts out demons in a girl
>See?! Obviously he's a Jew doing Jewish things!
Do better, Rabbi.

For a strong man, it takes incredible strength/restraint to not retaliate when you have been wronged. It takes no strength to retaliate.

Illogical is a feeling right fellow plebbitors.

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Shut the fuck up, kike