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Weed is good for you.

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Literally from a magazine called "the leaf desk" and doesn't identify how many people were actually in the study. It just says "part of a longitudinal study" meankng that they were studying other things. So out of a few thousand twins, how many do you think had a situation where one smoked pot and one didnt?
Bad study cherry picking data.
Fuck potheads.

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The study did conclude however that it is impossible to lower a nigger's iq any further.

Psychedelics > weed

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>tfw iq so low you can smoke whatever you want and it keeps the same

weed is a psychedelic that's why it makes you think deeply.

sample size: 2

Is that the Hodge twins

Claiming pot ruins your iq is like saying there were no planes in 9/11
It ruins your cause because you look retarded

>Is that the Hodge twins
No these are just lanky faggot blacks. The study is flawed because their IQ really can't get much lower. In all seriousness, I doubt weed decreases IQ. I could see how it could impair reasoning or logic when under the influence and for a time after usage....but I don't see any long term effects being real.

Good,go smoke up then,Johnny.
See ya drooling at the drive thru window.

Weed fucks with the development of the brain you fucking imbecile,your brain keeps developing till the age of 25,smoking weed excessively WILL reduce IQ points.

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Tell that to my medical degree faggot

When your IQ is already so low to begin with, it’s hard to discern a difference

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A degree from Clown College?

Both of those niggers smoked pot though

>they both still have 85 IQ

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>medical degree
so you memorized and then forgot a bunch of shit and then google everything and simply agree with webMD. got it.

t. biomed engineer who has to work with you retard doctors every day

next level of the brain meme should be that the machine elves are actually demons bound in tartarus, we live in the premillennial reign of Christ, Satan still runs the world, and religion is the only way to make sense of anything.

you cant loose something you never had!

IQ tests have to be calibrated for the approximate mean of whatever group you are testing. If you are significantly below or above, the test is meaningless.

yeah, because staring into a microscope and pressing the on button is so challenging. have fun in your dungeon making 60k a year you med-fag wannabe

THC is a mild psychedelic maybe. Not exactly DMT.

HA...wait, what was I here for?

>my job is so complicated that medfags cannot even comprehend it
yes, this has been my experience. thanks for the confirmation

>is ran

so complicated you get paid pennies. try again poorfag

its hard to test small samples.

No because the person who made that image isn't a moronic Jew worshipper like you are, go back to your fuckin' desert religions you retarded cocksucker, stay the fuck off the board bitch you're fuckin' done here.

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So complicated, you have no professional liability. What's it like still being asshurt from not getting accepted to med school?

>$46/hr is pennies
zozzle. either way notice how you didn't deny being a retard who simply has to google everything about your job. you shitheads will be replaced by AI soon enough. we've already made some AI that make diagnosis quicker and more accurately than medfag pathologists based off of histology and other medical imaging modalities.

Where is this image from?

>professional liability
is this why you dumb fucks shove jew-pills down everyone's throat while 90+% of your patients could be better treated by fixing their diet and getting them to exercise? some jewish pseudoscience medical "journal" publishes biased and/or fake data that their kikepill treats t2d or prediabetes so now you have to prescribe them the pill or else risk getting sued for not using a jew-approved treatment plan? eat shit, faggot. """""doctors""""" that practice (((modern medicine))) deserve to hang. that's a quote.


i should add that the only fucking faggots that i hate more than "doctors" are the fat fuck pathetic patients.

oh, you're a doctor? enjoy being fat spic and fat nigger life-support. i hope we get universal healthcare so you fuckers can get swamped by even more hordes of prediabetic low-IQ shitskins

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I am enjoying your banter, go on.

Fuck off christnigger

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$141/hr... so nearly triple. Must hurt. Yeah, I don't have to justify my MD to some, at best, masters program med school reject cunt. I have at least double the education you do, in all the same courses, with >10k hours of training prior to independent practice. I know it hurts, but you need to get over it wageslave.

>causal space that is ran by higher dimensional beings
>space that is ran by
>is ran
into the trash

>tfw started smoking at 26

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>$141/hr... so nearly triple
i dont' care, nigger. notice how you aren't refuting a single thing i've been saying and simply default to "i make more money." i bet you're a hook-nosed schlomo who smiles and nods at every new jewish-funded clinical trial. enjoy

if you're older than 16 and you built your personality around weed you should be put down

said the basement faggot following all of my orders. your existence is predicated on my wants. let that sink in.

Bad test subjects, IQ can't go negative


Not a valid study if they did it on black twins. They are both starting out stupid.

>still not refuting a single point i've made

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There's nothing to refute. I have double the education you do. I have an equivalent PhD to your (likely) bachelors / maybe masters degree. I make triple your salary. I am better than you in every way. Have fun swallowing that pill you ancillary service faggot.

edibles can be full psychedelic.

>There's nothing to refute.
because every single thing i've said is true.

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Most of my friends started at 14-15

If you have ANY of those things, then why the FUCK are you here? Go back to your golf course.

Refuting what? There are no points to refute. I don't google? Is that what I needed to say? I spent >10k hours in training before independent practice... why would I need to google shit? It's rote at this point. Here's a refutation of your points; I'm the PhD, your the bachelor degree: You're wrong. Checkmate faggot.

>Refuting what? There are no points to refute
retard doctor confirmed


if you really believe this, you are actually retarded & it makes total sense why you weren't able to get into medical school.

asshurt medschool reject confirmed


Shin megami tensei


nah bro. it's tough to get mad when you're pulling down a joint income of >900k. i'm gonna go eat some bbq chicken pizza, swim in my pool, go out to a nice thai dinner, and then fuck my surgeon wife. have fun in the basement following physician orders all day!

>still seething
lmao keep posting

GG user, triggerd a bunch of shitty cocktors

as you keep posting. i just enjoy talking shit to peons.

Sobriety > psychedelics > weed
Psychedelics are cool once or twice, but never make the mistake of doing DMT more than once. I did shrooms over twenty times lemon tek'd, DMT five times, 2cb, LSD over twenty times.
The first experiences were great, but I should have stopped sooner.
Since getting sober (including quitting weed and alcohol as well as sugar) I'm finally sensing my consciousness starting to expand again.

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>he kept posting
fucking lmao at this seethe

>thinking deeply

that user is right.
I've taken a LOT of psychedelics. They are literally witch craft, eventually Jesus Christ will reach out and try to save you. You can either go with him and get sober, or keep being enslaved to the evil one.

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