(Jow Forums Art thread) - /pat/ General

Art thread

For the appreciation of pre-modern art and the discussion of art in general. Modern art allowed under the circumstance of discussion. That is to say art of all contextual categories: music, painting, sculpting, photography, literature, etc.

I shall start the discussion with a focus on modernity and its representation within art. Carl Jung the famed psychologist who supposed that art was the representation of mans collective unconscious state. Whether true in a metaphysical sense or a social one it needn't matter for Jung himself never clarified. That art also possessed a prophetic element, as if bearing imagery of change within this unconscious. Just as the dreams of an old man often warn of death. And within modern art I cannot think of one central uniting principle other than this: The disintegration and destruction of man - (inferring the individual) within art by the destruction of beauty. This destruction in all its varied forms whether by the simplification of form within expressionism or the submersion of man to the collectively inhuman within surrealism. The same holds true not alone for the plastic art but for literature and music too. All a representative of the times, a calling every man knows and must deal with - "God is dead and we have killed him", As Nietzsche stated or the lesser known writings of Hegel on the subject "The pure concept, however, or infinity, as the abyss of nothingness in which all being sinks, must characterise the infinite pain, which previously was only in culture historically and as the feeling on which rests modern religion, the feeling that God Himself is dead".


Attached: Dante and Virgil - William-Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg (482x600, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This rejection of beauty is the rejection of art, for art is nothing other than that of beauty appreciated. And do not mistake beauty for the Good, for there is also equally Beauty of the Evil or rather better fitting for Suffering. Just as there exist the frolicking nymphs of Spring there also exists the macabre slaughter. For what is beauty? And what is beauty appreciated which makes it art? Naturally that of the greatest beauty - Tragedy - would be that of the greatest art. For beauty gives to ourselves a Psychological recursion, It lends its self back to the Psyche, it gives itself purpose. And this is why I consider beauty the fundamental of art; for take the murder, it may represent some benefit to man, some sacredness - while in the case of something so degenerating. As those who blaspheme against the little ones it is of far too pessimistic a nature to offer upon itself a call to the greater or to the better. And so art is no longer beauty, and so is no longer art. Whether the extreme mundane or the extreme Evil - It cannot be art. And so man is trapped within a world without beauty, a world without value for he lacks it - he is only a number among a collective, among a universe. He feels as if he has lost all value for he has lost a part of himself. The greatest part of himself which was the symbol of all that is whole and good within this world, without this value man in turn find himself to be dead.

Attached: Equality before Death - William-Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg (750x396, 30K)

Attached: B46DC95C-26B6-4F04-B043-974300C2CAE9.jpg (179x65, 4K)

For it was Carl Gustav Jung who himself was for the Third Reich comparing Hitler to Wotan by his archetypal 'possession' of the Germanic peoples: volkischpaganism.com/2014/10/08/carl-jung-on-hitler-as-personification-of-the-wotan-archetype/ . As Jung stated art was the representation of the collective unconscious of man which in turn leads itself forth into Jung's theory's on racial memory and the many varying collective memory's and groupings which make up this collective half of the psyche - that is the other half being subconscious, ego, persona, etc the personal and traits un-shared universally - this Wotan archetype being the representation of the Aryan peoples and so for Jung to state Hitler as the personification of the Wotanic archetype is to hold him as the highest representation and personification of the Aryan race. Hitler's ego sacrificing mentality for the collective, for the greater good. The reason why at times it was described as if Hitler was an automatron with no look of conscious being and by others a charismatic charmer. Jung's also had a view of the Jews as a parasitical race specifically he wrote this in terms of his own psychology yet I do not have the room to write such things. Jung managed to covert his past deeds relating to the 3rd Reich post war, though however much he may of tactically acted at the question in later life he wrote a forward for Miguel Serrano's book visits of the queen of Sheba asserting posthumously his own conviction for the Aryan race, though it was never widely heard.

Attached: Jung Laughing.jpg (503x700, 52K)

Why post this?

Richard Wagner the greatest artistic genius to ever of breathed the air of man. For Wagner shall always be the total peak of all Western art, culture and music in general - The Third Reich was the last continuation of this Aryan spirit birthed forth from a reactionary nature, considering Wagner to be the prophet of their movement.






Keep in mind the predominant number of Wagner's music was not intended to be heard alone, rather as a culmination of the arts yet so much more. Hence the reason for my supplying of preludes alone. Wagner's immensity in genius cannot be understated - how he magnificently wrote his music, his libretto, his poetry of both sound, vision and ideal. All with psyche in mind, to have a philosophical and psychological undercurrent still debated upon today. Look to the leitmotif or Tristan cord as example. Now a piano transcription of Wagner's music by Liszt his great friend and whom Wagner was a son in law to.


Hitler himself and the Third Reich were both inspired by and based themselves upon Wagnerian aesthetics - to such a degree it may be said the latter Reich would not of existed without him. Aesthetic's not alone of the senses but of the ideal - the the ideal of the Aryan both of the masculine and the feminine, the ideal of the Machiavellian jew. All presented in the art of Opera yet only a grain of sand in comparison to so much more which is present. And the sacred as the core within the Wagnerian for it is what truly assert life and man pertaining within that duality a reciprocative element of constant flux.

Attached: Wagner with hat.jpg (300x300, 10K)

Wagner's philosophy and so art influenced by the entirety of Aryan culture and history - as the culmination of it - yet most greatly by the men known as the German Idealists. Most famously known (though no more influenced than by the others) as an admirer and follower of the pessimist Arthur Schopenhauer's writings. A statement that shall be better understood by the knowing of Richard Wagner's struggle with depression throughout his life.

"My King, I am not well: life has become a burden for me, and my artistic labours are far from easy. The whole effort, moreover, of reviving so strange a work as Tristan has left me very tired. What depresses me is not the malice of the world -- but the extreme difficulty of working effectively and creatively, so that I feel like a stranger, almost like a fool, in this world of ours, and in this century." Munich, 5 July 1865, to King Ludwig II of Bavaria

Frequently telling Liszt that he had wished to die.

Attached: Wagner - old.jpg (200x252, 10K)

Attached: At the Edge if the Brook - William-Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg (380x600, 40K)

Attached: Love takes off - William-Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg (386x600, 42K)

Attached: Modesty - William-Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg (364x600, 33K)

Attached: Self Portrait - William-Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg (335x400, 10K)

Attached: The Madonna of the Roses - William-Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg (413x600, 38K)

Attached: The Oreads - William-Adolphe Bouguereau.jpg (452x600, 50K)

Attached: God Speed - Edmund Leighton.jpg (2904x4000, 3.65M)

Attached: The Accolade - Edmund Leighton.jpg (2329x4000, 2.06M)

Attached: Tristan and Isolde - Edmund Leighton.jpg (800x695, 192K)

Attached: Stitching the Standard - Edmund Leighton.jpg (1792x4000, 2.87M)

Attached: Piano lesson - Edmun Leighton.jpg (512x365, 26K)

Attached: Off - Edmund Leighton.jpg (664x900, 161K)

Attached: St Michael - Luca Giordano -.jpg (663x900, 108K)

>would dump my wallpaper folder of classical pieces of artwork

>file limit 3MB

Attached: 1557632253288.jpg (357x357, 26K)

I know the feeling user, still I'm sure you have plenty user(please don't leave me).

Attached: Archangel Michael overthrows the rebel Angel - Luca Giordano.jpg (595x900, 117K)

Attached: Newbury Street.jpg (236x326, 23K)

Attached: 1501101394935.jpg (1366x708, 104K)

Attached: 1501099902757.jpg (2000x1007, 1.39M)

Attached: Tor's fight with the Giants -Marten Eskil Winge.jpg (610x900, 99K)

Attached: 1501101455795.jpg (1655x2407, 581K)

Attached: 1533265957048.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

Beautiful user, now I am no longer alone.

Attached: Hjalmar Parting from Orvar Odd after the Fight on Samsö - Marten Eskil Winge.jpg (800x680, 147K)

Godspeed user, it's a shame that pol got filled with shills and zoomer bots, I enjoy your thread

Attached: Aslog in the Harp - Martin Eskil Winge.jpg (1063x1024, 217K)

Attached: 12512423.jpg (960x772, 107K)

Attached: 251242132.jpg (500x678, 43K)

>Godspeed user, it's a shame that pol got filled with shills and zoomer bots, I enjoy your thread
Indeed, I haven't seen a genuinely good thread in so long. Closest in a while would be a lucky post like quints. Also...

T. Zoomer

Attached: 216212445.jpg (800x533, 65K)

Attached: Kraka- Marten Eskil Winge.jpg (1280x943, 318K)

Attached: 362324342.jpg (545x960, 60K)

Attached: 135334114.jpg (500x666, 55K)

Attached: Loki and Sigyn - Marten Eskil Winge.jpg (440x559, 65K)

I will always be a fan of the art made before post-modernism.

Agreed, everything after postmodernism is reductionist garbage that belongs in the fucking bin

Attached: Aesthetics.jpg (580x834, 142K)

I love Breker but I'm more of a Josef Thorak man myself.

Attached: Readiness - Arno Breker.jpg (249x344, 8K)

What about modernism?

Attached: Readiness 2 - Arno Breker.jpg (468x487, 35K)

Attached: Readiness 3 - Arno Breker.jpg (640x483, 27K)

>Indeed, I haven't seen a genuinely good thread in so long
these types of threads were common a few years ago. Before the Trump presidential run

Thanks for making these threads. They are an oasis

Attached: The announcer - Arno Breker.jpg (1200x1730, 1.34M)

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Attached: Do not unsheathe me without reason Do not wield me without valor.jpg (768x960, 97K)

Attached: 15A25D3D-E297-45B2-A654-13902A1D1277.jpg (662x999, 237K)

Attached: 042BDBC7-87EA-46C7-ABA6-8D94605D6F14.jpg (750x1018, 386K)

I came in 2017 (since I'm a Zoomer) and even then it seemed threads were better. Would it be 2015 or 2016 that things got really bad here?

Attached: Fallen_Angel_(Alexandre_Cabanel).jpg (1280x812, 352K)

Attached: The announcer 2 - Arno Breker.jpg (652x907, 303K)

Attached: Edmund Leighton.jpg (760x960, 298K)

Translation on that Croatia-bro?

>Would it be 2015 or 2016 that things got really bad here?

Attached: The announcer 3 - Arno Breker.jpg (498x702, 43K)

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Attached: 85BD2D5C-39A6-4AC7-9F31-F1EE73C05BC8.jpg (870x1024, 145K)


I am Op.

I just had to reset my router for "Australian" reasons.

Attached: The Avenger - Arno Breker.jpg (413x550, 37K)

Attached: The Calling - Arno Breker.jpg (400x600, 30K)

Attached: The Calling face - Arno Breker.jpg (373x500, 26K)

Attached: The Watcher - Breker.jpg (244x350, 17K)

Attached: The Winner - Arno Breker.jpg (389x599, 34K)

Attached: The Winner 2 - Arno Breker.jpg (500x651, 48K)

Attached: The Wounded - Arno Breker.jpg (583x778, 147K)

Attached: Victim - Breker.jpg (373x599, 56K)

Attached: Comrades - Arno Breker.jpg (313x432, 33K)

>Do not unsheath me without reason
>Do not wield me without valor

Beautiful, if only modern men would hold such words dear in their heart. Yet it seems they themselves still desire so, they still desire the heroic yet with all their might cannot reach it.

Gee, thanks for the sausage-fest guys.

Attached: Gay_00fa65_64274.jpg (600x750, 67K)

Attached: Die Partei - Arno Breker.jpg (567x800, 57K)

What are you gay?

Some archetypes are forever embedded in the human psyche and given the cyclical nature of time and culture, will return after the downfall that we are currently witnessing ends

Read Sir John Bagot Glubb's essay The Fate of Empires, it may be interesting to you

Attached: Die Partei 2 - Arno Breker.jpg (368x499, 32K)

Threads like this are beautiful. It brings up my spirits from the constant draining want to live from rest of pol. Thank you aussi for making this gem happen. May all your property be free of emus and abbos until the end if days.

your not...thank op....but I must leave to my workcage…...will save these all for later!thank you too user


Attached: Die Wehrmacht - Arno Breker.jpg (516x618, 37K)

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Attached: 0EA37AC2-6A08-4235-94D5-71A9DC86B207.jpg (900x943, 180K)

Attached: C5F6D8A0-C4DD-4B5D-B095-0DF20F9ECF37.jpg (768x1152, 247K)

>Threads like this are beautiful. It brings up my spirits from the constant draining want to live from rest of pol. Thank you aussi for making this gem happen.
You have made me truly happy user, Jow Forums is flooded with so much garbage these days it's just a bad /news/ most of the time. I hope to see threads like these more often.

>May all your property be free of emus and abbos until the end if days.
If only. Though there are so few abbos as long as they aren't drunk they're usually fine. The emo's are the ones I have to look out for.

Attached: 6913AC49-2AD4-445F-81A2-9C756493B1A3.jpg (768x684, 358K)

>your not...thank op....but I must leave to my workcage…...will save these all for later!
Had to reset router for Aussie reasons. And your welcome user I hope to see you again.

Me on the left


Attached: Eos - Arno Breker.jpg (181x279, 4K)

Attached: Flora - Arno Breker.jpg (280x600, 19K)

Attached: Heros - Arno Breker.jpg (317x423, 31K)

outstanding thread OP

Attached: Carl Gustaf Hellqvist (1851 – 1890) Valdemar Atterdag holding Visby to ransom (SWE Valdemar Atterd (3731x2309, 3.89M)

Attached: Anders Askevold (1834-1900) Norsk Fjordlandskap- 1899.jpg (3000x1919, 1.09M)

Attached: Richard Bergh (1858–1919) Nordic summer's evening - oil on canvas 1899-1900.jpg (2464x1632, 2.78M)

Attached: Lady_Godiva_(John_Collier,_c._1897).jpg (1440x1159, 1.33M)